组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:17664359

In October, I told the eight-year-olds in the religion class I teach in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, about my plan. “I’d like all of you to do extra jobs around the house to earn some money,” I said. “Then we’ll buy food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner otherwise.” I hoped they could experience a sense of their own power to effect change.

Early in Thanksgiving week, they arrived in class with their hand-earned money. And now they couldn’t wait to go shopping. At last we headed toward the checkout, pushing a cart filled with turkey and all the decorations. Then someone spotted a“necessity” that sent them racing a pot of chrysanthemums(菊花).

It was more reasonable to use any extra money to buy food. After all, I pronounced, “You can’t eat flowers”. But the children insisted and placed the purple plant into the cart.

An agency had given us the name and address of a needy grandmother who had lived alone for years. Soon we were arriving at her house. Between the laughing and those purple flowers, I wasn’t sure that any lesson about giving and receiving was getting through.

We finally pulled up in front of a small house in the woods. A woman with a tired face came to the door to welcome us. As my little group carried the boxes of food in, she oohed and aahed - much to her visitors’ pleasure. When Amy put the plant on the counter, the woman seemed surprised. She was wishing it was a bag of flour, I thought. The woman told the children about the animals that lived close by. “I share my food with the birds, ”she said.

We returned to the car. As we fastened our seat belts, we could see the kitchen window The woman inside waved goodbye, then turned and walked across the room, past the turkey, straight to the chrysanthemums. She put her face in the plant. When she raised her head, there was a smile on her lips.The children were quiet. In that one brief moment, they had seen for themselves the power they possessed to make another’s life better.

1. The author gave the students the task in order to _________.
A.help them focus on their family happiness.
B.let them experience their ability to help others
C.teach them the necessity of doing housework
D.get them to know how to be financially independent
2. What’s he author’s attitude to buying some flowers at first?
3. What did the children realize at the end of the visit?
A.They could help improve others’ life.
B.They could make a living by working.
C.It was necessary to do voluntary work.
D.Plants and birds could help lonely people.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.My Teaching CareerB.How to Help Poor People
C.The Importance of GivingD.A Happy Shopping Experience


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】“To have passed through life and never experienced solitude(独处) is to have never known oneself,” writes Joseph Krutch in his memoir, The Desert Year.

    1       Especially during the bustling holiday season, when celebrations, shopping and gatherings appeal to you, the luxury of a moment of solitude is to be sought out and treasured.

It’s important to distinguish solitude from loneliness—the latter is a negative experience of isolation(隔离), and research shows that one need not literally be alone to feel lonely.     2     The choice to enjoy your own company has a large number of benefits.

    3     No one else gets to have your attention when you are alone at home, taking a light and active December walk or even sitting quietly in a cafe with a hot chocolate and a good book. When you can focus all your attention on what you want and what is on your mind alone, you will be free to see yourself more clearly.

It encourages a screen-free moment. When you choose to spend some time in solitude, that means you are prepared to step away from text messages and social media for a time. Taking even a small break from your attachment to those bottomless activities will refresh you.     4    

You have space to reflect on your priorities. “I find that the whole point of solitude is that you can not only enjoy your own company, but also review, change and improve who you are as a person,” writes the blogger Kirk Pineda. “If you already have a person in mind who is ideal, why don’t you become that person?”     5     And you will have the emotional and physical space to consider what areas of growth you can set your sights on.

A.Your attention is only your own.
B.Solitude is a gift we can choose to give ourselves.
C.However, for others, solitude represents a desirable time of comfort.
D.Solitude gives time and space for reflection on the course and path of life.
E.And it gives you a moment to notice your own thoughts and feelings in the meantime.
F.Solitude, by contrast, is the intentional activity of spending time in your own presence.
G.When you are in a self-reflective moment of solitude, you can see yourself with fresh eyes.
2024-03-06更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everyone tries their best in life, and sometimes a few kind words of encouragement can help people realize that their efforts are not in vain (徒劳).Ⅰ remember a time when I was in fifth grade, and I was a very shy girl.

There was a drawing competition at my school that day. As everyone started to use their creative ideas to draw, I was only trying to think of something creative that could express my thoughts and emotions. Lost in my own world, I was brought back to reality when my art teacher called my name from behind. She came to me and encouraged me, saying, “Don’t overthink it, just put whatever comes to your mind on the canvas (画布). Do your best, and you will do well.”

Taking her words of wisdom to heart, I started my painting. Time flew by, and soon the bell rang, signaling the end of the time limit. We all turned in our canvases for inspection (检查). The next day, the winners of the competition were announced in front of the whole school. To my surprise, I heard my name being called second prize. It was a bolt from the blue for me, as I had never dared to dream of winning any prize.

Later on, I expressed my gratitude to my art teacher for her words of encouragement and for believing in me. That day, I became aware of my talent and started painting more whenever I had free time. Sometimes, I think that if it weren’t for her words of encouragement, I may have never discovered the talent I have.

Overall, this experience taught me the importance of encouraging others and how a few kind words can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

1. What was the author doing when called by the art teacher?
A.Organizing a drawing competition.B.Trying to get some creative ideas.
C.Painting her work on her canvas.D.Trying to get help from others.
2. What did the author think of the competition?
3. What do the underlined words “bolt from the blue” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Power of Encouragement
B.The Importance of Art Competitions
C.Overcoming Shyness Through Painting
D.Discovering Your Great Natural Ability
2023-10-22更新 | 420次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My friend, Jack, was a taxi driver. We became friends quite by accident. Five years ago, I made a trip to Chicago. The moment I stepped into a cab, I realized it was different. The floor was covered with a rug (小地毯). There were small reproductions of paintings by Van Gogh inside the cab. And the windows were spotless. I told the driver I had never ridden in a more attractive taxi.

“I like to hear my passengers say that,” he replied. “How long have you been decorating your cab?” I asked. “It’s not mine,” he said. “It’s a company cab. I hit upon the idea years ago when I worked as a clean-up man for the taxi company. Each car that came in at the end of the day was like a garbage pit. Cigarette butts and matches covered the floor. Sticky stuff like peanut butter was on the seats or door handles. I thought that if the company and the drivers would give people a car worth keeping clean, they might be more considerate. ”

“As soon as I got my taxi license, I tried out my ideas. I put a lot of extra decorations into the cab they gave me to drive. I got a nice rug and some flowers. When each passenger got out, I checked to make sure that everything was in order for the next fare. After about a month of my bringing in a spotless cab, the boss reserved the same car for me each day. That was when I put up the reproductions of great paintings.”

“I’ve never been disappointed by people in the past ten years—no garbage. Like I say, people appreciate beautiful things. If we planted more flowers and trees in the city and made the buildings more attractive, more people would tend to keep the city clean.”

Later, we became good friends. I was impressed by the taxi-driver, who had hit on a great truth—a sense of beauty comes with the gift of life. Most people don’t have to be instructed about the rarity of beauty. They respond when they find it. And, if they are made to feel a part of it, they will try to add to it.

1. What made the writer surprised when he got into the taxi?
A.The beautiful decoration on the rug.
B.The style of decoration outside the taxi.
C.The masterpieces of well-known painters.
D.The impressive inner environment of the taxi.
2. Jack got the idea of decorating the cab when _______.
A.he got his taxi license
B.the boss reserved the same car for him each day
C.he served as a clean-up man for the taxi company
D.he found the taxi he cleaned was full of cigarette butts
3. What does the story mainly tell us?
A.People can easily make friends when taking a taxi.
B.When people find beauty in life, they will try to add to it.
C.If we plant more flowers and trees, we can keep the city clean.
D.We have to be taught to find beauty and make it more beautiful.
2019-04-06更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般