组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:17675934

Dave was my rock. When I got upset, he stayed calm. When I was worried, he said that everything would be OK. When I wasn’t sure what to do, he helped me figure it out. Like all married couples, we had our ups and downs. Still Dave gave me the experience of being deeply understood, truly supported and completely loved. I thought I’d spend the rest of my life resting my head on his shoulder.

Since Dave passed away, so many people have said to me, “I can’t imagine.” They mean they can’t imagine this happening to them, can’t imagine how I am standing there talking to them rather than curled (蜷缩) up in a ball somewhere. I remember feeling the same way when I saw a colleague back at work after losing a child or a friend buying coffee after being diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. When I was on the other side, my reply became, “I can’t imagine either, but I have no choice.”

I had no choice but to wake up every day. No choice but to get through the shock, the sorrow, the survivor guilt. No choice but to try to move forward and be a good mother at home. No choice but to try to focus and be a good colleague at work.

Loss, sorrow, and disappointment are extremely personal. We all have unique circumstances and reactions to them. Still, the kindness and bravery of those who shared their experiences helped pull me through mine. Some are total strangers who offered wisdom and advice publicly—sometimes even in books with horrible titles. Others are my closest friends who opened their hearts, patient yet insistent that the darkness would pass, but that I would have to help it along. That even in the face of the most shocking misfortune of my life, I could have some control over its impact.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly talking about?
A.The different characters the couple had.
B.The role Dave played in the author’s life.
C.The ups and downs the couple had in life.
D.The happy days Dave brought to the author.
2. What did many people mean by saying “I can’t imagine.”?
A.They were lacking in imagination.
B.They felt sympathy for the author.
C.They couldn’t believe Dave’s passing away.
D.They didn’t understand the author’s response.
3. How did the author get over the sorrow?
A.By reading books with horrible titles.
B.By sharing her experience with others.
C.By waiting for the darkness to pass slowly.
D.By controlling the effects of the misfortune.
4. Which word can best describe the author’s attitude to misfortune?


阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Music is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. It can bring us joy, sorrow, or even inspiration. It can evoke emotions and memories that we didn’t even know we had.     1    

Music can be a source of comfort. It can provide a refuge(避难所)from the troubles of the world and provide a sense of peace and solace.     2     It can also bring people together, helping to create a sense of community and shared experience.

    3     It can be an uplifting force in times of struggle, helping us to persevere and overcome obstacles. It can inspire us to take action and make positive changes in our lives.

Finally, music can be a source of joy and celebration.     4     It can be a way to express our love and gratitude for the people in our lives.

Music has the power to change our lives in ways we may never have imagined. It can provide us with strength, courage, comfort, and joy. It can help us to find our inner voice and express ourselves in unique and creative ways.     5    

A.Poor people can live a happy life with music.
B.Music can also give us strength and courage.
C.Music can associate people with each other around the world.
D.Music can change a person’s life in ways that nothing else can.
E.Listening to music can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
F.It can bring us closer together, helping us to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of life.
G.Music can truly be a life-changing force, and one that should never be underestimated.
2024-03-05更新 | 202次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As children, we dream of growing older; when we are older, we dream of being children. We let our lives pass us by because we have yet to learn that the harder you yearn for time, the faster it passes. This is how my story begins.

In October of my freshman year, I took an accidental trip down memory lane. One day after school, I decided to take the long way home. I needed time to think. So off I went, walking through the grass. That was how I came to find a gap in the fence lining the school property. I passed through this gap and followed the treeline until I found myself in the far fields behind the neighborhood.

Suddenly, I remembered it was here through the fence between the school and the fields that I watched older kids having their high school graduation ceremony. In cap and gown (长袍), they stood in the middle of the field. They looked like they were having the most fun I had ever seen anyone have; they looked free.

Years later, I walked through that field on my way home from that same high school. I’ve since given this place a name, Tempus Illud, a place between places. I try to take the long way home at least once a month now. Sometimes, when I cross that bridge, I see that younger version of myself. She is so young and so desperate to speed up time. I see her peering through the fence at those graduates in the cap and gown, and she’s wishing she could be just like them. She, too, could feel so free that she might just grow wings and fly away. Now I’m preparing to wear the cap and gown in a few short months. But this time, I wish to leave time to its own devices.

The harder you yearn for time, the faster it passes you by. So I no longer yearn. The passage of time is inevitable, and you can’t avoid it, but you can appreciate it. James Taylor sings, “ The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill, but since we’re on our way down, we might as well enjoy the ride.”

1. How did the author feel when she saw the older kids’ graduation ceremony?
2. What is the significance of Tempus Illud to the author?
A.It honors her best childhood memory.
B.It shows the miracle of frozen time.
C.It bridges her past, present and future.
D.It symbolizes high school graduation.
3. What is the author’s perspective on time at the end?
A.She is addicted to the past.
B.She yearns for time to pass quicker.
C.She wants to run after time.
D.She decides to enjoy the moment.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?
A.To suggest that time brings the truth to light.
B.To share her changing attitude toward time.
C.To explain how time changes everything.
D.To show that tough times never last.
2022-09-30更新 | 163次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Traditional measures of success often prioritize academic achievements and job-specific knowledge, but recent research has shown that emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of success and well-being than IQ alone.     1    .

Picture this: you’re a leader with high EQ. Your team looks up to you because you inspire them, drive productivity and make decisions that take everyone’s emotions into account. You find win-win solutions that keep the team united if conflicts arise.     2    . In a world that values cooperation and innovation, emotional intelligence is a must-have skill.

Consider how EQ can supercharge your career. First up: self-awareness. It’s like having a spotlight on your emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. When you truly understand yourself, you can make better decisions and set meaningful goals.     3    . It’s like having an empathy radar (共情雷达). When you’re aware of others’ emotions and perspectives, you can build better relationships, collaborate effectively, and be a better team player.

    4    . EQ can have a huge impact on our personal lives as well. In personal relationships, it’s a key to deeper connections. By understanding others’ emotions, you build strong bonds and communicate effectively. With EQ, you engage in more self-reflection, continuous learning, and the adaptability to grow as an individual.

It’s time to shift our perspective and embrace emotional intelligence as a critical component of success.     5    . Go ahead and release our full potential.

A.Emotional intelligence helps cope with stress.
B.Social awareness is another crucial aspect of EQ.
C.Emotional intelligence goes beyond the office walls.
D.By understanding others’ emotions, you can build strong bonds.
E.It is now recognized as a vital factor in personal and professional growth.
F.You create a positive work environment where ideas flow freely if changes take place.
G.By recognizing its importance, we can make wiser decisions and lead more satisfying lives.
2024-03-10更新 | 282次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般