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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:165 题号:17803408

Marco Polo Timeline (1254—1324)

1254        On September 15, Marco Polo was born in Venice.
1260        His wealthy father and uncle, Nicolo and Maffeo Polo, set sail from Constantinople to the Crimea on a trading journey.
1262       Nicolo and Maffeo Polo received an invitation to China to meet the Kublai Khan (忽必烈).
1269        Nicolo and Maffeo Polo returned to Venice.
1271        Marco Polo accompanied his father and uncle on a journey through the Holy Land, Persia and Tartary and to the Empire of China.
1274        The travellers reached China after a three-year journey. Marco Polo’s father and uncle renewed their friendly acquaintance with the Kublai Khan and presented him with papal (教皇的) letters. They were given important positions at his court in return. Marco Polo learned to speak the Chinese language.
1275        Marco Polo was appointed as an envoy (使节) for the Kublai Khan and traveled through China on his missions.
1280’s        Marco Polo traveled through Asia working for the Kublai Khan and was eventually appointed as a governor of one of his cities.
1292        A marriage was arranged for the daughter of Kublai Khan, the Princess Cocachin, and the Polos accompanied the wedding party, consisting of a fleet of fourteen ships, to Persia.
1293        The Polos stayed in Persia to celebrate the wedding and then headed towards the Black Sea to make their way back to Venice.
1295        Marco Polo arrived in Venice with the finest collection of jewels ever seen. Venice was at war with Genoa.
1298        Marco Polo was made a “gentleman commander” of a Venetian galley. His ship joined in the battle of Kurzola and he was taken as a prisoner of war by the Genoese. When he was in prison he met a writer called Rustichello da Pisa and dictated (口述) to him an account of his travels and experiences in China, Japan, and other Eastern countries.
1299        Marco Polo was released as a prisoner of war in Genoa.
1. When did the Polos start their journey towards the Empire of China?
2. Marco Polo’s father and uncle were given important positions in the court of the Kublai Khan. It was probably because ________.
A.they were very wealthy tradersB.they were successful adventurers
C.they brought to China papal lettersD.they learnt to speak the Chinese language
3. According to the timeline, what was the last thing that Marco Polo did before returning to Venice?
A.He married the daughter of the Kublai Khan.
B.He accompanied Princess Cocachin to Persia.
C.He was made the commander of a fleet.
D.He dictated an account of his travels to the East.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Jade Stephenson has always loved her grandmother’s wedding dress (结婚礼服). So much so that once, Stephenson even asked her grandmother to keep hold of it so she could wear it for a special day. And when she realized her 80-year-old grandma wouldn’t be able to travel to attend her graduation at Liverpool Hope University, Stephenson knew the time had come.

“I tried the dress on several years ago, so I knew what it looked like when I put on the dress and her face then lit up,” she said. “So I knew asking her if I could wear it for graduation would make her smile. Also, my grandfather died in 2009 and to me, it felt like part of him was there with me on such a special day.”

Stephenson sported the dress under her cap and her clothes last week, at the ceremony (典礼) to collect her teaching degree at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

Nora, her grandmother, lives in Carlisle, more than 130 miles from Liverpool. She was very happy when she saw the pictures of her granddaughter, and praised that she chose that dress for her special day.

“My grandma and I are very close. I speak to her when I can and whenever I’m home I catch up with her. I see a lot of my own characters in her. I think we have quite a lot in common,” Stephenson said. “I’ve always loved my grandma’s dress. Although it’s 32 years old, it’s fit for me.”

Stephenson said several people praised her for her choice for the ceremony. “I think people thought it was quite heart-warming. Considering how old it is, the dress is in really good condition. My grandmother has looked after it very well.”

1. Seeing Stephenson trying the dress on, Stephenson’s grandmother feels ________.
2. What does Stephenson think of her grandmother?
A.Her grandmother is very forgetful.
B.Her grandmother is similar to her.
C.Her grandmother is a good designer.
D.Her grandmother is crazy about education.
3. What can we know about the wedding dress?
A.It is valuable and expensive.
B.It is kept in good condition.
C.It is old and needs repairing.
D.It is too long for Stephenson.
2020-03-27更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】During the late 1960’s and the 1970’s, education, influenced by the social changes of the 60’s, went through a period when the teaching of grammar was thought to be limiting creativity. Often I was made to feel like a dinosaur for teaching grammar.

Strangely enough, much of the criticism came from colleagues who held master’s degrees. I remember saying on more than one occasion, “It is easy for you to say but you have already had grammar skills, or you wouldn’t have been able to write a master’s thesis. Now, you want to deny these same skills to present and future students. I am not against progress in education but, in the heat of the excitement of making changes, we must be very sure that what we consider to be progression is not regression.” I firmly continued to teach grammar.

In the fall of 1991, I decided that it was time to learn to use a computer. The instructor suggested that I would learn more quickly if I worked on a continuous project. I thought of my grammar course which was hand-written in an old broken folder. This became my computer project. I spent every opportunity available to me in the computer room, early mornings, lunchtimes, after school and in the evenings. It was during the lunchtime periods, particularly, that I noticed a pattern forming.

The younger teachers on staff, one by one, would sneak into the computer room and peer over my shoulder. At first they were puzzled, but then they became interested in my grammar project. Without exception each would whisper into my ear. “When you are finished, may I have a copy? I was never taught grammar and I am terrified to teach it.” At that moment, I realised that I was finally vindicated.

I promised to give them a copy and when they left I shook my head und thought to myself, “Another product of the 70’s, and the 80’s, and the 90’s and...”

1. What was the popular opinion on grammar teaching in the 1970’s?
2. What did the author think of his highly-educated colleagues?
A.They benefited from grammar teaching.
B.They were clear how to make progress in education.
C.They set the trend in the reform of teaching methods.
D.They wrote their master’s thesis without grammar rules.
3. What does the underlined word “vindicated” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.To be unsuccessful.B.To prove to be right.
C.To retire from school.D.To evaluate professionally
4. Why did the younger teachers care about the author’s computer project?
A.They also wanted to learn using a computer.
B.They hoped to learn grammar with the author.
C.They lacked the grammar learning experience.
D.They intended to follow the author to be a good teacher.
2022-07-20更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Lucia was a bright-eyed girl of 12, born in a tiny village which is far less crowded than big cities. The village, even though filled with love, had no room for the world of arts. Lucia, however, possessed a passion for acting. While children played in fields, Lucia practiced lines from old plays she found in the attic. She visualized herself on grand stages, under bright lights. But for a girl from a distant village, this dream seemed more like a fantasy.

When Lucia heard about a national acting competition in the city, her heart raced with excitement. But she faced two big challenges: convincing her closed-minded parents and preparing for a competition with city-bred competitors.

Her parents, although loving, believed that the city was no place for their daughter. Lucia’s pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears until she decided to perform a touching scene for them. Tears flowed, not just from Lucia’s eyes but from her parents’ too. Witnessing her raw talent, they gave her their blessing.

Training was no easy feat. With no acting schools or instructors, Lucia had to be able to solve all the problems by herself. She practiced day and night, watching old films, and seeking feedback from village elders. Her dedication made a difference; she was molding herself into an acting wonder.

The day of the competition arrived. The city’s hall was filled with well-dressed participants and audiences. Lucia, in her modest clothes, felt like a fish out of water. Yet, when her turn came, the stage was her world. She performed so beautifully that she made the audience completely amazed. She showed the emotions so vividly; it touched souls.

When the results were announced, the underdog from a tiny village had finally won. The city, which seemed so vast, echoed with applause for Lucia.

She returned to her village not just as Lucia but as a symbol of hope and dreams. Her journey, from a quiet village girl to a national acting champion, was not just a proof of her talent but a shining example of passion and determination.

1. Why did Lucia’s parents disapprove of her going to the city at the beginning?
A.Because they thought acting was not a tiring career for her.
B.Because they thought it was costly and they could afford it.
C.Because they thought Lucia’s too young to go there by herself.
D.Because they thought the city was so big that it was beyond their reach.
2. How did Lucia persuade her parents?
A.By playing a part of a play.
B.By asking them repeatedly.
C.By seeking help from the elders.
D.By molding herself into a wonder.
3. How did Lucia feel on the day of the competition before her performance?
A.Upset yet passionate.
B.Relaxed and uncaring.
C.Nervous and uneasy.
D.Determined yet overconfident.
4. What can we learn from this story?
A.Cities are wonders.
B.Talent always finds a way.
C.Always listen to your parents.
D.Determination is the key to success.
2024-05-16更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般