组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 公益活动(组织机构)
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:209 题号:17832815
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Have you heard of community fridges? These are spaces     1     locals can share food with one another and save fresh food     2     going to waste. The Community Fridge Network     3    (connect) 300 community fridges across the UK. It offers guidance to people     4     (look) to set up their own fridges, and support to groups running fridges. The fridges are open to everyone. Of course, there are some rules for what can and cannot     5    (share) in order to keep things safe. But otherwise, you’re welcome     6     (take) what you need, and leave anything that might otherwise end up in the waste bin.

According to     7     survey by the Food Foundation, in April 2022, 15. 5 percent of UK households were food insecure, meaning that they ate     8     (little) than normal or went a day without food because they could not access     9     afford food.

The benefit of community fridges has never been clearer. In difficult times, with pretty much all costs increasing greatly, it is reassuring to know that     10    (community) are coming together and helping each other as much as they can.


语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)

It was Mother's Day morning last year. My five­year­old son, Tenyson, and I     1     (leave)the supermarket after shopping when an old woman fell over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. Her husband was with her, but the woman was     2       (serious) hurt and shaking with pain.

At the front of the supermarket a charity (慈善) group was selling flowers to raise funds. Tenyson suggested that we     3     ( buy) the lady a flower. “It will make     4       feel better,” he said. I was amazed that he'd come up     5       such a sweet idea. So we went to the flower seller to buy a flower for the lady.

By now rescuers had arrived, and were attending the     6     (injure)woman. As we walked up to her, my son became frightened by all the blood and medical     7    (equip). He said he was just too scared to go up to her.

Instead I gave the flower to the woman's husband     8       told him, “ My son was very upset for your wife and bought her this flower to cheer her up.”

At that, the old man was moved and said, “Thank you so much, you have a good son. Happy Mother's Day to you.”

The man then gave his wife the flower,     9     (tell) her who it was from.     10       badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with thanks in her eyes and gave him a little smile.

2020-10-11更新 | 256次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】在1~10 的空格处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过三个单词)。

Our family bought    1    new computer last week. It is    2    (real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do     3    the old one. Then I saw an advertisement for Tech-help. Tech-help donates computers to people     4    need them.

So far, Tech-help has       5    (donate) more than 2000computers to different families across the country. Last year they gave computers to poor families. It is very easy to donate computers to Tech-help. Yesterday, my father and     6    (me) took the old computer to a local shop. Two hours later, Tech-help    7    (collect) it from the shop. They will clean the computer and make it better.

Right now, Tech-Help is     8    (give) computers to families in Xinjiang. There     9    (be) about 50 families on the waiting list. I’m     10    (excite) we could do something to help others!

2017-08-23更新 | 303次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】After the tsunami(海啸)hit India, many people who lived near the sea were greatly influenced. A lot of people lost their homes and     1    (unfortunate) some even lost their lives.

College girls     2    (ask)to collect money from their neighborhood. So we formed a group and devoted     3    (we) to collecting money for the tsunami relief fund (救济金). In our area, we showed a sign board,     4     read, “Please help the sufferers,” to the people in the neighborhood and asked for their help. They donated money, dress, rice, medicine     5     anything else useful.

A small boy who was on the way to his school came running to us and asked us     6    (wait) there for some time. After 5 minutes he ran to us with     7     small savings box. It was a plastic box which there     8    (be) many coins inside. He said he got the little box from his granny as a birthday gift     9     saving coins. And he wanted it to be donated for the fund. It was the real greatest offering of     10    (kind) collected by us. What a lovely boy and what a big heart!

2018-11-27更新 | 116次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般