组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:17844340

On March 25, 2010, Kate and David Ogg heard the words every parent fear greatly: Their newborn wasn’t going to make it. Their twins — a girl and a boy — were born two minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to save the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone, and he’d stopped breathing.

“I saw him breath, but the doctor said it was no use,” Kate told the Daily Mail. “I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still breathing, that was a sign of life. I wasn’t going to give up easily.”

Still, the Sydney couple knew this was likely goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him.

“I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us,” Kate told Today. “We’d resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments.”

Kate unwrapped the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and ordered David to join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as warm as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also talked to him.

“We were trying to entice him to stay,” Kate told the Daily Mail. “We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we had tried to have him.”

Then something miraculous happened. Jamie gasped again — and then he started breathing. Finally, the couple’s lost boy had made it.

Eight years later, Jamie and his sister, Emily, are happy and healthy. The Oggs only recently told the kids the story of their birth. “Emily burst into tears,” Kate said. “She was really upset, and she kept hugging Jamie. This whole experience makes you cherish them more.”

1. In the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Kate gave birth to twins after only 14 weeks of pregnancy in 2010.
B.Neither of the twins weighed more than 3 pounds each when they were born.
C.The boy had no heartbeat when he was born.
D.Two minutes after the twins were born, the parents heard the boy wasn’t going to make it.
2. The underlined word “entice” in the sixth paragraph refers to ________.
3. It can be inferred from the text that ________.
A.the doctors were tired of saving the boy.
B.hearing the sad news, the couple felt so hopeless.
C.Jamie came back to life and grew up healthily.
D.Emily was so happy after she heard the story.
4. Which might be the best title for the passage?
A.Life-Giving Touch
B.The Boy Who Lived
C.Power of Parents’ Love
D.A Medical Miracle


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】My husband and I wanted desperately the instant transformation from typical consumers to eco-conscious people. We switched our light bulbs to CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs to conserve energy. We went about the house turning off lights and unplugging appliances that weren’t in use. But the rate of global warming exceeded our snail’s pace conversion to greenhood. So I pressed onward.

I decided to put veganism (素食主义) at the top of our agenda. Vegans refuse any animal flesh or commercial goods made from any animal byproducts such as milk or fats. All the family applauded this option except for my husband. Some kind of animal needed to sacrifice its dear life for his meal or it wasn’t his dinner. I cooked up a storm, struggling to prepare nutritious meals dominated by not — so — obvious vegan dishes like bean burritos and high-fiber vegetable stir-fry. It took a few days before he realized that he hadn’t been eating any meat.

“I feel like eating beef.” he announced. So that night, I took full advantage of a zucchini (西葫芦), cut it into chunky (粗大的) pieces and cooked them. Then I covered them with spices. My beef-starved husband had some and a curious look crossed his face.

“Where’s the beef?”

“Living peacefully somewhere on an open plain where it belongs.”

“I knew it!” he murmured. “You’ve surely made great contributions to the boom in cattle.” His taste buds were developed completely around the flavor of every kind of animal: cattle, pigs, deer, lambs, chickens and ducks. Converting him was like feeding grass to a lion.

I’m all for preserving our planet, but what good would it do to save the earth for tomorrow’s generation if today’s died of starvation? The next day, we went out for burgers. I was very careful to place the paper bag into our recycling bin.

1. Which of the following best explains “exceeded” underlined in Paragraph 1?
2. What do we know about the author’s husband from Paragraph 2?
A.He supported the meat-free diet.
B.He was a preserver of animals.
C.He was regarded as a meat lover.
D.He played a dominant role in cooking.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the author?
A.She had a good sense of humor.
B.She successfully transformed her husband.
C.She advocated raising more cattle.
D.She had a perfect recipe for cooking meals.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Greens or Lions?B.Hunger or Anger?
C.Economy or Environment?D.Discrimination or Appreciation?
2020-03-08更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Dear Dad,

Today, I spent a lot of time choosing carefully and reading the Father’s Day cards at the shopping mall. They all had a special message that in some way or another showed how I feel about you. Yet it hit me that not a single card said what I really wanted to say to you.

You'll soon be 84 years old. Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father's Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day, but I’ve always been with you in my heart. You know, Dad, there was a time when we were separated by the generation gap. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other.

The Father-Daughter Conflict changed into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge while I decided I would drive the Chevy whether you liked it or not. To my surprise, when the police officer sent me home after you reported the Chevy stolen, you were so tolerant about it because I had thought that would probably be the worst night of my life.

Our relationship greatly improved when I married a man you liked,and things really turned around when we began making babies right and left. Somewhere along the line, the generation gap disappeared. I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine.

But the strangest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. I didn’t immediately realize that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and weak behind the wheel of that huge car. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.

I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a father on Father’s Day is about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and it's my wish that it never had to end. I love you, Dad.



1. We can learn from the text that Mary and her father ________.
A.have been getting along very wellB.kept in touch by writing to each other
C.are separated because of the generation gapD.had a hard time understanding each other
2. Why did Mary feel strange when she saw her father last week?
A.She didn’t expect to meet with him there.B.She seldom saw him driving that huge car.
C.She had never realized his being old and weak.D.She had never seen him driving so slowly before.
3. Mary wrote his father this letter to ________.
A.express her gratitude to himB.tell him about their conflicts
C.say sorry for her being disappointingD.remind him of the early memories
2021-08-14更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Father was diagnosed with brain cancer during the second half of my senior year. It is a time when all the big events in a girl’s life are happening. However, though in poor condition, father managed to be present at every occasion. His doctor said that by focusing on all my future events, it helped my dad live longer. I guess so because nine days after my high school graduation, my father died.

For the next week after his funeral, I didn’t leave my room or even to shower. Finally, my mom stormed in and said, “Megan, get up. I have something for you to read.” My father’s doctor had sent my mother a letter. It contained the typical “I am sorry for your loss” sentences. But this letter was far from typical. I could physically see the pain this loss had caused him. In his letter, he wrote about how my father inspired him to change his life and the way he worked. He expressed his desire to become a person like my father, who cared more for the people around him and put everyone else first.

After I finished reading it, I decided to live my life. I went outside and got a job as a summer camp advisor. I worked from dawn to dark every day that summer. I gave everything I had to the kids and slowly they helped to heal(治愈) me without even realizing what they were doing.

My summer mirrored parts of the life my father led in his last few days. I had spent the summer months giving myself to children. It was not the senior summer I had always imagined. It wasn’t all about me. I had learned the final lesson my father was teaching me, that in order to lead a rich and happy life, you must learn how to give yourself to others. By helping them you really are helping yourself.

1. The doctor sent the author’s mother a letter mainly to ________.
A.encourage the author’s mother to live a happy life
B.appreciate the author’s father’s influence on him
C.mourn the author’s father’s death
D.show typical concern for the family
2. What do we know about the author’s senior summer?
A.She got a job as her father had expected.
B.She gained quite a lot while helping the kids.
C.She worked hard every day to forget her father.
D.She spent it the way she had always wanted.
3. Which word can best describe the author’s father?
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Dad's Final LessonB.My Senior Summer
C.My Father's DeathD.An Important Letter
2020-06-14更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般