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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:557 题号:17894332


Sista raced ahead, the sea breeze streaming against her face. Rafi finally caught up and then they rested in the shade.

I’m hungry. I know where there’s a great apple tree.” Sista said, “It belongs to an oldlady called Susan who lives in the little house by the hill. I heard she’s stubborn,but that sometimes she gives fruit in return for an errand(跑腿).”

“Let’s go,” Rafi said. They crossed a stream by hopping from rock to rock. Finally,upon ahilltop,they saw a splendid apple tree with bright red fruits.

A small farmhouse stood at the bottom of the hill. Rafi’s heart pounded as Sista knocked onthe door. An elderly woman answered.

“Yes?” the lady asked, staring at the girls.

“We heard ...“ said Sista, her voice shaky, “that we could run an errand for you in exchangefor apples.”

Susan raised one eyebrow. “Ah, yes. ” She clicked her tongue. “Nothing is free, eh?”

She led the girls into the kitchen. When passing the living room, Sista found that the wallwas decorated with colourful crayon drawings, which seem to be children’s. She wondered whodrew these since Susan was alone,with no grandchildren,even no families or relatives. The ladygrabbed two baskets, one large and one small, and pushed them into the girls hands. “Go fill these with apples. Come right back.”

The girls raced up the hill to the tree, climbed the branches, and picked the ripest apples.After filling the baskets, they returned to the house.

Susan filled a bag with rice and dried beans, and then she handed it to Sista.“Take this bagand the large basket of apples to the Gomez family. Do you know them?”

The girls nodded. Sista had heard that Mr. Gomez has been sick in bed for a long time andMrs.Gomez has to raise three little kids.

“Good.And ask them for the payment," Susan added with a tight smile.

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The girls hit the road.


When Susan opened the envelope, the girls saw the payment!


2023·江苏·一模 查看更多[7]
【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I’d set off, with my friend Matthew Price, to sail down a little-known river in the rainforest, in a home-made boat. Our original idea was to go all the way by boat, carrying it past any rough bits, but the river was much rockier and faster-flowing than we’d thought, which meant we were only covering a few kilometers each day. Then, suddenly, we realized that, as the river was about to go over a waterfall, we could go no further by boat.

As it was only a home-made thing, we decided to abandon it and walk to the nearest road. As far as we knew, there were no villages or trading posts along the way and, on our map, it looked like a 100-kilometer walk.

And that walk, through thick rainforest with 25 kilos on our backs, was difficult. We walked for six days. It was hot and we were permanently wet through, before we came to any sign of civilization. There were times when we really wondered if we’d ever get out of that jungle alive.

Then, on the seventh day, we suddenly came across a path — not an animal trail, but a man-made one, so we knew there must be people living there. It was going roughly in the right direction, so we followed it and, at dusk, we came to a deserted camp in a hollow. Deserted, but not uninhabited. There was digging equipment wrapped in plastic, alongside two water-filled holes. Obviously someone had been digging in search of gold at some time or another.

Nearby, on a rough wooden table, were some cookers and a few other supplies, and whoever was camping there must have been intending to return soon because there was a large pot full of thick soup. We couldn’t identify either the strange looking pieces of meat or the unfamiliar vegetables it seemed to be made from, but we were in a desperate state. Over the previous seven days, we’d only had flour and rice to eat and, although we had plenty left, we were low on energy. This was our greatest problem.

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So, we cooked up some of our rice.
But before leaving, we had to take some measures to make up for what we had done.
2024-01-07更新 | 118次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Alexis Langlois, who manages a large farm, heard her neighbor crazily knocking on her front door on a Monday afternoon.

“There’s an emergency”, Amber Countryman yelled. “The horses are stuck in the water.” Langlois was struck with “absolute panic”. She threw on her winter boots — without socks — and rushed toward the small pond on the 80-acre property. She was surprised by what she saw: four horses were in the water up to their necks in 10 feet of ice water.

She immediately called 911.While waiting for help to arrive, “people just started showing up,” she said. “Neighbors were pouring in. People came with ropes, chainsaws, shovels and pick axes.”

“I grabbed a bunch of supplies,” said Countryman, whose two teenagers and their friend also as sited with the effort.

“It was-8℃that day,” she said, adding that she brought out handwarmers and water for the helpers.

Everyone was determined to get the horses out of the pond — which is about 15feetwide.

Beneath a six-inch layer of ice, the water was “just barely above freezing”, said Chris Yerkes, the South Kalispell Fire Department chief who rushed to the pond with about a dozen volunteer personnel.

When the firefighters arrived, neighbors had already attempted to pave a path through the ice toward the edge of the pond using pick axes, sledgehammers and shovels, and “we continued with that effort.” Yerkes said. Unfortunately, “as we got closer to the edge, we realized there was about three to four inches of mud.”

The thick layer of mud — which the rescuers couldn’t cut through — blocked the horses from climbing out. Firefighters enlisted additional support from Flathead County Animal Control, as well as staff from local equestrian organization Rebecca Farm.

“There had to have been at least 60 people here,” Langlois said. “It was very swift action on everybody’s part.”

Paragraph 1

It took nearly two hours to find a workable solution that could bring all four horses to safety.

Paragraph 2

To get the horses out, they used a powerful tractor (拖拉机) to get the animals out of the mud and ropes to pull them over the edge.

2023-07-01更新 | 385次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Ken Scott kicked of the covers and leapt out of bed at his home in the Rocky Mountain town of Mullan,Idaho.It was 6 a.m.on January 7, 2020, and he was on a mission: He’d just heard on the radio that the nearby Silver Mountain Resort had been blessed with nearly a foot and a half of new snow. As a ski addict who’d worked in the industry for the past 30 years as a ski patroller (滑雪巡逻员)and equipment salesperson, he didn’t want to miss this perfect skiing chance. These conditions are what skiers live for-even experienced and skilled as Scott, who, at 55, still skied 100 days a year.

When Scott reached Silver Mountain’s locker room, he ran into his friend Warren, 58, a former ski instructor who had also been a regular on these slopes for more than two decades.

“Can you believe it?” he said as they changed into their boots. “Sixteen inches! Are you ready?”

For the next hour, the pair skied on various runs under a lightly gloomy sky, making fresh tracks. They were both in a playful mood. Finally, they reached 16-to-1, an expert-level trail, which was now open. It had been closed all season over concerns that skiers might cause an avalanche (雪崩). But that morning, patrollers had cleared loose snow on the peak, reducing the chance of a snowslide.

“What do you think?” asked Warren.

“Let’s go for it!” Scott replied.

When they reached the top of 16-to-1, Warren excitedly looked back at Scott. The huge, toothy grin on his bearded face was what he needed. He pointed his skis downhill and took off. So thrilled were they that they isolated everything around them. Flying on the trail, despite the biting wind, their hearts burnt with passion for this great skiing. Whoomph! A sudden roar from behind nearly deafened them.


In a second, they realized what was happening.


“Bring help! Ken was missing,” Warren said anxiously on the phone.

2023-05-09更新 | 206次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般