组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:130 题号:17909700

It was Tracey who first noticed the man who looked strikingly like her brother-in-law, who also worked as a carpenter. With brown eyes and a strong nose, he could have been the twin of her husband’s brother, Clifford. But Tracey didn’t think much more about the likeness until she discovered her husband and Clare, who shared the same birthday, even had been born at the same hospital. That night, Tracey and Craig sat up in their queen-size bed, talking and drinking black tea until the sun rose. It was a huge mental leap from recognizing a series of likeness to wondering if he was switched at birth.

After a few days, Tracey got her chance to secretly snap a picture of Clare and sent to Craig. Over the next few days, all family members of Craig shook their heads in disbelief about the extreme facial similarity. Clifford, the one who was almost identical, desired to do a DNA test to determine whether it is true or not. However, when the couple approached Clare to tell him about their thought, he was reluctant to admit that he wasn’t the person he’d always been, regarding it as a terrible joke. “Everyone looks like someone.” He thought.

Months later, when Craig got results comparing his DNA with Clifford’s, he called Clare first. But Clare, even while he felt a wave of sadness, wasn’t convinced that the news applied to him.

But the truth floated eventually. Years later, Clare decided to take an identity test. When Clare’s test results arrived in the post, he called Craig. Clare had laid out his results on the kitchen counter next to Clifford’s. “Everything was a match,” Clare said. He and Clifford had been brothers. There was silence on both ends of the phone. For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to go to work. Clare moved from his bed to the sofa, the sofa to the bed, sometimes stopping to sob in the kitchen, often drinking and smoking along days alone, refusing to believe the truth.

1. What made Tracey first think Clare and Clifford could be twins?
A.Their jobs.B.Their birthday.
C.Their appearances.D.Their birthplace.
2. What did we know from Para.2?
A.Clifford rejected an identity test.
B.Clare disliked the couple’s thought.
C.Craig’s family were far from shocked.
D.Clare compared his DNA with Clifford’s.
3. What is “the news” in Para 3?
A.That Craig and Clifford were twins.
B.That Clare also needed to do a DNA test.
C.That Craig got the results of the DNA test.
D.That Clare and Clifford were probably twins.
4. How did Clare feel after the result?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One day while trying to print all the class worksheets we needed for the day, I found myself shouting at my printer in front of my son. “Why won’t this stupid thing print?” I shouted. My son came up to me quietly, saying, “Calm down, Mommy. Maybe if you don’t shout at the printer, it will work. You need to have patience.”

He was right. I needed patience-patience with this whole situation. I stopped myself, realizing this was not the behavior I wanted my son to see. He was also right that I needed to calm down. Just like what I told him to do, I took a few deep breaths and walked away from the collapsed printer. Later that day when we were outside, I tried to keep the sense of calm I had slightly achieved. Once I blocked out all the anxiety over the virus, school, and my work — I found the afternoon peaceful and pleasant. I played flying disc with my son, simply enjoying each other’s company while the birds sang. It was an everyday moment I’ll never take for granted again.

From then on, things got a little easier. I started to give myself, and everyone else, some favour. I stopped holding myself to my perfectionism standards with every little thing because they were truly impossible to keep to.

With that favour, I changed my focus. Getting every school worksheet done correctly is not important. Neither is cleaning the house. And, apart from getting fired, neither is my work. Spending time with my family, and staying healthy emotionally and physically, became my main concerns. We took walks. We danced our hearts out during the Disney Family Sing-Along. We got up early and walked secretly into our backyard with telescopes to bird watch. Who knows, birding may be the new hobby we’re never giving up.

1. What did the author’s son ask his mother to do?
A.Print later.B.Stop printing.
C.Change another printer.D.Stay calm.
2. What does the underlined word “collapsed” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. How did the author make her life easier?
A.By giving up dreams.
B.By focusing on others.
C.By stopping pursuing perfection.
D.By paying little attention to work.
2021-07-26更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A Letter to My Daughter

Dear Ava,

A long time ago, your aunt came to Delhi looking for an ambition that was taking shape inside her. I, on the day of her joining a fashion institute, told her that, ''You'll have to travel in a bus to work. This is the world I can present you and this is the world all women are facing every single day of their lives.''

Ava, I honestly don't know how you are going to face this world bravely. I cannot be there always to protect you, to save you from its darkness. Take your own journey and find a solution to the things that hold you back. Find your own weapon and don't forget to chase your dreams.

Your aunt took the journey and today she is a fashion designer in her own right. With all my humility (谦逊) I am asking you to stand on your own feet and challenge a society that is going to make things a lot more difficult for you simply because you are a girl.

The world bows down before a woman who is ready to look all challenges right in the eye. Your mother came to Mumbai and worked tirelessly on her own terms. She never gave in to the pressure; instead she fought till she decided to have you in her life. She is my ideal woman after my mother.

Ava, I wish I could be there by your side to always guide you, to tell you how to go about things. That's my primary responsibility as your dad. But I know one thing for sure that when you are in your youth I'll be gone.

Fight like a fighter; be aggressive like a lion. Even if you are defeated at some point it doesn't matter, because a person who never tries to ride a horse can only be a spectator(观众). Fight your battle and hopefully you’ll come out winning.

Lots of love,

Your father

Manoj Bajpayee

1. What can we infer from the letter written by the author to Ava?
A.The father wants to warn his daughter of danger.
B.The father wants to guide his daughter by some advice.
C.The father wants to explain the reality to her.
D.The father wants to express his deep love.
2. How does the author feel about the future of his daughter?
3. In order to encourage his daughter, the author ______.
A.quotes his own exampleB.gives some motivation
C.makes some promisesD.offers all the blessings as a father
4. What suggestion is implied in the last paragraph?
A.Keeping your dreams going on.
B.Solving the problems independently.
C.Being brave and wise.
D.Riding a horse to be a spectator.
2020-09-25更新 | 2次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】At an airport I happened to hear a father and daughter in their last moments together. Standing near the door, he said to his daughter, “I love you, I wish you enough.” She said, “Daddy, your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too.” They kissed good-bye and she left.

He walked toward the window where I was seated. I could see he wanted to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”

“Yes,” I replied. Saying that brought back memories I had of my Dad. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing.

“When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough.’ May I ask what that means?” He began to smile. “That’s a wish handed down from my parents.” Looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.

“When we said ‘I wish you enough’, we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things,” he continued the sharing. “I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.”

He then stood up and walked away.

1. What can we infer about the father’s family?
2. What do the underlined words “intrude on” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What kind of life does the father wish his daughter to have?
2021-02-16更新 | 84次组卷
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