组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:104 题号:17962437

Michael and Adele had been happily married for 63 years when a terrible car accident separated them. Adele passed away in the accident, and Michael missed her very much. Every Sunday, the elderly man would get up at 8 a.m., dress up for a date with his wife, buy her favorite flowers and visit her.

One day, while on the bus on his way to visit his wife, Michael’s attention was drawn to a woman who was sobbing. She was in her mid-twenties and reminded him of his daughter. Out of concern, Michael inquired gently, “Hey, are you okay? Do you mind if I take a seat here? Talking about it may make you feel better.”

The woman, teary-eyed, looked up at him and finally nodded. As Michael took a seat, he noticed she kept staring at the flowers in his hands. “Do you like these flowers as well? These are my wife’s favorite flowers.”

Just then, the woman burst out crying once more. “Actually, it’s my birthday today. I wanted my husband to buy me some flowers too, but we didn’t have enough money…” she said. “Oh, thank you for listening to me. Those are really beautiful flowers, by the way.”

“Actually, these flowers are for my date with my wife,” Michael explained. “She left me a few years ago, but I go visit her at her grave every Sunday.”

“I’m sorry for your loss!” the woman said. “Oh, I wish I could tell you the whole story about my wife and me, but it looks like we just arrived at my stop. I hope to see you again … Mrs …”Michael asked.

“Claire Duncan. You can call me Claire.” “It was a pleasure speaking with you, Claire. You can call me Mr. Collins,” Michael said. “Oh, you can have these,” he added, handing her the flowers. “Have a wonderful day!”

“Oh, no, those are for your wife. I can’t take them,” Claire protested, but Michael persisted and eventually handed her the flowers.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Collins,” Claire replied, smiling. The man then returned her smile and exited the bus.


At home that night, Claire decided to repay Mr. Collins’ generosity.


When Michael visited his wife again, he was surprised by the lovely flowers and the note near her grave.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

High school graduation marks a huge turning point in a young person’s life. It’s a transition from childhood to adulthood, and you’ll remember that moment forever.

Daverius Peters, a senior at Hahnville High School in Boutte, Louisiana, had been looking forward to this special day for a while. However, when he arrived at the graduation ceremony, a school representative blocked him from entering the ceremony’s venue because his black sneakers violated the dress code.

The school’s graduation dress code states that male students must wear dark dress shoes to the ceremony and no athletic shoes were allowed.

When the school representative denied him entry, Peters went into shock. He also felt sad, imagining what his parents would think if he couldn’t attend his own graduation. He just wanted to walk across the stage and get the diploma he’d worked so hard for.

With only minutes until the ceremony was set to begin, he felt hopeless. He neither took the phone with him nor had enough time to stop at a store to buy new shoes. As he paced anxiously outside the convention center, he spotted a glimmer of hope. He’d noticed a familiar face, John Butler.

Butler helps mentor (指导) students at the high school, and many students look up to him. Butler always did what he could to help the students. He’s just “that type of person.” When a student’s having a bad day, Butler calls them out of class to personally talk with them. He had a daughter graduating with Peters, so he was attending the graduation ceremony as a parent that day. Peters ran over to Butler and explained his shoe problem.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Without a second thought, Butler took off his own shoes.


When Peters slid across the stage, his family noticed his new, ill-fitting shoes.

2022-04-29更新 | 0次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever felt so embarrassed (尴尬的) in your life that you wanted to simply disappear? Well, I have.

My worst day began on a hot Monday morning when I was in the second grade. My class would choose some players for a baseball team on that day. For some reason, I had overslept that morning. And in my hurry to get dressed, I took the first white shirt I could find. I hurriedly put it on, rushed out of the back door and headed for school. Unfortunately, my mistake didn’t show itself until we were all on the baseball field.

Earlier, I had noticed a few of my classmates looking at me and talking among themselves. A few others were laughing. But I knew they weren’t mean kids; maybe they had just found something funny. So I didn’t think their behavior was directed at me and I didn’t give it much thought at the time. But as we were all standing around and waiting to be chosen for a team, one of my friends finally told me what all the talking and laughing were about.

I could hardly believe it! In my hurry to get ready for school, I had accidentally taken one of my sister’s shirts. There I was, waiting to be chosen for a team and wearing a girly shirt known to all. The shirt was complete with beautiful little blue flowers, heart-shaped buttons down the front, and many other features that showed it was a shirt designed for girls.

I was so embarrassed that my face was burning red. When I finally calmed down a little, I realized I had to do something — this situation called for quick action. Knowing I couldn’t leave school, I rushed to the school closet (壁橱) and crazily searched it to see if I could find any clothes. Finally, I was lucky to discover a piece of clothing. It was an old heavy coat that I left there the previous winter.

Paragraph 1:

I quickly put it on to cover my shame and embarrassment.

Paragraph 2:

Seeing I didn’t want to go to school, my mom asked me the reason.

2023-10-26更新 | 33次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Outside her old small house, Mrs. Tailor was hanging out clothes and sheets on a wire line, unaware that two children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move .They were determined to find out if the old gloomy(阴郁的)lady was really a witch(巫婆).

They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps. But much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight. Suddenly, the old lady’s work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen-a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack(草堆).

The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled (walk with difficulty) off towards the haystack followed by Sooty, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady. The cat provided proof-the children were sure that only a witch could own a black cat with three legs.

“Can we go now?” Ben asked nervously, looking at his elder sister.

“No way. You can go home by yourself.” Amy responded without hesitation.

There, standing on a wooden box, was Mrs. Tailor, stretching out to gather her precious egg. Taking the egg in one of her hands, she began to climb down when, without warning, the box broke and the old lady fell. The children gasped(喘气)in astonishment. Then they heard Mrs. Tailor groaned(呻吟)In pain.

“We have to go and help her,” whispered Amy.

“What if it is a trick?” replied Ben.

“Don’t be silly, Ben. If she were a witch, we would have been turned into frogs already,” Amy reasoned. “Come on.” The two climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack.


Approaching carefully, they could see a wound on the old lady’s face.

2021-06-02更新 | 29次组卷
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