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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:112 题号:18055028

If the poems you read at school made you think poetry is old-fashioned, here are four poets whose work will make you look at poetry in a different way.

Brian Bilston

Brian Bilston’s poetry is definitely more relevant to today’s issues. He covers subjects such as climate change, modern technology and international events. Although Brian uses rhyme in some of his work, it is extremely effective, especially as so many are humorous poems. He has a skill for word play. He also shares his poems online, making them more accessible to today’s audience.

Ada Limón

Ada is a well-known American poet, and has released several collections of poetry. Her poems are deeply rooted in nature, emotion and relatable metaphors (比喻). Her work feels like a natural progression from the poetry covered in schools. There is still an artistic weaving and careful placement of words, but the messages and inner meanings are more suitable for a modern audience.

Tracy K Smith

Tracy was the winner of the Best First Book by an African American poet, with her 2003 collection, The Body’s Question. Her poems cover important issues around race, family, going beyond from childhood into adulthood and much more. Each is easy to understand and relate to, while at the same time, deeply personal. She has a natural talent for connecting with her audience.

Mel Wardle Woodend

Mel has several published collections including two books for children, making poetry more accessible to them. She also has a collection called Just a Thought, which raises awareness of mental health issues. This topic was rarely discussed at school, so Mel’s work is progressive and inviting to those who may not tick the typical boxes of someone who enjoys poetry.

1. What is Brian Bilston’s poetry mainly concerned with?
A.School life.B.Today’s issues.
C.Historic events.D.Today’s audience.
2. Who is talented in connecting with poem readers?
A.Brian Bilston.B.Ada Limón.
C.Tracy K Smith.D.Mel Wardle Woodend.
3. What do you know about Just a Thought?
A.It appeals to school students.B.It concerns mental health issues.
C.It is intended for younger readers.D.It is rarely discussed at school now.
【知识点】 说明文 文学家 诗歌文学


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】As people become more aware of the importance of eco-friendly power sources, we have devoted much time to inventing creative devices. A newly developed paper battery promises to make a big difference to single-use electronics.

The battery is crafted from sustainable materials, which not only strengthens its eco-friendliness but also makes it cost-effective to produce. This combination of biodegradability (可生物降解) and affordability makes it attractive for a wide range of applications. Another standout feature of this paper battery is its flexibility in terms of shape and size. Unlike traditional batteries that are available in fixed sizes, this paper battery can be tailored to meet diverse requirements.

In reality, the paper battery is enough to power an LCD alarm clock. “While it won’t be charging up your computer anytime soon, there’s lots of potential for low-powered sensors. We present a printed paper battery developed to power single-use disposable electronics and to reduce their environmental impact to the lowest level,” write the researchers in their published paper.

The battery is based on a metal-air electrochemical cell. Made from sodium chloride salt-diffused (氯化钠盐扩散的) paper, it can measure as little as one square centimeter, and is based on printed inks. All that’s needed, then, is a small amount of water, as little as two drops. This dissolves the salts within the paper, and then activates the battery as they travel. The battery starts producing power around 20 seconds after water is added, according to the experiments carried out by the team.

Although the performance decreases over time as the paper dries out, it can be topped up to some extent with more water. The researchers say they want to improve the efficiency of the battery in the future, and get it working for longer. “With a rising awareness of the e-waste problem and the emergence of single-use electronics for applications, there is a growing need for low environmental impact batteries,” write the researchers.

1. Which is a feature of the paper battery?
A.It is made from single-use materials.B.It is costly to put together.
C.It can be used to charge up your computer.D.It can be produced in diverse shapes.
2. What can we learn about the paper battery according to the text?
A.It can be applied to any electronics.
B.It is able to supply energy to our cell-phones.
C.Its power can be refilled by adding some water.
D.It has reduced the environmental impact to the lowest.
3. What’s the main idea of paragraph 4?
A.What the paper battery consists of.B.How the paper battery works.
C.Where the paper battery can be applied.D.Why the paper battery is popular.
4. What is most likely to be the focus of future research according to the researchers?
A.How to get rid of impacts of single-use electronics.
B.How to improve the efficiency of the paper battery.
C.How to reduce the demand for single-use electronics.
D.How to raise people’s awareness of e-waste problems.
2023-12-13更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】As we all know, there are plenty of different parks to visit in the UK. All theme parks in Britain have cafes, restaurants, picnic areas and gift shops, so you’ll still have plenty to see and do when you and the kids have been on enough rides. There are usually smaller “funfair” rides and games as well, so younger children won’t get bored. Several theme parks also have other attractions next to them, e.g. water parks often open all year round, unlike the theme parks.

Whenever you are in Britain, there’s likely to be a theme park within one or two hours’drive, bus ride or train journey. Several theme parks even have accommodation (膳宿) so you can stay for a day or two if you want to make a trip into a short holiday.

Prices for UK theme parks vary considerably; some have an entrance price which allows you to go on all the rides, while in others you have to pay for every ride individually. It can also make a difference whether you go during peak time or not. For example, tickets always cost more during school holidays and weekends than they do during the weekdays.

Theme parks always get very busy during the summer months, so if you don’t like crowds it’s usually a good idea to go earlier or later in the year!

If you’re thinking of visiting a UK theme park, it’s worth having a look for special offers on tickets. Products such as chocolate bars and cereals sometimes have “buy one get one free” offers on theme park tickets, so keep a look out in shops and supermarkets.

1. This passage mainly talks about all the following EXCEPT ________.
A.things to doB.prices for theme parks
C.rules to obeyD.special offers
2. If you go to the theme park during the weekdays, you’ll probably ________.
A.have to spend moreB.save some money
C.have a good timeD.get something free
3. According to the passage, what should you do if you are tired of crowds in the theme park?
A.Avoid the busiest months.
B.Go earlier or later in the daytime.
C.Choose one with few visitors.
D.Go there when no one is in it
4. The best title for the text would be ________.
A.What to Do in the Theme ParkB.Theme Parks in the UK
C.Visiting the Theme ParkD.Introduction to Famous Theme Parks
2020-06-16更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Endeavour (奋进号航天飞机) successfully completed 25 missions into space, including the first service mission to the Hubble Space Telescope as well as the first mission to add a U. S. component to the International Space Station.

When first launched in 1981, it became the world’s first reusable spacecraft to carry humans into orbit. Over the thirty-year course of the space shuttle program, the shuttles and their crews assembled parts of the International Space Station, deployed and serviced the Hubble Space Telescope, repaired and relaunched satellites, sent probes to Venus and Jupiter and more.

The space shuttle was actually made up of several separate components. What people call the “shuttle” is the orbiter—the part of the shuttle that held the crew. The main engines are part of the orbiter. In addition to the orbiter, each shuttle included two solid rocket boosters and an external tank. All were reusable except for the external tank, which by design burned up in the atmosphere.

Many newer features were added to Endeavour during construction, such as updated steering mechanisms, upgraded electrical connections to allow for longer missions and a drag chute that reduced wear and tear on the shuttle’s brakes and tires. Many of the innovations were added later to the other shuttles.

Endeavour made several historic missions to the International Space Station, including STS-88, in which the crew added the first U. S. component to the ISS. On STS-100, Endeavour delivered the Canadarm2 robotic arm and hand. On STS-123, Endeavour added a robotic arm—Dextre. Endeavour’s final mission, in May 2011, delivered spare parts to the International Space Station. Endeavour leaves an amazing legacy in space.

1. What does the underlined word “assembled” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. Which part of the space shuttle is not reusable?
A.The orbiter.B.The external tank.
C.The main engines.D.Solid rocket boosters.
3. What did Endeavour do on STS-100?
A.It added a robotic arm—Dextre.
B.It added the first U. S. component to the ISS.
C.It delivered the Canadarm2 robotic arm and hand.
D.It delivered spare parts to the International Space Station.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The history of Endeavour.B.The functions of Endeavour.
C.The achievements of Endeavour.D.The development of Endeavour.
2024-01-11更新 | 39次组卷
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