组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:115 题号:18094355
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A couple of days ago, there were many people on the bus. Halfway down the road, the driver suddenly stopped the bus by the side of the road and said, “I’m going to have dinner first. I’m hungry. ” Then he began to eat fried rice noodles while talking on the phone. After a while, many passengers urged (催促) the driver to go ahead, but the driver replied rudely, “Can’t you see I’m enjoying my noodles? I’m so hungry.”

After a few minutes someone wanted to get off the bus, but was refused by the driver. He explained that nobody could get off because it was NOT a bus stop! Standing beside the driver, I watched him have the last of the noodles, thinking that we could finally start now. However, the driver took out another bag of soup!

I began to feel a little angry because I would be late for an important meeting. So I urged the driver to hurry up. However, the driver suggested politely that I should ask for a leave.

When the soup was about to be finished, the driver picked up the phone again, looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) from time to time as if he were waiting for someone. At this time all the passengers on the bus began to shout, “We have waited too long. Start right now!” Suddenly, a police car stopped in front of our bus. We all thought that the policemen could help us and we could go at once.

Paragraph 1.

To our surprise, the two policemen got on our bus with handcuffs (手铐).

Paragraph 2.

Watching the thieves having been caught by the policemen, all the passengers smiled with delight.



书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

The only life that Jeffrey had ever known was on the streets. He has been homeless since his parents fell ill and passed away.

As much as he tried, Jeffrey couldn’t find a permanent job when he grew up. He only had a few clothes, blankets and shoes. With no family or friends, he relied on his local shelter and soup kitchen. He would often ask the workers at a local burger (汉堡包) place for their leftovers to survive.

Jeffrey knew many people in the area and would help new tenants (房客) move into their apartments for a bit of money. He desperately wanted to find a job, but he knew he didn’t look the part (穿着与工作相宜). One day, as Jeffrey was looking through the garbage can outside the burger shop for food, he noticed a black object near the surface.

He picked it up and realized it was a wallet. Maybe one of the cooks dropped it, he thought. However, when he looked inside, he could recognize the I. D. picture. The wallet belonged to Alan, an old man who stayed a few blocks away.

Alan’s cards and cash were still inside the wallet, meaning he’d lost it by mistake. There was also a check for $3,000 inside the wallet. “This is life-changing money. I could get some fresh clothes, maybe rent a small studio apartment and finally get a job,” Jeffrey said to himself.

Jeffrey sat down with the wallet in his hands and decided to think about it first. He remembered asking Alan for money a few weeks before. Alan didn’t give him money because he would have an operation soon. Jeffrey knew he couldn’t live with the guilt of knowing a man would suffer if he took the money for himself. Even though he initially felt that the check may have been a gift, he quickly realized that it was more of a test.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Jeffrey walked a few blocks to Alan’s office.


A few weeks later, Jeffrey was outside the burger joint eating some leftover fries.

2024-05-14更新 | 45次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

When I was a child growing up in the Netherlands, I often begged my mother to tell me this story about an experience her family had at the end of World War II.

During the terrible last winter of the German occupation, food was scarce in the Netherlands. People were so hungry that they began to eat small animals and many things not normally considered edible (可食用的), including tulip bulbs (郁金香球茎), which could be cooked like potatoes.

For centuries, my mother’s family had owned a highly successful tulip business, which provided jobs for many in our village. But the war shut their business down, and during the winter of hunger, my grandfather, Albert, donated all his tulip bulbs to feed the hungriest villagers. For years, Albert had been trying to grow a black tulip. By careful selection, he was very close. So he guarded these few bulbs carefully to prevent people from stealing them for food.

One day, it was announced that the war was over. But there was much destruction and the Dutch people still faced dangers. My grandfather looked at his pale, thin children and realized that the hunger could continue for a long time, so he made his decision. He seized a shovel (铁铲) and went into the garden. There he found my mother, Vivian, who was just seven years old, looking nervous. Over her shoulder, Albert saw a band of Germans coming toward them down the street. He whispered to Vivian to run inside the house and began digging for his bulbs. But it was too late. Someone had already stolen them. Angry and desperate, Albert ran toward the street screaming, “They have stolen my tulip bulbs!” Vivian, watching from the doorway, cried out and ran to stop her father. Before she could reach him, Albert stumbled and fell, badly hurting his leg.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Fortunately, Albert recovered slowly.
It took some time for Albert to rebuild his business, starting with those few bulbs that were spared by the thieves.
2024-03-03更新 | 45次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Mike, aged 14, was a music fan, especially a fan for violin. He expected to be a music star one day. Unfortunately, born into a poor family depending on delivering newspapers and milk, he couldn’t afford a violin. He had thought of asking his parents to pay for one but finally he abandoned possessing the impossible musical instrument.

Mike’s neighbor, Joseph, happened to be a violinist. The greatest pleasure Mike found after school every day was enjoying the beautiful melodies floating out of Joseph’s window. Not until dark did Mike sneak into his own room. And every time Mike’s mother asked him why he came home late, Mike would say he was lost in music.

“Why not spend more time in your lessons instead, sweetheart? After all, music can’t make money if you’re not so famous.” In order to prove he could realise his dream, he knew he must have his own violin and practise more.

Mike found a job at a nearby church, running errands for the servicemen. One day, another music player happened to learn about Mike’s situation and offered him an old violin as a gift. He even promised to teach him how to play after church services at the weekends. Months later, Mike learned violin very well.

The first performance he made was on the roadside of a lonely street. From time to time passersby stopped to watch him play. And a few even left some coins in his hat lying on the ground. When it was time for Mike to go back, he heard a woman’s cry. Following the sound, Mike spotted her and discovered the truth that she was called Connie, a trainee in a cafeteria, and that she had just had an awful day at work and was yelled by the boss.

Hesitatingly, Mike tried to lend her a hand though he was yet uncertain how to comfort someone.
Connie told Mike a violinist happened to be wanted in the cafeteria where she worked.
2023-12-19更新 | 222次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般