组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:136 题号:18122977

I am an Africa wildlife filmmaker. But wildlife filmmakers from Africa are rarer than mountain gorillas(大猩猩). To understand why there are so few, we need to remember our recent history.

When the colonialists(殖民者) ruled Africa, they seized control of the continent’s wildlife and other natural resources. They saw African wildlife as “big game” and the continent’s first protected natural areas were game reserves created by driving away locals for the benefit of white hunters. Later, game reserves were renamed national parks and big game hunting gave way to wildlife tourism. But African wildlife was still there for White people’s enjoyment and benefits.

That locals could have an interest in preserving wildlife for its own sake was rarely considered. Africans -like me who tried to get involved in wildlife conservation were made to feel out of place. When I was first interviewed by a British film crew, my interview was cut at the editing stage and replaced by a white man, just because I was an African.

Africa was the setting for some of the most popular films about wildlife, but these films were made by western-owned production companies for Western audiences, and most Africans never even got to see them. What Africa needed was to see themselves and their view points in the films. We urgently needed wildlife films made by Africans, about Africans and for Africans. As producer of the documentary TV series “Wildlife Warriors”, I set out to find African conservation heroes who could play a role in the documentary. I soon discovered that we had some talented African filmmakers across the continent.

Today things are changing fast. Companies like National Geographic and the BBC are leading the way with new approaches to global storytelling that deliver diversity and equality. Our African wildlife filmmakers’ mission is to draw on the power of local storytelling to inspire our people to save our continent’s rich wildlife.

1. Why are African wildlife filmmakers rare?
A.They lack the talent in making films.B.They live in the shadow of westerners.
C.They are still colonized by the westerns.D.They aren’t interested in filming wildlife.
2. What message does the cut of my interview convey?
A.The strictness of the crew.B.The preference for the British.
C.The prejudice against Africans.D.The benefits of local communities.
3. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.The locals enjoy wildlife films set in Africa.
B.Africans play a leading role in wildlife film-making.
C.Films made by westerners are the most popular ones.
D.Africans long for having a say in wildlife film-making.
4. What is the purpose of the author writing the text?
A.To introduce how African wildlife are protected.
B.To urge people to better preserve African wildlife.
C.To show that the author was ignored by westerners.
D.To explain why more African filmmakers are needed.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Laughter is so important to humans that people can recognize it, even if they belong to a different culture or speak a different language. Humans also think of laughter as a way to connect and bond. What about other animals?

Scientists are studying if animals laugh to find out if there is a connection between laughing and playing. The work won’t just help us understand animals better, but it could also help us understand how humans changed over time to laugh the way we do now. Sasha Winkler, a graduate student at UCLA, works with small monkeys. These monkeys would play together by chasing each other. One day, Winkler noticed a sound the animals made during the play. The monkeys sounded like they were out of breath. Then, Winkler read and reviewed research written by other scientists studying animals. And he found out that many animals laugh so that their play partner knows they are having fun. This is important because animal play can sometimes look like fighting. During the play, some animals also make a “play face”, giving an expression like a smile to show that they are happy.

But animal laughs are not quite the same as human laughs. When compared to human laughs, animal laughter can sound very different. When some birds play, they make a purring (低鸣) sound. Humans may have started off panting like some monkeys do, but over time laughter became the sounds we use today.

One big difference between human laughs and animal laughs is that humans laugh much more loudly. Most sounds animals make during play are very quiet so they can only be heard by the animal they are playing with. But for humans, loud laughter is a sign that we’re part of a group. It’s really fascinating that so many animals use sounds during play. And those sounds are for reasons similar to why humans make sounds.

1. What’s the main function of paragraph 1?
A.To arouse the readers’ interest.B.To introduce the topic of the text.
C.To summarize the whole text.D.To state why people laugh.
2. Which of the following best describes the study on animals’ laughing?
3. What can be inferred in paragraph 2?
A.The animals can laugh when they are fighting.
B.The animals may have fight when playing together.
C.The animals make different kinds of “play face” during the play.
D.The animals will be out of breath in chasing each other.
4. What does the underlined word “panting” mean in paragraph 3?
A.Playing happily.B.Smiling slightly.
C.Breathing quickly.D.Laughing loudly.
2021-11-12更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Man’s relation with animals is very old. They can be traced back to the beginning of civilization. Man is the best creation and measure of all things. However, his kinship with animals is well established. Darwin believed that man has evolved from monkeys. Thus, they are our ancestors.

The friendship between man and animals is more reliable and lasting. Man’s friendship with man may not last long, but it is of permanent nature with the domesticated and pet animals. Domesticated creatures are never ungrateful. They will never turn hostile. That’s why they have been so useful to mankind and live in perfect harmony with us.

In western countries cats are very popular as pets, for they kill rats and other rodents and make a good constant company. Dogs are kept for protection and safety. They are matchless in faithfulness and loyalty. They help in hunting, in rearing sheep and in protecting properties. They also help in detecting and tracking thieves and criminals. They are trained for many other purposes as well, including being good guides and rescuing services.

Horses are domesticated, for they’re well-known for their speed, strength, faithfulness and an unerring road sense. They are dependable friends both in war and peace. Similarly, elephants have been great and reliable friends of mankind from immemorial times. An elephant is very intelligent, brave, faithful and hardworking animal. Being an intelligent animal, it never forgets both the acts of kindness and acts of wrongdoing.

Donkeys, camels, yaks, bullocks are the beasts of burden. They serve us in a way that none can do. Similarly, the cow is raised for its milk, dung and hide. In western countries cow-meat is also eaten with relish. But in India cow is worshipped by the Hindu as mother and a symbol of holiness, care, affection and innocence. Monkeys are widely used in the discovery of medicines. Whenever a new medicine is discovered, it is first tried on them.

Really, these animals are great and reliable friends of ours, without which life would have lost half of its charm and usefulness. We should always be kind to them.

1. Why the author mentions Darwin in paragraph one?
A.To illustrate humans have evolved from monkeys.
B.To suggest Darwin was a highly accomplished biologist.
C.To imply the relation between man and animals is close.
D.To show the human civilization has a long history.
2. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “hostile” ?
3. What is the structure of the article?
4. What can we know from the article?
A.Dogs are domesticated mainly to be pets for people.
B.Elephants are so intelligent that they can’t be domesticated.
C.Cows are worshipped in India as well as in western countries.
D.Horses can find its way home if they are put in the wild.
2022-08-23更新 | 326次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Green Is Good

Planting and growing things offers a lot more than fresh vegetables and flowers. Working in a nice outdoor space can help you stay refreshed, promote your creativity and enrich your leisure activities.     1    . There are more advantages.

Providing a fun workout

It’s wonderful to get out in the garden on a beautiful day to give it a tidy. Planting seeds, pulling up weeds, moving pots, pushing a lawnmower, and other gardening tasks actually provide a whole-body, moderate-intensity workout for people, especially for adults.     2    , which might keep you in motion longer than traditional exercise.


Having dirt under your fingernails may be a sign of poor hygiene. but scientists say it could also be a mark of good health. Thanks to beneficial bacteria found in soil, gardening may boost your immune system, helping you get sick less and fight off infections easier.

Nourishing your spirit

    4    . According to an experiment conducted by NASA, scientists found that planting and nurturing seeds, even in small pots, lifted astronauts’ moods and eased their stress in the severe environment of outer space. And if gardening can do that for astronauts, it should be more than good enough for those of us who watch them on TV.

Increasing coordination and strength

Hand and finger strength, flexibility and coordination are essential for everyday tasks like opening jars, carrying packages and picking up children.     5    . Therefore, make good use of gardening as an ideal approach to enhancing your coordination and strength.

A.Sharpening your mind
B.And that’s just for starters
C.Improving your immune system
D.Even better, whatever your age, it is a beneficial activity
E.Working with plants provides stress relief and positive sensory stimulation
F.The benefits come from a combination of physical exercise and the stress reduction
G.Gardening is a great way to improve and maintain those fine motor skills and muscles
2023-01-09更新 | 358次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般