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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:109 题号:18136277

The 23rd of La is celebrated as the Minor Festival. From 23rd of La onwards the festive mood of Spring Festival begins to pick up. There are more and more vendor’s (小贩) stands along the streets filled with a great     1    (various) of Spring Festival goods that catch the eye: Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings, window decorations, paper cuts, fireworks, firecrackers, lanterns, etc. You can hear vendors     2    (call) for business up and down the streets.

The Minor Festival is also known     3     the Kitchen God Day. In the past, Kitchen God,     4     was placed next above or next to the stove, was worshiped (敬奉) in every household. On this day, Kitchen God was to go and report to Jade Emperor in Heaven what he     5    (see) on earth. He was believed to be able to determine fortunes or misfortunes of the household,     6     the household took great care to worship Kitchen God as best they could. Among the offerings     7    (present) to Kitchen God there was the sticky malt sugar. When Kitchen God took it, his     8    (tooth) and lips got stuck up and couldn’t report to Jade Emperor for anything bad about the household. When     9     worshiping ritual (仪式) was over, the portrait (画像) of Kitchen God was burned and people believed he went up to Heaven while crackers were fired.

This sounds like a funny story.     10    (unlucky), as people know more and more about science, old customs like this are being forgotten.

【知识点】 中国文化与节日


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Peking Opera     1     (consider) as a national treasure in China, which dates back to over 200 years ago. The early Qing Dynasty saw the great     2     (develop) of this opera. It arose in the late 18th century and became     3     (full) developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. It is     4     form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime(哑剧), dance and acrobatics(杂技).

Peking Opera comes     5     four local operas, Hui Opera in Anhui, Han Opera in Hubei, Kun Opera in Jiangsu and Qingqiang in Shangxi. It has drawn the merits of these local operas and created its own style.

Speech, song, dance and combat     6     (be) the four classic performing arts in Peking Opera,     7     are also the basic skills for performers and are usually trained since the performers are very young. There are many roles in Peking Opera, mainly Sheng, Dan, Jing, and Chou, each of which has     8     own costume(服装) and mask-paintings.

Many audiences from different     9     (country) think that it is the     10     (large) and most influential kind of opera in China and the influence is incomparable in China.

2022-07-17更新 | 78次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Dragon Boat Festival is on May 5 of the lunar calendar. It is also called “duan wu jie”, “chong wu jie”, and “duan yang jie”. There are two fives in the date May 5, therefore it     1     (get ) the name of “chong wu”.There are many tales(传说) explaining the meaning or       2     (begin) of the Drago n Boat Festival. One is that usually it     3       (hold) to remember a great poet, Qu Yuan. However, researches done       4     scholars(学者) have led to another two probable     5    (view).

The     6     (one) view is that it is related to a tale of a dragon in ancient Chinese legend. People of thé south considered     7     (they) as children of the dragon. On May 5 of the lunar calendar, they would worship(敬奉)the dragon’s “totem”,    8    (wish) for a year of a good harvest.

Another one is that it is based on the myth of an “evil day”. As summer starts, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects and the growth of bacteria become more common. People       9     (easy) get sick, so they call the Dragon Boat Festival(May 5) the “evil day”.

During the Drago n Boat Festival, people usually eat zongzi and have dragon boat races     10     now are popular worldwide.

2023-11-22更新 | 89次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

In 2020, a 63-year-old Chinese grandpa attracted millions of viewers online with his     1     (tradition) Chinese carpentry skills. The Chinese master carpenter, Wang Dewen, well known as “Grandpa Amu” online, has been called modern Lu Ban due     2     his vast knowledge of carpentry.

His first video,     3     showed him making a fantastic wooden arch bridge, has gained more than 42 million views since it was posted. When     4     (build) the arch bridge, Grandpa Amu followed an ancient Chinese mortise and tenon (榫卯) technique, which means no nails or glue are involved in     5     whole process.

Grandpa Amu also made several wooden toys for     6     (he) grandson, using the same technique. Among all the toys, a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble blowing toy were his grandson’s     7     (favorite) and won viewers’ praise.

In 2022, during the Qatar World Cup, Grandpa Amu posted a video in which he created a wooden football. “A block of wood is     8     (eventual) transformed into a football. Genius,” one viewer commented under the video.

By the end of 2023, Grandpa Amu     9     (attract) over 1.2 million fans on social media. However, he insisted, “I am not a super star     10     just an ordinary farmer.”

2024-05-08更新 | 35次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般