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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:18352919

“USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?” We’re quite familiar with such discussions. As China opens its doors,     1    . They want to have a taste of a different life, and learn about the world. It’s true that studying abroad can help students’ self-development. Language skills will improve. Job-hunting may be easier. But just as an English proverb goes, “Every coin has two sides.” There are problems that should be considered.   

    2    Students must spend a lot of time learning the native language and getting used to a different culture. During that period, even daily communication can get them into big trouble.     

Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t had to before,     3    . There are reports about Chinese teens abroad sinking into an ocean of difficulties and giving up easily. When having to take care of themselves, it is hard for teenagers to study well.   

    4    For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?   

We know that there are many famous people who achieve great things through their hard work in China. The hurdler (跨栏运动员) Liu Xiang is a good example.

Liu once refused an invitation from an American coach and kept training diligently with his Chinese teacher. He shocked the world when he won a gold medal at the Athens Olympics. Everyone can succeed, with a strong determination not to give up his/her dreams. So when you wonder which country is better for studying in,     5    . Maybe it’s better to study abroad after graduating from a home university. That way, you do not waste your money or your life.

A.Language is the first obstacle.
B.consider whether studying abroad is the right choice
C.like looking after themselves and keeping to a budget
D.Moreover, studying abroad brings a heavy burden to their family.
E.studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students
F.You must be independent as soon as possible if you choose to go abroad.
G.Our teachers will help us to overcome any difficulty in studying abroad.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】4 Things to Expect from Your Peer Tutoring Session

Peer tutoring is one of the most helpful tools to use during your college years. Sometimes you will not have all the answers and that you may need help from time to time. There is probably no better way to get some academic assistance than that from your fellow students.     1    


This will probably be the most uncomfortable part of the session. However, we simply want you to be the best of the best to your best ability. Accept that you are not perfect and that you will make mistakes. Feel fortunate that your peer tutor is recognizing your defects frankly and giving you a chance to repair them.

● Expect change

    3    . Every tutor has a different learning style that is unique to them, but it’s up to you to employ what they teach you to your best ability. Use any different methods that work for you. Change is good. It is by no means something to be afraid of. Embrace it!

●Expect discipline (sometimes)

Sometimes we all try to get by with a little less. We are human, after all. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

    4    . They want you to use your potential to do the great things that they know you are capable of.

●Expect improvement

Last but not least, expect to improve. Peer tutoring can be difficult and intimidating (令人胆怯的), but ultimately the goal is for you to improve as a student in a variety of areas.

    5    . If you ask me, I think that is completely worthy of an A+.

A.Expect constructive criticism
B.Expect reconstruction of self-cognition
C.A tutor is strict with you not because he wants to be mean and ruin your existence
D.Peer tutors are understanding, helpful and honest enough to help you out through any obstacles
E.However, if tutors notice that you have been loosening up, do not be surprised if they call you out on it
F.You will leave the appointment with a changed perspective on your work and your method of completing it
G.Once practicing what you have learned in the session, you will notice a great change in your grades and your learning ability
2022-11-13更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In most adults, learning and thinking begin to decline as early as age 30. People start to perform slightly worse in tests of cognitive abilities such as the rate at which someone does a mental task.     1    

These changes are often considered normal aging. But they may instead represent something more like the “summer slide” that some schoolchildren experience in academic progress during summer break. Recent research suggests that a pause of learning is indeed a problem causing cognitive reduction.    2    

In a three-month intervention, the researchers provided an encouraging learning environment for 24 older adults. They took at least three classes to learn three new skills. They also discussed issues related to learning barriers and motivation. Over the course these participants’ cognitive scores for memory and flexibility significantly improved. In a follow-up study, the researchers discovered amazingly that they had improved further:    3     In other words, giving these seniors a multicourse routine seemed to bring up their abilities to levels similar to those of college students.

The researchers are still investigating why cognitive scores continued to climb after the program’s end, but one possibility is that the experience encouraged these older participants to continue learning and practicing new skills. Older adults are often assumed to be on a downward slide with unrecoverable loss. “Use it or lose it,” the saying goes.    4     Decline, as we so often see it, may not be certain. That’s why we need to create enriched learning environments for adults after their formal education and job training end.

    5     Educators know how to educate children and adolescents, and we can adapt that knowledge to develop learning opportunities for adults. Societies could also provide resources and paths toward lifelong learning to ensure that everyone can benefit. Let’s shift the conversation about adults from avoiding loss and decline to learning and growing.

A.But this decline can be addressed.
B.The slide becomes sharper in their mid-60s.
C.Interrupted learning may not only affect children.
D.The question now is how society can maximize adult’s chances to keep learning.
E.Their cognitive abilities after one year were close to those of adults 50 years younger.
F.Older adult research tends to emphasize skill learning only after daily functions start to decline.
G.However, the research suggests they can increase both skills and cognitive abilities over a long term.
2024-04-20更新 | 308次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Talk to someone (parents, teachers, or another trusted adult) if you’re having problems with schoolwork.     1         2     They might be able to show you how to do a tough math problem or help you think of a subject to write about for English class. But they also can be helpful by finding that perfect spot in the house for you to do your homework and keeping supplies, like pencils, on hand. Parents also can cut down on distractions, like noisy younger brothers and sisters!

Teachers also are important resources for you because they can give you advice specific to the assignment you’re having trouble with. They can help you set up a good system for writing down your assignments and remembering to put all the necessary books and papers in your backpack. Teachers can give you study tips and offer ideas about how to do your homework.     3    

You can also use the Internet to visit online homework help sites. These sites can direct you to good sources for research and offer tips and guidance about many academic subjects. But be cautious about just copying information from an Internet website.     4     Therefore, talk with your teacher about how to use these sources properly.

Another option is a private tutor. This is a person who is paid to spend time going over schoolwork with you. If cost is a concern, this can be less expensive if a small group of kids share a tutoring session.

A.This is a form of cheating.
B.Your parents are often a great place to start if you need help.
C.Helping kids learn is their job, so be sure to ask for advice!
D.Speak up as soon as you can, so you can get help right away before you fall behind.
E.You can also choose to go to your classmate.
F.These websites can give your false information.
2021-10-28更新 | 22次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般