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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:304 题号:18418560

Sidney Keys,14-year-old, has started a youth-led book club program, with the support and help of his mom, to help empower both himself and many other boys with mental or physical problems through literature.

Keys’ idea to create Books N Bros was born from his own setbacks and struggles. “I used to have a really bad stutter and perform badly in school and I would get laughed at for it,” Sidney Keys, the founder of the book club Books N Bros said. “Reading was kind of my escape from my stutter because in my head I was able to imagine things and play out all the events clearly.” He said, “I wanted to start up Books N Bros so that I could talk to other people, especially boys, about books I love in a relaxing way because it’s like a brotherhood.”

The reading club that he started at just 10 years old now has over 250“bros”aged 7 to 13 from the U.S. and Canada, most of whom are changing actively and positively. Marvel’s Hero Project, which reveals the remarkable, positive change young men make in their communities across the country and turns them into superheroes, selected Keys to be featured in the Disney series.

“I always wanted to read books that had characters that looked like me, but now I see a comic book with me in it,” Keys said delightedly. “It’s really awesome, especially when I hear my friends and teachers call me my superhero name at school.”

As for the future of Books N Bros,   Keys and his mom hope to expand the programs reach throughout the country. “Getting Books N Bros in schools across America, we don’t want transportation to be an issue for getting that physical brotherhood and bond. It just benefits so many people, and it keeps me going,” Keys explained.

1. What caused Sidney Keys to build Books N Bros?
A.His mother’s support.
B.His poor school performance.
C.His own sufferings.
D.His literature experience.
2. Why was Keys chosen by Marvel’s Hero Project?
A.Because he was called a superhero by people.
B.Because he made a difference to other people.
C.Because he was brave to face his shortcomings.
D.Because he looked like a role in the Disney series.
3. How did Keys feel when seeing himself in a comic book?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Sidney Keys: a Real-life Superhero
B.Books N Bros: Home to Young Boys
C.Sidney Keys: a Loyal Book Lover
D.Books N Bros: a Hit Across America


阅读理解-阅读单选(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】National Park Service

Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia

Visitor center assistant


Ferry (渡船) can hold up to 100 visitors and departs twice daily to the island. Volunteers

will help direct visitors to the parking area and ferry dock while answering questions about what to do and where to go during a visit.


Meet and greet visitors, answer repetitive questions, give directions, become knowledgeable about local history, clean high touch areas completely.


Office machines

General assistance

Public speaking

Visitor information


Outgoing person who has public speaking skills, able to walk/stand for 30 minutes at a time, willing to learn local history.


Both being inside visitor center in climate controlled area and being outdoors in different weather conditions.


General housekeeping

Trip and fall risks

May have to talk to unhappy visitors

1. What can we learn about the voluntary job from the text?
A.It is difficult to do.B.It will last for about a year.
C.It needs past experience.D.It provides housing for volunteers.
2. What will volunteers do on the island?
A.Introduce the historical sites.B.Clean the whole site.
C.Tell visitors the way.D.Sell the goods.
3. Who is most likely to get the opportunity?
A.One who likes taking care of kids.
B.One who is good at global history.
C.One who is experienced in public speaking.
D.One who is interested in wildlife protection.
2021-12-13更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。Margaret Jankowski创立了一个公益组织,募集旧缝纫机并重新分配给有需要的人们,帮他们维持生计,同时也使人们能够保留他们的文化认同。

【推荐2】Sewing can be fun and creative. But have you ever thought that a sewing machine can also mean the world to many people around the globe that use it as their main source of income?

When Margaret Jankowski discovered this, she decided to found The Sewing Machine Project, an organization that collects donated used machines and redistributes them in remote places like Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Guam, and Kosovo. It also aims to help those in Detroit and New Orleans.

In 2004,when a tsunami (海啸) hit Sri Lanka, Margaret was deeply touched by the story of a particular woman. After the village she lived in was destroyed by the natural disaster, she lost everything, including her sewing machine, her approach to future earnings. This story made Margaret decide to collect used sewing machines and send them to Sri Lanka. After attending a local news program where she presented her idea, she started receiving scores of sewing machines.

The Sewing Machine Project covers a basic yet necessary need of many impoverished people around the world. For them, sewing can be a tool for survival. Whether in a factory or at home, a sewing machine can be the door to brighter financial opportunities. A sewing machine can also enable many to preserve their cultural identity. After Hurricane Katrina occurred in 2005, a community of New Orleans that wears skillfully-made suits for their own traditional festival lost many of their sewing machines. Since then, the non-profit organization has distributed hundreds of machines among the creators of the costumes, helping them maintain their tradition as well as their income.

1. Why does the author raise the question in the first paragraph?
A.To call up readers’ memories.B.To lead up to the project.
C.To stress the role of sewing.D.To introduce sewing machines.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Destruction of the 2004 tsunami.B.The experience of Margaret in 2004.
C.The story of a woman in Sri Lanka.D.Inspiration for the project.
3. What does the underlined word “impoverished” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. Why is the community in New Orleans mentioned in the end?
A.To highlight its cultural identity.
B.To prove the importance of keeping traditions.
C.To explain the project’s achievement.
D.To show the project’s contribution to traditions.
2022-04-26更新 | 206次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Guardian Angels are people who travel on the New York subways and protect other passengers from criminals (罪犯). They are volunteers: they don’t get paid anything to do this job. The Guardian Angels would never have appeared without a young man named Curtis Sliwa.

Forty-three years ago, if you’d wanted to travel home late at night on the New York subway, you wouldn’t have felt very safe. Luckily, on February 13, 1979, at 3:00 a. m. , the first safety patrol (巡逻)—called The Team—went into action. Curtis Sliwa and his friend Don Chin began to cleanup crime on one of New York’s toughest subway lines, the Number 4 train. However, this was not a job for two, but a job for 13, so thirteen brave people walked into the last car of the Number 4 subway line in New York City—the “Mugger’s Express”. If they saw a danger of violence (暴力), they stopped it, using non-violent means. The group became known as the “Magnificent 13”.

The Magnificent 13 soon went from thirteen members to hundreds and they changed their name to the Guardian Angels Safety Patrol (GASP). At first, GASP faced opposition from the police, but they had the strong support of the public. Today, the Guardian Angels can be found all over the US. If you travel by subway, you will see them wearing red hats and white T-shirts. Although Guardian Angels are not armed, if they’re present, a criminal will think twice before committing a crime.

The Guardian Angels also train young people to join them in their fight against crime. They believe that if they train groups of volunteers to patrol dangerous areas in New York, the city will be safer for everybody. “If we had more volunteers, we would be able to reduce the problems many cities face: violence, crime, and drugs. ”

They have also started after-school training programs inside high schools and community centers. If young people visit the Guardian Angels Headquarters (总部), volunteers will talk to them about their work and will then guide them through the Times Square area. It’s fun. It’s safe and meaningful!

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The changes brought by the Magnificent 13.
B.The birth of the Guardian Angels Safety Patrol.
C.The subway lines that the Guardian Angels patrolled.
D.The reason why Curtis Sliwa wanted to stop subway crime.
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The police influenced the public’s opinions about GASP.
B.Volunteers play an active role in reducing crime in New York.
C.The Magnificent 13 put an end to crime on the Mugger’s Express.
D.The Guardian Angels sometimes turn to violence to keep passengers safe.
3. What can young people do at the Guardian Angels Headquarters?
A.Talk to the leader of GASP.B.Take part in training programs.
C.Carry out safety patrols with guides.D.Get educated about the Guardian Angels’work.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To publicize a social service group.B.To call attention to public safety concerns.
C.To introduce Curtis Sliwa’s great contributions.D.To present new ways to reduce crime in society.
2024-01-20更新 | 169次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般