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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:163 题号:18474675

The most difficult thing about celebrating the Spring Festival in     1     big city is finding a restaurant that is open. Almost all the shops close for a week or two, as workers and proprietors (业主) return to their hometowns     2     (celebrate) with their families. Cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen,     3     half or more of the population moves in from elsewhere, are ghost towns.     4     (lucky), I like Lanzhou beef noodles; those shops mostly stay open.

In the countryside, it is completely opposite. Two years ago, a friend, Robin    5    (invite) me to celebrate the Spring Festival at his family’s home in Baichi village     6    the north of central China’s Henan province.The village residents were friendly and somewhat    7     (surprise) to see a foreigner. Much food    8     (eat) and beer was drunk at neighbors’   homes at supper. Without doubt, the drinking experience was unique. Almost everyone who came to Robin’s home brought a bottle of baüju or rice wine with them. Long     9     (table) were put in two rooms of the house, and each was covered with food.    10     your glass was empty, it would be filled quickly; if it was full, you’d better empty it!


语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

China has developed a unique festival food culture throughout the years. Eating dumplings is a common folk custom for many Chinese on the day of winter solstice(冬至), especially people    1     live in the north.

When midwinter comes, vital movement begins to decline and calm down. In this period,    2     eaten in a right amount, some nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, and chestnuts are good for one’s body.

People in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province,    3     accustomed to eating wontons in midwinter. According to an old story, during the midwinter feast 2,500 years ago, the King of Wu     4     (feed) up with all kinds of costly foods and wanted to try     5     (variety) things. Then, the beauty Xishi made wontons to honour the king’s wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much. Later, the people of Suzhou had wontons to celebrate the festival     6     (official).

In places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of small dumpling balls     7     (produce) with sticky rice flour (粉). In Yinchuan, Ningxia, people call midwinter the “Ghost Festival”. On that day, it is customary for people there to eat mutton soup with the dumplings in it. They give the midwinter soup a strange name and call it “brain”,which they usually share with their     8     (relative).

People in Taiwan keep the custom of providing nine-layer cakes     9     their ancestors. People from the same family gather at their ancestral temples to adore their ancestors in order of their ages. After     10     (hold) the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand dinner.

2023-08-21更新 | 78次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Lichun, or the Start of Spring, is the first of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese traditional lunar calendar. This year, it     1     (fall) on Feb. 4th, the same day as the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The opening ceremony began     2     the countdown of the 24 solar terms. The first program featured dancers holding green props (道具),     3     formed a picture of green grass. It     4     (vivid) presented not only the spring, but also vitality. The program was followed by spring-themed fireworks show,     5     (symbolize) the seeds of spring spreading all over the earth.

In     6     Chinese language, the character “Li” means “start”, while the season of spring     7     (consider) as the beginning of a year. How important is Lichun for the Chinese people? An old Chinese saying gives the answer: “Spring is the golden time of a year, so is morning of a day.”

Many of the     8     (celebration) have been maintained for Lichun, and taking a bite of the Spring is one of them. The spring pancake, with a thin wrap and various kinds of vegetables as stuffing (馅), is a     9     (represent) food of the spring. Along with a cup of “Chuncha” (the spring tea), people fully emerge     10     (they) into the pleasant smell of the season.

2022-04-17更新 | 108次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Yixing teapot,     1     is also called zisha hu in Chinese, is translated as “purple sand teapot”. Approximately five to six thousand years ago, pottery (制陶技艺) activity first emerged in the city of Yixing,     2     (locate) in the southern Jiangsu Province. At that time, Yixing city was one of the famous production     3     (region) of pottery in the east, but in the Tang Dynasty (618—907), potters started to teem with zisha ni or purple sand clay. By the early Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), the popularity of this specialized form of pottery had increased, and replaced other pottery,     4     (become) the preferred tea set.

Zisha hu is     5     unique Chinese art form that developed during the Song Dynasty (960—1279), but reached the height of its fame during the early Ming Dynasty. This very elegant, but simple style of pottery became     6     (increasing) popular as tea preparation     7     (it) moved towards simplicity. The process of preparing tea during the earlier Tang Dynasty     8     (involve) the grinding (碾碎) of leaves and the addition of incense. As this complex method began to fall out of favor, it     9     (replace) with the use of simple bill wonderful whole tea leaves and buds. The unglazed and uncolored purple sand teapot proved it could best capture the real color and fragrance of this new style of tea. In addition, its aesthetics reflected the cultural and     10     (philosophy) ideas of the times.

7日内更新 | 25次组卷
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