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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:18545045

Perhaps you have ever heard the saying: Change is the only constant. Everyone, without doubt, goes through changes in their life, whether it is a physical state of aging or a mental state of emotional maturity. However, some are afraid to make the conscious decision to move or they think it’s too late to have a fresh start.

I have a friend named Jack. At the age of 37, he is a Senior Manager at one of the Big Four. He has a great salary, owns his own apartment and enjoys the fine things in life, but not without the heavy burdens that his job brings. On the surface, it looks like he has got life figured out. Yet when I once asked if he was happy with his work, he answered that he sometimes wished to quit his job to do something less stressful. But he’d become accustomed to this lifestyle and felt that it would be too late to give it up to achieve a new ambition.

For him, the risks are too high, so whether he can’t abide his present job or not, he has to choose to suck it up. You might have come to a similar situation as Jack’s or you might be a Jack. You’re now facing a wall. No matter what it is-the stress of your job or the terrible feeling, it’s time that you had to decide whether you’ll tear down that wall or continue to let it enclose you. I suggest pushing back the boundaries and breaking the fixed patterns. Why do you feel it’s too late to start over?That is simply because you’re comparing yourself with others-younger or more successful individuals. In fact, you should compare yourself with the older version of you.

Don’t become that person who lets life pass by only to regret it when you are making your way into old age. Don’t let your life plateau (停滞不前) and waste away in the daily chores. Don’t give up the potential you still have hidden and be locked away by your current state. Now, you’d better bravely start going after the things you want to do, without abandoning your dreams, ambitions and responsibilities.

1. What kind of people does Jack represent according to the author?
A.Those leading a happy life.B.Those having an easeful career.
C.Those thinking it’s too late to change.D.Those having a high ambition to work.
2. What does the underlined word “abide” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does the author advise us not to do?
A.Let life stand still.B.Enjoy the present job.
C.Have a small goal in life.D.Consider ourselves as a failure.
2023高三·全国·专题练习 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I was diagnosed at the age of 14 with a disease, which the doctors said would leave me in a wheelchair at 25 and dead at 40. Luckily, it didn’t happen as predicted. The disease never spread to my legs, for which I am very grateful.

Still, everything I did hurt, from opening a door to putting on my clothes. I no longer had the ability to move my thumbs, and my left hand was functionally paralyzed (功能性瘫痪). I was in constant pain because I lacked the muscle strength required to do these simple tasks.

After undergoing 40 years of this disease, I decided to step into the world of alternative (可替代的/非传统的) healing. I learned to allow the flow of grace to heal and care for me.

Healing is having the courage to love yourself, and trusting you deserve a better life and healthier existence. When I adopted that new belief system, my entire being started to shift into wellness.

Slowly and steadily, I was unlocking myself from the only existence I had known. I began to imagine a new life filled with joy and acceptance. If my heart healed, my body would heal.

As I became more in touch with the energy around me, I learned the incredible power of words and how we receive exactly what we ask for. I came to understand that everything in life is an offering, an opportunity to grow.

We always have a choice. We can remain trapped in past belief patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us, or we can create a new story, one that is truer to ourselves.

I learned that “forgiveness + compassion = healing”. When we forgive ourselves, and others, we heal the hurt and discomfort. When we are compassionate (有同情心的) and graceful, we attract the same. As a result of my efforts, I now live each day in joy and gratitude.

Since I can heal, anyone can heal. We are here to be in our heart’s desire and live our purpose.

1. How is the 2nd paragraph developed?
A.By giving examples.B.By listing statistics.
C.By making comparisons.D.By classifying facts.
2. What do we know about the author?
A.She used to move in a wheelchair.
B.She was rescued by a doctor at 40.
C.She was in constant pain for a heart attack.
D.She has changed her mindset toward positivity.
3. Which of the following best describes her new belief system?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Learning to forgive others.B.Shifting into wellness.
C.Meeting a big challenge.D.Healing the world.
2023-12-10更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is very popular among business people who want to improve their careers.    1    For example,Covey's principles can be used to improve relationships between parents and children or to improve the way you manage your time.

Covey begins by discussing habits and effectiveness,and why they are both important to success.According to Covey,for an action,such as listening to others,to become a habit,you must know what to do and why you should do it.However,you also must want to do.On the other hand,effectiveness means having a balance between success and a good relationship with the people around you.    2    However,if the company does not respect its workers,the profits will eventually decline.

    3    The first three habits focus on personal growth.The next three habits are about how to get along with others.The seventh habit shows how to achieve physical,emotional and mental health.

Covey includes exercises to help you analyse your life.He challenges you to identify what you want to contribute to society in your lifetime.He does this by asking you to think about what people to say about you after you die.    4    For example,if you want your children to say that you were always willing to spend time with them, then you will spend more time with them and less time at work.    5    

A.It has the potential to really improve your life.
B.In this way,you can challenge yourself to make your dreams and ambitions come true.
C.However,its principles can be applied to any area of life.
D.In order to be successful,you must have habits that make you able to deal effectively with others and your own personal life.
E.For example,a company might focus completely on making a profit.
F.Your answer to this question will help you make better decisions about how to spend your time.
G.Covey also introduces the seven habits of highly effective people.
2017-11-07更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Failure is a word that no one wants to hear. It is human being’s biggest fear yet it is faced by every human being.     1     Therefore, you need to learn how to deal with failure. Here are some tips which can help you get on the positive side of life.

    2     Before starting anything that you think will give you success, promise yourself that you will never give up. This promise helps make your mind ready for both failure and success. Remember that it is never too late to do so.

Learn from your mistakes. This is the opportunity that you should not let go of. Suppose you are on a football ground, you strike the ball for 9 times in a row and fail.     3     The tenth attempt proves that you have somehow learnt from your mistakes.

Never think that you’ve got only one plan. The worst thing you can do after failing in some projects is thinking that it was the only plan you could ever think of. There is always another way.     4     If you are into achieving something, no one or nothing in this world can stop you.

Keep a positive attitude. This is the most important thing that you need to live a happy life. Always think positive. Never let yourself down.     5    

A.Never give up.
B.Keep confident all the time.
C.But at the tenth attempt, you succeed.
D.If Plan A fails, turn to Plan B or Plan C.
E.Sometimes, people’s fear of it is their biggest barrier to success.
F.Positivity is all we need to grow and establish ourselves in this world.
G.What if nothing comes to you but missing the kick after you try the last shoot?
2022-07-16更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般