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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:22 题号:18562098

Daily News—Cecilia Chiang, who first changed the stereotypes (刻板印象) about Chinese cuisine (饭菜) in the United States, died Wednesday. She was 100.

Chiang was the owner, chef and mastermind behind the game-changing San Francisco restaurant, the Mandarin. She is widely credited with bringing real Chinese food to America and was a celebrity(名人) chef before celebrity chefs were popularized.

Chiang, who was born in Wuxi, came from an upper-class Chinese family. Although she wasn’t shy about admitting her good fortune, she faced other obstacles (障碍). To convince the dining public that Chinese food didn’t have to be the Thursday’s cheap takeout option, Chiang had her work cut out for her, when she moved to the Bay Area in 1959. She insisted on showing diners the refined side of Chinese food and wanted to upgrade the Chinese dining experience. To do this, she also needed to be aware of aesthetics (美学).

The Mandarin did not serve fried rice (炒饭) or chow mien (炒面), two standard dishes in every Chinese restaurant in the US at the time. But this was exactly what Chiang wanted to avoid. In fact, her early encounter (邂逅) with Chinese food in America had left her determined to show San Francisco what Chinese food was really like.

Her granddaughter, Siena Chiang said, “I hope she is a signal and an inspiration to people with marginalized (边缘化的) identities to always believe in your own worth and knowledge, and not to give in to other cultures.”

1. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.An autobiography.B.A travel book.
C.An essay collection.D.News coverage.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined phrase “had her work cut out”?
A.Cut her work into small parts.
B.Had lots of work to do.
C.Reached out for help.
D.Was out of her job.
3. What did Cecilia Chiang do to change Americans’ impression of Chinese cuisine?
A.To be an aesthetician.
B.To stop offering takeout food on Thursday.
C.To serve fried rice or chow mien.
D.To improve the Chinese dining experience.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】On June 7th 2020, Kathy Sullivan and an underwater explorer (探险家) named Victor Vescovo went down 10,915 meters below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, making the 68-year-old lady the first woman ever to reach the deepest point in the sea.

Dr. Sullivan has a long history as an explorer. She was among the first women to join NASA as an astronaut (宇航员). She made three separate trips into space. In October of 1984, she took part in a 3.5-hour spacewalk, making her the first American woman to take part in activities in space outside of a spaceship.

But Dr. Sullivan has also been interested in the ocean (海洋) for a long time. Before she joined NASA,   she was in the US Navy (海军), where her job included studying the ocean.

After she left NASA in 1993, Dr. Sullivan began working for NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) as its chief scientist. NOAA studies both the oceans and the atmosphere.

The purpose of Sunday’s submarine dive (潜水艇潜水) was the Mariana Trench (马里亚纳海沟). It is the deepest part in the ocean floor. And the deepest part of the Mariana Trench is known as Challenge Deep---the deepest place on Earth.

The two spent about an hour and a half at the bottom, taking valuable pictures of the area. Because of the time required to get used to the changing pressure (压力), it took about four hours for their submarine to come back to the surface.

After coming up from the bottom of the ocean, Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Vescovo made a phone call to the International Space Station (ISS) and compared ideas with the astronauts on the ISS about what was similar between their experiences.

Dr. Sullivan said that as an astronaut and as someone who studies the ocean, it was a “hard but once-in-a-lifetime day”.

1. What did Kathy Sullivan do to surprise the world in June of 2020?
A.She made as many as three trips into space.
B.She took part in outdoor activities in space.
C.She dived into the Pacific Ocean at the age of 68.
D.She became the first woman to reach Challenger Deep.
2. How was Dr. Sullivan’s trip to the Mariana Trench?
A.It was difficult but fruitful.
B.It was easier than she had expected.
C.It changed her attitude towards the ocean.
D.It was quite a similar experience to spacewalking.
3. Which show the correct order of the following events?
a. Dr. Sullivan joined NOAA.
b. Dr. Sullivan served in the US Navy.
c.Dr. Sullivan took a 3.5-hour spacewalk.
d.Dr. Sullivan held a talk with the ISS astronauts.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Childhood Dream RealizedB.Kathy Sullivan’s life stories
C.Exploring the Ocean DeepD.From Space to Ocean Deep
2022-05-01更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The last time wild bison(野牛) set foot in the UK, the Middle Stone Age was coming to a close as the English people living in caves discovered farming and started clearing forests for raising farm animals. Now, 6,000 years on, wild bison are coming back to our soil as part of a major conservation project.

In an effort to protect the European bison, a small group of the endangered animals are to be reintroduced into Kent in the spring of 2022. Conservationists hope the bison will also help decimate spare pine trees to create sunny new open space in the forest and improve insect, bird and plant diversity in the area.

To start with, one male and three females will be introduced, with each female expected to produce one baby per year through natural breeding. The bison to be released in the UK will likely come from   the Netherlands or Poland,where similar reintroduction programs have been achieved.

These animals have a huge size, weighing up to a ton each. They are expected to kill off trees in former pine plantations by eating or rubbing against bark(树皮). The dead wood should provide food for insects, which will in turn provide food for birds including nightingales and turtle doves. Scientists who are part of this project believe that the reintroduction of bison will pose no threats to people living nearby since these bison have a peaceful nature and will not harm others.

Paul Hadaway, from Kent wildlife Trust, said, “Using missing keystone species like bison to restore natural processes to the home of animals and plants is the key to creating bio-abundance on our land.” Once the bison are settled in their 500-hectare land, the public will be able to pay a visit and observe the animals from viewing platforms. And as they grow year by year, some may be moved to similar locations across the UK.

1. What does the underlined word “decimate” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Why might the UK choose bison from the Netherlands or Poland?
A.They are home to bison.
B.They have similar environments.
C.They are a short distance away.
D.They have successful experience.
3. What is Paul Hadaway’s attitude to this project?
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Wild bison disappeared in the UK.
B.The UK starts a conservation project.
C.Wild bison will return to the UK.
D.Wild bison are vital for bio-abundance.
2021-05-08更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Will Smith jumped into a live volcano and kayaked (划皮艇) down an Icelandic whitewater river for his latest project. But he wasn’t making an action movie. It was personal.

Smith, a Hollywood leading man who admits that he’s far from enjoying outdoor activities, has put himself in danger while filming Welcome to Earth, a Disney original series from National Geographic. He was afraid at that time, but he says “It’s really difficult to enjoy things if you’re scared. I think the ability to see how beautiful things are is directly connected to your openness to them and fear closes you down.”

Smith says he was once scared of everything and hated water, but he learns to read the rapids (急流) while whitewater kayaking, rescues turtles near the Great Barrier Reef and goes 3,000 feet below the sea in a deep-water submarine.

Dr. Albert Lin, an engineer and explorer who has uncovered lost cities previously for National Geographic, was astonished to find that Smith was able to control his fears even in the face of real danger. While diving in the underground lake in Namibia, Smith got into trouble and Lin watched him “dropping at a rate that felt like maybe we wouldn’t see him again.” But Smith was able to control his mind and deal with the situation. “I respected Will Smith, the actor, before, but now I definitely have grown to truly respect Will Smith, the human being,” says Lin.

Produced by famous filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, the series carries on the tradition of National Geographic pushing the exploring envelope (极限) and employing the latest technology to help us understand our world. “I hope this can help people out there get a sense of how absolutely incredible our planet is,” says Lin.

The experts Smith has paired with teach him about speed, smell and sound and the colors out there he might miss. “You can’t really want to protect something that you don’t understand. And you can’t want to protect something that you can’t recognize as beautiful,” Smith says.

1. What enables you to enjoy beautiful things according to Smith?
A.Spirit of adventure.B.Ability to find beauty.
C.Respect for nature.D.Openness to change.
2. What happened to Smith in Namibia?
A.He found a lost city.B.He nearly lost his life in a lake.
C.He entered a diving competition.D.He went deep under the sea in a submarine.
3. What can be learned about “Welcome to Earth” from paragraph 5?
A.It explains the origin of our planet.B.It targets potential explorers.
C.It won important film awards.D.It applied advanced technology.
4. Where is the text probably from?
A.A guidebook.B.A book review.C.A magazine.D.A diary.
2022-12-05更新 | 139次组卷
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