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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:87 题号:18621189

Students at Monument High School are participating in a unique activity called the Independent Project. The program is an “alternative” school that’s completely run by students—no teachers, parents, or adults are allowed—and they’re in charge of deciding their entire courses. What these teens study in the classroom and their homework are all entirely up to them.

Students aren’t taking this lightly—instead of reacting irresponsibly to the freedom to design their own studies, they’re eagerly grasping their own interests by writing poetry collections, learning instruments and taking flight lessons.

“I think the more choices we have in our schools, the more students we will help develop into the kind of citizens that we need,” Principal Marianne Young explains. “And that it’s okay for you to need a little bit of a different approach from mine.”

The only structure to the program is this: On Mondays students come up with questions that interest them about one of their school subjects, and then they spend the rest of the week researching and coming up with potential conclusions to these inquiries. On Fridays, they present this information to their classmates.

Teens express their satisfaction with the program because it accommodates different kinds of learners, even those who don’t always succeed in a traditional academic sense.

“I have dyslexia(阅读障碍), so it’s very hard for me to read, write and do those sorts of things. School has always been a big problem for me,” one student named Sergio explains. “If not for this program, I don’t know if I’d be graduating—I don’t know where I’d be right now. I think this has really been my savior and got me through the last two years of high school.”

1. What can we know about the Independent Project?
A.Normal school courses are a must.B.There’re no teachers involved in it.
C.It aims to help students with math.D.Students must study courses at home.
2. According to Principal Marianne Young, ______.
A.more course choices will benefit top students
B.teachers play a key role in students’ education
C.different learning styles should be encouraged
D.knowledge can be better gained by discussions
3. What’s teens’ attitude towards the Independent Project?
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The structure of a learning program.B.The benefits of interactive learning.
C.An unusual educational program.D.The differences in individual learning.
【知识点】 学习 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Listening to music was the most popular side activity for teens studying with another task. While we may prefer different kinds of focus music, the following playlist has the magical ability to promote concentration, brain power and creativity.

1. Classical music

A theory “The Mozart Effect” suggests classic music can better your brain’s attention.

There are also several studies done where students listening to classical music did better on tests than students with no music.


·ClassicFM (a free radio streaming platform playing famous classical pieces)

·“Study Playlist: Classical Music” on Spotify

·“Classical Music for When You’re on a Deadline” on YouTube

2. Video game music

Video game music is designed to keep you absorbed and focused, which is also great for memorizing. When your brain is focused on just melody (旋律), it’s taking a break from trying to break down the lyrics (歌词) of a song and thus increases your performance.


·“Video game soundtracks” on Spotify

·“Video game music for studying” on YouTube

·Choose favourites from this list and create your own playlist!

3. RnB

If you easily wander (走神), RnB may not be the best music for homework for you. There’s a high chance that you might spend too much time on the lyrics of the song. However, many RnB fans reported feeling more relaxed, focused, and less stressed.


·“Study R & B Smooth Songs” on Spotify

·“Chill R & B Beats Mix—Beats to Relax and Study (Vol. 1)” on YouTube

4. Nature sounds

Nature sounds relax our nervous system, moods and focus. Some prefer listening to bird calls and animal noises, so feel free to explore if nature sounds aren’t the right music for homework for you.


·“Nature Sounds For Concentration” on Spotify

·“Relaxing Nature Sounds for Sleeping” on YouTube

1. Which is proved to benefit students who will take exams?
A.RnB.B.Nature sounds.C.Classical music.D.Video game music.
2. What is special about video game music?
A.It aims to help you remember things.B.Many of its fans feel much more relaxed.
C.Its melody leads to your desire to rest.D.You can have the playlist of your own.
3. What do the four kinds of music have in common with?
A.They are charged.B.They are all popular.
C.They can be chosen as homework.D.They can be found on Internet.
4. Who is probably the target reader of the text?
A.A musician.B.A concert host.C.A young learner.D.A we-media developer.
5. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To instruct.B.To entertain.C.To argue.D.To review.
2023-07-07更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Make Your Writing Flow?

Writing flow refers to how smoothly text flows from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to another.     1     On the other hand, choppy (不连贯的) writing lacking flow disrupts the reading experience. Luckily, you have the tips below to improve the flow of your writing.

1. Vary your sentence structure.

Using only short, choppy sentences creates a disconnected rhythm that disrupts the flow, while a series of long, complex sentences overwhelm readers.     2     Varying sentence structure keeps readers engaged and create s natural movement from one idea to the next.

2. Use transition words and phrases.

Transition words and phrases act like bridges between sentences and paragraphs. They create logical connections between ideas. Use transitions like “however,” “therefore,” “similarly,” and “in contrast” to glue sentences and paragraphs together smoothly.     3    

3. Structure paragraphs around a central idea.

    4     The supporting sentences in the paragraph should work together to explain, develop, or argue that central idea. This creates cohesion within paragraphs and connects them to each other logically. Use topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraphs structured around a singular focus improve writing flow and readability.

4.     5    

Revisiting writing with fresh eyes makes flaws in flow and transitions more noticeable. Let your drafts rest for a day or two to prevent getting stuck reworking the same passage repeatedly. Approaching writing anew allows you to evaluate flow and smooth out imperfections with distance and objectivity.

A.Don’t leave out the revising process.
B.Let completed drafts rest before editing.
C.The key is to mix sentence lengths to create fluid variety.
D.Place them at the beginning of a sentence or between independent clauses.
E.Flowing writing maintains the continuity of ideas and transitions logically.
F.Each paragraph should have a controlling idea relating to your overall theme.
G.As a writer, it is your responsibility to present your readers with a central idea.
2024-06-04更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】With schools close in the UK during the COVID-19 outbreak, most children must now be homeschooled. Parents have found themselves not only having to balance work and having the children at home but also having to try and teach them. How can you keep your children focused while learning?

Nicola Anderson — Head of Customer Support at the UK's leading online tutoring service My Tutor, provides new, up-to-date tips to hearten parents at this difficult time and advises how they can structure their children's days.

One is to keep to a regular timetable so it still feels like your child is taking part in the school day. Ms Anderson said, “Children of all ages do well on routine and boundaries; schools provide this in abundance and it will make most children feel secure and happy if they can follow a similar timetable for their homeschooling.”

Another tip is to create an environment which is favorable to learning. She said, “The environment should be free from distractions(分心)and ideally near to an open window, to provide them with appropriate levels of fresh air and natural light. Some children find it comfortable and helpful to have quiet, instrumental music playing in the background to help them to focus, but this isn't for everyone.”

Using technology to help with your child's learning is also advised. Many schools are offering online classes and resources to help and companies are reducing or even not charging their fees during this time.

It is also important to keep physical exercise as a part of your routine. Joe Wicks, otherwise known as The Body Coach, has been keeping kids healthy with daily 10 minute workouts for children on his Youtube channel. Ms Anderson said, “It can be anything from running around the garden, walking the dog, a game of football or dancing around your living room!”

1. Who is the text intended for?
2. What may Nicola Anderson agree?
A.To allow children to adjust schedule freely.
B.To offer children peaceful study environment.
C.To recommend high-tech to online schools.
D.To combine routine with kids' mental health.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Home schooling.B.Tutoring service.
C.Difficulty time.D.A regular timetable.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.How to study attentively at home.
B.How to obtain online learning resources.
C.How to improve homeschooling efficiency.
D.How to design a proper schedule.
2021-10-23更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般