组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:148 题号:18639798
以“Protect Wild Animals”为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:
参考词汇:自然保护区 nature reserve;生态平衡the balance of nature

Protect Wild Animals

【知识点】 动物 环境保护


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day, when my sister Jane and I were having fun in our yard, a homeless dog came to us and then stopped several meters away from us. She looked at us as if she wanted some food.

So I went inside and returned with some food for her. I left the food before us, but she was afraid to get it. Her eyes were filled with fear and it seemed she would escape any minute. Seeing it, Jane and I stepped back. It was then that she tried walking ahead. When noticing that we meant no harm, she began enjoying the food crazily. But while having the food, she still kept raising her head, fearing we’d harm her. When she finally ate up all the food, she took a look at us and then ran away.

We didn’t expect to see her again. But to our surprise, in the following week, she visited us every other day, and we continued offering her food. Later, she even visited us each day. With time going by, she looked much healthier because of the food we gave her. But each time she ate up the food, she’d escape. She still feared humans. We didn’t know what caused her to be so timid. Maybe she was once abandoned (遗弃) by a human. Whatever it was, Jane and I had great pity for her and decided to continue showing her love as long as she would come. Our parents supported us and we named the dog Chanel.

When winter came, the temperature became lower and lower. We began inviting Chanel to have food inside our room. Amazingly, she followed, and each time she finished eating, she’d sit by the fireplace comfortably for a while. She had more trust in us but was still timid. Once we came closer to her, she’d escape. Still, we loved her. But suddenly, after one day in May, she stopped visiting us. We were worried about her, fearing she might have come across something bad. Finally, one morning, she visited us again.


We were shocked to find Chanel looked so sick and weak.


At last, we reached an abandoned house and found four baby dogs there.

2023-06-14更新 | 103次组卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
2024-01-16更新 | 81次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The day of the balloon festival, I felt as light as a hot-air balloon. This year I wouldn’t just be watching. I’d be riding in Mr. J’s truck, following the flight of the balloon and meeting it when it came down.

It was a perfect day. Dad and I drove down the road, circled along the lake and turned into the field that was being used as a parking area. Dad pointed to the lake. “That’s where the balloon festival will take place.” he said. We came to a stop and I got out of the car. And then I saw it, a white bird with black stripes, brown head, and skinny legs. It screamed and beat its wings in the dirt in front of the cars that were driving downhills. Its wings looked broken. Suddenly it cried bitterly and flew off.

“Dad,” I called, but my father was watching the balloons.

“It’s a killdeer(北美喧鹆).” A silver-haired old woman said to me, adding that there must have been a nest here somewhere. “In the parking area?” I asked. She nodded firmly. “It was a nesting place before it became a parking area. No one told the killdeer about the balloon festival!”

“Jack!” Dad called “Isn’t it time you went down to meet Mr. J?”

“I have got to go.” I said to the woman but she pointed with her walking stick. There, on the ground was a perfect nest of eggs, looking like pebbles(卵石). They were almost in the path of cars, trucks and motorbikes.

Suddenly, the parent bird was back to its nest and its wings both twisted again. “Jack!” Dad called again. “The balloons are ready to fly.”

“Dad! I am…” A truck roared over the hill. Brakes(刹车) screamed and dust flew. “What’s the matter?” asked Dad angrily from the truck.

1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
Paragraph 1:

“Dad, I am not going,” I said.

Paragraph 2:

Soon a number of vehicles surrounded the nest.

2020-07-22更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般