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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:18805748

Super typhoon Rammasun swept over Hainan, China, destroying at least 23,000 houses and causing 2 billion dollars in damage. It was not just people who experienced the impact, though. In Hainan Bawangling National Nature Reserve, home to the world’s 30 remaining Hainan gibbons(长臂猿), landslides tore through sections of the forest. The gibbons, a species living in trees, were forced to jump across a distance of up to 50 feet to get from one area to another.     

The gibbons sometimes would break their fall only by managing to catch hold of the tip of a particular palm leaf. As months passed, Bosco Chan at the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden in Hong Kong noticed that constant use caused the leaf to wear and bend downward, threatening to lead to the gibbons crashing down and breaking the extremely rare species’ habitat into different islands. “It’s really a matter of concern. Moreover, I didn’t know how long the leaf would be able to hold the gibbons,” he said. “I thought it was time for us to build something.”

As recently described in Scientific Reports, Bosco Chan and his colleagues turned to aerial(空中的) bridges. They hired professional tree climbers to confront and get over the steep landform to fix a simple bridge, consisting of two parallel mountaineering-grade ropes. It took the gibbons over five months to catch on, but once they learned to use the ropes, they started regularly using them to make safe, quick crossings.

Till now, aerial bridges have been used in other countries to help a diversity of animals ranging from squirrels to capuchin monkeys. But many are small, one-off projects carried out by local organizations or even individuals; with little or no scientific study of what does or does not work. In addition, a solution for one species or habitat may not be applicable to another.

1. What can be learned about Hainan gibbons?
A.They are severely endangered.
B.They mainly feed on palm leaves.
C.They are good at long-distance jumping.
D.They suffer a slight reduction in population.
2. What makes Bosco Chan worried about the gibbons?
A.Their weak link with nature.B.Their fear of jumps between trees.
C.Their survival affected by typhoons.D.Their habitats’ likely being damaged.
3. Which can best explain the underlined word “confront” in paragraph 3?
A.Make use of.B.Get rid of.C.Take down.D.Deal with.
4. Which aspect of aerial bridges does the last paragraph talk about?
A.Their importance.B.Their limitations.
C.Their potential uses.D.Their long-term effects.
【知识点】 人与动植物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Robert Irwin is a typical teenage boy, who enjoys mountain biking and photography. He also lives in a large zoo.

Robert, the son of the late “Crocodile Hunter” star Steve Irwin, is now taking center stage in “Crikey! It’s the Irwins, ” a new series on Animal Planet.

“We’ve worked on quite a few different TV projects, but this is actually the first time my whole family has come back to Animal Planet together, so it’s pretty unusual, ”says Robert.

Premiering(首映)at 8 p.m. on Sunday, “Crikey! ” follows the Irwins as they run the 100-acre Australia Zoo, founded by Steve Irwin’s parents. Steve owned and ran the zoo before he died in 2006.

“We’ve always grown up in front of a camera. Bindi, my sister, and I were both filmed for some of the original ‘Crocodile Hunter’ documentaries, ”says Robert.

“I’m very lucky in the way that I’ve had so much of my life captured on camera, so as the memories you have of Dad start to fade, you can always look back at the old footage and relive those special moments, ” he says.

“Crikey! It’s the Irwins” has some footage of Steve. The most exciting part of the premiere involves Robert leading the “ Croc Show" at the zoo’s “ Crocoseum, ”a 5,500-seat stadium Steve built to give crocodile performances and educate visitors about crocodile behavior.

Of course, running a zoo doesn’t leave much time for school, so Robert participates in Distance Education, a program similar to homeschooling. “School can be difficult for me to fit in, ” he says. “But I've actually got a classroom that’s set up at Australia Zoo and a teacher that travels with us wherever we go, so I can fit in all of my studies. ”

Robert continues, “I’m learning as much as I can about all of the animals and all of the work at Australia Zoo. I feel really honored to be following in Dad’s footsteps. I love continuing that work. ”

1. Why is the new series special to Robert?
A.It is being filmed in a large zoo.B.It includes his whole family.
C.It is the first documentary he has made.D.It allows him to work with his dad.
2. What does Robert think of being captured on camera?
A.It encourages him to work hard.B.It helps increase his popularity.
C.It encourages him to care about animals.D.It helps strengthen his ties to his dad.
3. How does Robert keep up with his schooling?
A.He is taking some online courses.B.He is homeschooled by his mom.
C.He goes to school whenever he has time.D.He asks some teachers to teach him at home.
4. What’s Robert’s dream job in the future?
A.Feeding animals.B.Becoming a crocodile expert.
C.Running Australia Zoo.D.Becoming a wildlife photographer.
2020-06-16更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world.We go fishing,sit in the garden,have a picnic,live in the suburbs or go to the seaside.The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk.When joggers jog,they don't run on the streets.Every one of them tends to go to the park or the river.

But despite this,our children are growing up nature­deprived.I spent my boyhood climbing trees.These days,children are robbed of the ancient freedom,due to problems like crime,traffic,the loss of the open space and strange new ideas about what is best for children,that is to say,things that can be bought,rather than things that can be found.

The truth is to be found elsewhere.A study in the US:families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(注意力缺陷多动症).Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%;those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.

ADHD is one of the great problems of modern childhood.One study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children.However,we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.

The life of old people is measurably better when they have access to nature.The increasing concern for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years.And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.Even problems with crime and aggressive behaviour are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.

We need the wild world.It is essential to our well­being,our health and our happiness.
1. According to the author,people enjoy ________ to seek nature.
A.jogging on the streetB.running in the gym
C.shopping in the supermarketD.sitting in the garden
2. From the second paragraph,we can see that________.
A.Children don’t want to approach nature
B.children probably spend less time in nature nowadays
C.climbing trees will certainly do good to the children
D.children tend to be happier as a result of their material satisfaction
3. In what way do people benefit from their contact with nature?
A.Children with ADHD can be cured.
B.Children's performance at school is greatly improved.
C.Problems with crime and violent behavior will easily be solved.
D.A garden nearby improves the quality of old people's life.
2021-10-11更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We see a woman swimming at night in a dark sea. Suddenly, she is pulled underwater. She surfaces, cries in fear, then disappears forever. This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws, showing a shark attack. It tells the story of a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers.

People have always been scared of sharks, but Jaws made things worse. It made people frightened of sharks, especially of the great white shark. Many people who saw the film started to believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans. Some people stopped swimming in the sea, afraid of the horrible creature from the film. Other people started fishing for sharks, killing as many as they could. At that time, nobody cared if sharks were killed, or how many were killed. People just wanted them killed.

After 1975, the number of large sharks around America fell quickly, and soon fell around the world. This was not only due to fear of sharks, but also finning. Finning is a type of fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut off. The sharks are thrown back into the sea where they die slowly and painfully. The fins are used in shark fin soup. Finning kills millions of sharks a year.

Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley, the man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on. In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across an awful sight. It was an area where fishermen were finning, and the sea floor was covered with dead sharks. Benchley saw sharks being killed and this caused a deep change in him. He came to see people as a danger to sharks, rather than the other way round. From that day on, he fought to protect sharks. He admitted that his book was wrong about sharks’ behavior. “Sharks don’t target humans,” he said. Experts have proved that sharks do not see people as food, and they attack us by mistake.

Fortunately, not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharks-some became interested in understanding them. Today, as we learn more about sharks, more people than ever want to protect them from extinction.

1. How were people affected by the film Jaws after seeing it?
A.Some killed as many sharks as possible.
B.Some began to believe sharks were friendly.
C.Some became more interested in swimming in the sea.
D.Some called on others to protect the endangered sharks.
2. What happens to a shark when it is finned?
A.It will be served onto the table as soup.
B.It will suffer a lot and die slowly in the sea.
C.Its fins will grow again after some time.
D.Its fins will be thrown into the ocean.
3. What caused a deep change in Peter Benchley?
A.Seeing the finning scene and many dead sharks.
B.Writing the book the film Jaws was based on.
C.Joining the fishermen who were killing and finning.
D.Knowing that sharks do not target and eat humans.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To prove that sharks are dangerous animals.
B.To recommend a film and a book to people.
C.To criticize Peter Benchley’s misleading description of sharks in his book.
D.To explain people’s misunderstanding of sharks and raise awareness of shark protection.
2023-05-01更新 | 34次组卷
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