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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:178 题号:18836665

I used to be a selfish girl and I only thought of myself. I did not care about helping others, but only about my look, clothes, money and grades.

One day, I was suddenly influenced by my neighbor, who is now in college, and ended up wanting to volunteer for others. He had so much fun with volunteering and told me that he felt extremely good after helping others. I hoped to get the same results, for I felt worthless everywhere then. I viewed almost everything in a negative way, and I figured I had to experience something that would make me appreciate things that I had.

I volunteered at the nursing home for a year where my neighbor volunteered. I brought snacks, coffee and games for the elderly patients, talked to them while sharing snacks, and played games like chess and checkers with them. Because they were Koreans, they often had trouble communicating with the helpers who were hired to help them. I sometimes translated things for them and offered to be their translator whenever they needed help.

By volunteering at the nursing home, I changed a lot. I realized how lucky I am to speak both Korean and English and that I should help other people learn Korean as well. I had learned many life lessons through volunteering. By helping others, I felt needed in society. Not only did it enhance my confidence, but it also allowed others to benefit from it.

Volunteering is a great opportunity to improve oneself, others, and the whole society. So if you ever have the chance, volunteer! It's something you won't regret!

1. What kind of person was the author before volunteering? (no more than 5 words)
2. Why did the author want to volunteer one day? (no more than 10 words)
3. What did the author do when the elderly patients had difficulty in communicating with the workers?(no more than 10 words)
4. What does the underlined word mean in paragraph4?(one word)
5. What do you think of volunteering after reading the text? Please explain.(no more than 25 words)


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It is hard to say I was a runner years ago. The longest I had ever run was 5 km. What’s more, I didn’t like running. No matter how hard I tried, every so often I would fasten my old shoes, walk out of the house with heavy steps, get less than a mile in and wonder why I was bothering, especially when there are many more satisfying ways of exercising.

Before last summer, I had never taken part in any kind of race at all. But at the end of July, I completed a triathlon(三项全能)after two weeks’ training. At the end of it came the run—which ended up more like a walk. Then I realized something about it attracted me. The extremely painful fun of doing something I hated and was unprepared for turned out to be an excitement. The difficulty felt like something to test my abilities.

When an invitation of the Berlin Marathon dropped onto my desk a few weeks after the triathlon, it felt like a change of fate. After the triathlon, I didn’t say I should start running at once. Was it because I hate running? In fact, in course of running I enjoyed the joy of exceeding my limits. I felt necessary to find out again where those limits might lie. So I said yes.

Training for a marathon often takes at least 20 weeks or more. The training plan becomes something to stop me worrying when the race seems too frightening. This worry feels impossible to avoid, but there is something equally sure about the training plan: if I follow it, then I have done everything I can; if I do everything I can, then I won’t regret what comes at the end.

1. What aspect of the triathlon drew the writer?
A.The special feeling of facing a challenge.
B.The fun of walking to the finish line.
C.The excitement of winning a race.
D.The two-week painful training.
2. Why did the writer accept the invitation of the Berlin Marathon?
A.He was eager to change his destiny.
B.He wasn’t supposed to stop running.
C.He wanted to realize his full potential.
D.He was keen on taking part in another triathlon.
3. Which of the following words can best describe the writer?
A.Patient and pessimistic.B.Courageous and determined.
C.Helpful and persistent.D.Energetic and changeable.
4. What can be learned from the text?
A.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
B.Challenge ourselves to live without regrets.
C.Life is full of challenges that can’t be avoided.
D.Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind.
2023-05-02更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My wife Hannah, and I don’t usually keep houseplants. Anything in pots gets either over watered or under watered. But after my diagnosis (诊断) with a brain cancer, I loved the idea of having something new and green around.

My friend Mitch gave me what he said was a lucky bamboo plant in a deep-green pot. I told Hannah I wanted to care for the plant myself. The cancer limited my ability to walk, and the treatment made it hard for me to accomplish everyday tasks. Tending to the plant gave me a sense of accomplishment at a time when I sometimes felt useless. Over the next few months, I recovered from an operation. Even after I returned to work, I continued to care for the plant. Soon, it had nearly doubled in height and its leaves were shiny and lush (茂盛). Both the tree and I were thriving.

Then, surprisingly, it began to show signs of stress. I increased my watering, then decreased it. I fed it commercial plant food. No matter what I did, the leaves kept browning and dropping to the floor. I grew more and more frustrated. “I can’t even care for a simple plant!” I yelled. “I’m failing!” Hannah reminded me that we’d seen houseplants die before. She asked me why I was getting so worked up about this particular one. “If my lucky bamboo dies,” I blurted out (脱口而出), “I might die too!” Now that the tree was struggling, I felt increasingly fearful. Its browning leaves, I worried, might signal the recurrence of my brain cancer.

Sunk in thought, I realized I had wrongly connected my careful nurturing of the plant—something over which I had at least some control—with my own survival—something over which I had no control. As my anxiety lessened, I began to learn online guides to help me figure out how to care for my plant. Following the instructions, I transplanted the tree to a larger pot, untangling its roots to give it room to grow. When it was back in the sunny window, we both began to thrive again.

1. What can we learn about the bamboo plant?
A.It was Hannah that cared for the bamboo.
B.The writer showed no interest in the bamboo.
C.The bamboo gave the writer a sense of accomplishment.
D.The leaves of bamboo kept dropping to the floor because of lack of water.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
3. Why was the author so frightened after seeing the leaves fall to the ground?
A.The plant was a gift from his best friend.
B.He didn’t want to see the plant die like before.
C.The plant had become a symbol of his own threatening health.
D.His wife did not understand his special feelings for this plant.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.My lucky bambooB.My wife and bamboo
C.The benefits of keeping bambooD.The way to keep bamboo
2023-07-09更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是记叙文。讲述了学生Christine Ngo Souhe建立舞蹈训练班保护和宣传非洲舞蹈的故事。

【推荐3】Student Christine Ngo Souhe convinced funders to award her £1,000 to run African dance classes for youngsters in Southampton, UK, because she was worried they were growing up not knowing rough about their heritage.

The 21-year-old, who studies at Richard Taunton Sixth Form College in the city, impressed Energise Me, an organization that supports young people to make creative changes in their communities, with her pians for the classes.

Christine, whose family is from Cameroon, wanted to pass on her love of traditional African dance to youngsters from the ethnic communities near where she lives. She came up with the idea of Cultural Kidz, a weekly Afrobeat dance class using traditional steps, at St Mary’s Primary School for youngsters aged eight and nine and was awarded the money to set it up. “I just wanted to create something where kids could learn something about their and someone else’s culture. It’s important because if you don’t know about the place where you come from you don’t understand the culture and you don’t 1earn to respect it,” she said.

The first class ended their term with a presentation for their parents. “It was such a beautiful moment seeing them all come together wearing traditional clothing and seeing the smiles on their parents’ faces,” said Christine. This term’s class attracts over 50 young dancers every Thursday. Christine said she has had great support from her college.

The money was awarded through Energise Me’s The Agency, a creative program that encourages young people to make social changes. Assistant facilitator Megan Smith said:" Christine is always in good spirits and that’s what has made her a good teacher.”

Richard Taunton president Paul Swindale said the student’s passion bas touched them.“ We’re very proud of Christine and her determination to share her love of dance with young people. We are a diverse college that promotes respect for all cultures and it is so heart-warming to see Christine take that a step further with this project.”

1. What is Christine’s purpose of setting up Cultural Kidz?
A.To help youngsters from Africa get jobs in the culture industry.
B.To provide educational services for young mothers in the city.
C.To protect and promote traditional African dance.
D.To improve the community environment in the city.
2. How did Energise Me support Christine?
A.By funding her program.
B.By training her in teaching.
C.By sharing her story on social media.
D.By introducing her to the teachers of Richard Taunton.
3. What do we know about Cultural Kidz?
A.It needs more money.
B.It is truly a success story.
C.It has made Christine vorld-fampus.
D.It has raised doubts in Christine’s community.
4. What does the underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.The love of dance.
B.The pride of Africa.
C.Serving 1ocal communities.
D.Appreciating different cultures.
2023-06-04更新 | 55次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般