组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:18851719

Beth Booker of Florida, turned to Twitter for help last week after seeing the images of her 78-year-old grandmother’s home in Fort Myers Beach, Florida being in water. In the days before Hurricane Ian struck her grandmother’s community, Beth and her husband helped her granny, Carole McDanel, prepare herself and her home for it.

Her granny wanted to stay where she had been living for more than two decades. She felt safe to stay because Ian was heading north for another city and the house had survived quite a few major hurricanes in history. In addition, the home contained priceless family memories and heirlooms (传家宝), among which were photos of Booker’s dad, who passed away when she was only five years old. After her dad’s death, Booker had to live with her grandmother, McDanel.

Once the storm struck, Booker received updates from her granny, who shared photos and videos showing flood started to fill the home. In her last phone call with granny, Booker told her granny to climb on the roof if the flood waters continued to climb. Unable to communicate with her granny any longer, Booker turned to Twitter for help with everything from searching for her granny to contacting local emergency officials.

The Fort Myers area was left devastated Wednesday after Hurricane Ian. On Thursday, as rescue crews came over to search for survivors, Booker’s husband and friend began their own search for her granny by boat. Just a few hours later, at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Booker tweeted the news that her husband and friend found granny sitting on her own sofa, where she was able to remain safe during the storm.

McDanel and Booker, who declined to be interviewed, said in a statement that they felt grateful for the support they had received and that they are calling for the world to continue the same energy and love into recovery and relief efforts for their community.

1. What does the underlined word “devastated” mean in paragraph 4?
2. Where was Carole McDanel found?
A.In her home.B.In a very small boat.
C.In an emergency office.D.Among the flood victims.
3. Which of the following can best describe Booker?
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Natural disasters had ever struck the Earth frequently.
B.Booker had a good relationship with her grandmother as well.
C.Booker knew nothing about Hurricane Ian ahead of time.
D.Social media play a very great role in people’s daily life.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I grew up with a four-year gap(差距)between myself and my younger brother. It was an enough distance in age to keep us close as we got older, but also enough of an age gap to make sure we lived our own lives in completely different ways. Having a younger brother while I was a girl was a lot of work for there was a lot of fighting.

However, as we've got older, we've become closer, and I've learned several things in life from my younger brother that I didn't realize I needed before.

My younger brother is one of the most talented and creative souls I've known. He's constantly feeding his creativity with new art forms, new instruments. He always seeks to understand and learn more about the world around him. He's helped remind me through his actions and words that giving up on creativity is something a person should never do.

My younger brother has always been a more introverted type, and if you speak to him, you're lucky to get over three words out of him at a time. Because of this, he's certainly learned the whole “actions speak louder than words”thing. But, I've realized from my brother that I needn't speak to fill the silence. Sometimes, it's necessary to spend some of your time in silence and reflect in it.        My younger brother has also been through hard times, but he's able to focus on learning from the hard times, unlike me, who tends to hold on to every little thing from my life. It's always been difficult for me to let things go and move on, but my younger brother has been an inspiration for me to try harder at letting go.

1. What does the author think of growing up as the older sister?
A.It is a great advantage.
B.It tends to be enjoyable.
C.It is troubling but inspiring.
D.It isn't always fun and easy.
2. What does the author's younger brother's actions suggest to her?
A.She should focus on the past and the present
B.She should never stop feeding her creativity.
C.She should move on with the past kept in mind.
D.She should explain every little detail of something.
3. What might the introverted people be like according to paragraph 4?
A.They are quiet.
B.They are quick.
C.They are noisy.
D.They are friendly.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Good Relationships between My Brother and Me
B.The Inspirations My Younger Brother was Given
C.Lessons My Little Brother Helped Me Learn
D.The Great Qualities of My Little Brother
2020-10-09更新 | 399次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My father really dislikes my stepfather, Mike, and is always calling him names, saying what a “good-for-nothing” guy he is.

Mike knows about his name-calling because sometimes when my father comes to pick me up, he’ll say inconsiderate things right in front of my stepdad like, “Is what’s-his-name going to pick you up after the game, or am I supposed to bring you home?”

Even though it’s rude that my father doesn’t call Mike by his name, my stepdad doesn’t hold it against my father. “Sure, I’ll pick up BeShawn at 3:30, ” he’ll answer. Nor does Mike make a big deal about my father’s inconsiderate attitude towards him. He lets the comments go.

I asked my stepfather if the way my father treats him bothers or upsets him.“Oh,not really, ” he said. “You don’t always have to be right, as long as you do what’s right.” I like it that Mike is secure with himself. My father’s taunts (嘲弄,奚落)don’t bother Mike because he likes himself. My dad’s opinion of my stepdad doesn’t change the way Mike feels about himself.

I really admire Mike. I especially like how he’s good to my mother. And I really like what a good father he is to me. I appreciate all the things he does for me, like teaching me to throw a fastball and helping me with my homework without becoming impatient like my father does. Mike even volunteered at my school’s carnival (狂欢节)this year. No other stepdads were there.

Though I would never tell my real father that I think my stepfather is one of the nicest guys I know, he is. I’m happy to have Mike as my stepfather. Sometimes, I even call Mike “Dad” because he acts like a dad to me. In my eyes, my stepfather is a really great guy.

1. Why is the writer’s father rude to Mike?
A.Mike is good for nothing.B.He takes a dislike to Mike.
C.Mike treats his wife badly.D.Mike likes to call names.
2. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?
A.Mike never runs a business with the writer’s father.
B.Mike doesn’t turn his anger on the writer’s father.
C.Mike ignores what the writer’s father says and does.
D.Mike never deals with the problems that he faces.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph but one?
A.Mike is as good to the writer’s mother as his real mother.
B.The writer’s real father doesn’t like sports as much as Mike.
C.Mike is more patient with the writer than his real father.
D.The writer is a poor boy and has several step fathers.
4. Which can best describe the writer’s attitude to his father?
A.Concerned but disapproving.B.Admiring and respectful.
C.Disgusted and unconcerned.D.Rude but patient.
2024-02-03更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sarah Vang runs a high school Hmong (苗族) Club in Fresno. She founded the club last year and took it upon herself to look out for new Hmong students. “There are a lot of Hmong freshmen,” she says, “and I just want to tell them, ‘Join the Hmong Club! I’m so happy you’re Hmong!’ I love my community so much.” But the love came only after years of fighting with her identity. Sarah didn’t speak much Hmong while growing up and her parents didn’t talk with her about their past life and why they came to the United States.

She didn’t change her ideas until one day her teacher showed the class a documentary (纪录片) about the Hmong in Fresno where eight teenagers killed themselves between 1998 and 2001. “Once I saw my brother’s face, I started crying,” Sarah says. Sarah’s brother was one of those teenagers. “My teacher didn’t know that that was my brother and that the person they were interviewing was my dad,” she says.

After her brother’s death, Sarah’s dad, Peter Vang, talked to the families of the other teenagers killing themselves. “I cannot save my son anymore because he’s gone,” Vang says, “but I want to ensure other parents save their kids.” Vang learned the kids had different troubles, but he found a common theme. “These kids didn’t have an identity,” he says. “They don’t know who they are and where they come from.”

Peter says that for kids who want to have a better sense of their identity, they need to learn about their history. After his hard work for a decade, Sarah’s school offered a Hmong class and Fresno State University introduced a course about Hmong. He hopes that by knowing about their language, history and culture, younger Hmong can decide who they want to be.

1. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?
A.Things Sarah did for the Hmong Club.
B.A terrible thing that happened in Fresno.
C.The love Sarah’s family have for her brother.
D.The change in Sarah’s attitude to Hmong identity.
2. What did Peter think the eight teenagers’ common trouble was?
A.Their parents didn’t love them.B.They didn’t have an identity.
C.They hated their Hmong culture.D.They lost hope in Fresno.
3. How do kids get a sense of identity according to Peter?
A.By working hard.B.By going to Fresno State University.
C.By learning about their history.D.By joining one of the community clubs.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To tell a family story.B.To introduce a club.
C.To recommend a college course.D.To remember a group of teenagers.
2022-04-29更新 | 63次组卷
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