组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:526 题号:18870086

When I arrived home from school, night was falling. A call came from the public: a bird of unknown species was being attacked by a group of noisy children in his front garden. He scared them off and grabbed their victim. I immediately called for my classmate Jack to the spot.

We were standing in front of a stranger’s house in an unfamiliar street, rescue box in hand. My head full of instructions to follow. “The bird would be our first test as a volunteer wildlife rescuer!” Jack said excitedly. We had completed the two-day intensive training course the previous month and learned the basic skills of rescuing animals in various situations.

But we were anxious, too. After all, it was the first time for us to rescue a bird. Would I be able to transfer the bird neatly into my rescue box? Many worries flashed in my mind. Sensing my unease about the act ahead, Jack said, “These things are pretty easy to deal with!”

I was wondering what kind of bird it was when a kind-looking man appeared and led us inside to see our very first patient. I lifted the edge of the shoe box very slightly to see an angry-looking bird standing to attention on very thin and long legs, together with a slice of banana and a small dish of water. He didn’t know its true name but the folks called the creature Red Fan. “It’s eaten some banana,” said the man proudly. The poor soul seemed rather nervous, so l decided not to grab it by hand but just transfer the whole shoe box into my rescue box.

Back home, we could only see some minor injuries in the left wing, but there was no blood on its feathers. Jack managed to treat the injuries with some iodophor (碘伏药水). We assessed its condition to find out if it was appropriate to release the bird the next day. How could we help it spend the night peacefully? We hadn’t seen this species of bird before, let alone its habits.

1. 续写词数要求应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“Why not do a search on the Internet?” suggested Jack.


The next day, we were glad to see the bird was well enough.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Trisha, happy birthday!” Trisha’s parents said together loudly, handing her a beautiful brown cat. Trisha’s eyes were shining as she thanked her parents eagerly.

“This is your cat now, sweetheart. Do remember to take good care of him. Having a pet means a lot of responsıbility,” Trisha’s mother said.

“I promise I will look after him very well, Mama,” Trisha said, nodding her head agreeingly. A sense of determination filled her eyes.

Trisha named her cat Whiskers, a fitting name for the animal’s adorable twitching whiskers (震颤的胡须). The cat really seemed to like this name. Every time his little owner called out “Whiskers”, he would come running and jump into Trisha’s arms, mewing (喵喵叫) joyfully.

Every day after school, Trisha would rush back home, feed Whiskers with his favorite food, take him out and play with him in the backyard happily. They would run after each other, play hide-and-seek, and curl up (蜷缩) on the sofa for comfortable afternoon rests. The house was filled with laughter and mews of contentment. The bond between Trisha and her new pet grew stronger with each passing day. They became inseparable companions, always finding joy in each other’s company.

However, one day, as Trisha was carefully preparing Whiskers’ food, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day ahead, she unintentionally left the front door open. She went about her usual routine, unaware of the upcoming turn of events.

It was only when Trisha turned around, ready to serve Whiskers his meal, that her heart sank like a stone in her chest. Horror flowed through her body as she realized that her beloved cat was nowhere to be seen. The once lively and comforting atmosphere of their home suddenly became cold and empty.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Panic quickly enveloped Trisha as she raced through the house, calling out Whiskers’ name.


Just as Trisha’s parents comforted her, a mewing sound reached Trisha’s ears.

2024-06-01更新 | 27次组卷
书面表达-图画作文 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

2016-12-13更新 | 175次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Humphrey and his wife Hildy had ten white sheep, eight black-faced sheep, and five long-legged lambs. Early every autumn, they would drive their sheep onto the ground beside the big, yellow barn(畜棚). Then Humphrey would hold each sheep still while Hildy cut off the wool.

When they finished, there were twenty-three soft piles of wool on the floor, and twenty-three pink, skinny sheep jumping around happily as they were freed into the field. Humphrey and Hildy collected piles of wool and put them in the house.

The next few weeks were very busy. They finally finished on cold, fall evening. Twenty-three bright, woolly blankets lay in cheerful piles around the kitchen. They would sell the warm blankets when winter came. By the time the snow flew, the sheep’s wool would have grown long enough to keep them nice and warm. Humphrey and Hildy both smiled, content with a job well done, and went to bed early.

The alarm clock went off at 5: 00 a.m. Humphrey and Hildy listened to the local weather report. “The earliest cold air in history,” The announcer said, “has brought a freeze(霜冻)to our area! So put warm coverings, folks!” They stared at each other in horror.

“The sheep!” shouted Humphrey. They hurried to put on their clothes and raced outside. What a freeze it was! The golden autumn grass fell to the ground, and the sheep without wool were shaking with cold painfully. Their pink skins had turned blue.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“What will we do?” Hildy cried. “The barn can’t hold so many sheep.”


Outside the messy kitchen, Hildy had a good idea, eyes falling on the blankets.

2022-01-15更新 | 159次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般