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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:133 题号:18887690

Growing up in Georgia, Thanksgiving for me meant driving a couple hours south to my mom’s house in Augusta on Wednesday night and staying up late playing. First thing the next morning,at around 4 or 5 a.m., my mom would put the bird in the oven and roast it low and slow for eight hours, applying oil to it every 30 minutes and watching it like hawks. For this practice, for years I thought turkey was the absolute hardest thing to cook in the world.

I also thought that turkey was, on principle, meant to be dry. The thing is, roasting a great, juicy turkey isn’t as complicated(复杂的) as people make it out to be. For me, I’ve found that the best method is to just roast it like a chicken. No black magic.

Defrost your turkey (if it’s frozen). Ideally you’d let this happen gradually in a 40°F refrigerator. Bring your turkey to room temperature. A fridge-cold bird will not cook as evenly as a room-temperature bird. Truss(捆绑) your turkey, which will ensure even cooking. Season your turkey in the sink. This is very important. Most people season their turkeys straight in its roasting pan, leading to extra salt at the bottom. Another issue is that if you’re applying melted(融化的) butter and some of that drips off into the pan, the milk fats can burn, and the one thing we don’t want on Thanksgiving Day is for the smoke alarm to go off. Roast your turkey. Many recipes(食谱) call for a high start and a low finish. But I like to roast my turkey from start to finish at a moderate 350°F. Rest your turkey. Do not carve the bird until it’s rested for at least 30 minutes. Don’t worry, it’ll still be hot—better yet, the juices will have spread all over and you’ll be looking at the tenderest, juiciest turkey of your life.

1. How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By raising a question.B.By giving an example.
C.By making some comments.D.By explaining a phenomenon.
2. What does the underlined word “Season” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Make use of.B.Sort out.
C.Separate something from.D.Add something to.
3. Why does the smoke alarm go off while making the turkey?
A.The milk fats on the pan catch fire.
B.The butter applied to the turkey melts.
C.The temperature of roasting the turkey is high.
D.Some extra salt is left at the bottom of the pan.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A simplest way to cook your turkey.B.A celebration for Thanksgiving Day.
C.Roasting turkey is a traditional custom.D.The turkey symbolizes Thanksgiving Day.


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校

【推荐1】You run into the grocery store to pick up one bottle of water. You get what you need, head to the front, and choose the line that looks fastest.

You chose wrong. People who you swear got in other lines long after you are already checked out and off to the parking lot.     1    

It turns out, it’s just math working against you; chances are, the other line really is faster.

Grocery stores try to have enough employees at checkout to get all their customers through with minimum delay.     2    Any small interruption-a price check, a chatty customer-can have downstream effects, holding up an entire line.

If there are three lines in the store, delays will happen randomly at different registers. Think about the probability:    3    So it's not just in your mind: Another line probably is moving faster.

Researchers have a good way to deal with this problem. Make all customers stand in one long, snaking line- called a serpentine line-and serve each person at the front with the next available register.     4    This is what they do at most banks and fast-food restaurants. With a serpentine line, a long delay at one register won't unfairly punish the people who lined up behind it. Instead, it will slow down everyone a little bit but speed up checkout overall.

    5    It takes many registers to keep one line moving quickly, and some stores can't afford the space or manpower. So wherever your next wait may be: Good luck.

A.Why does this always seem to happen to you?
B.So why don’t most places encourage serpentine lines?
C.Some of the may have stood in a queue for almost an hour.
D.The chances of your line being the fastest are only one in three.
E.How high is the probability that you are in the fastest waiting line?
F.With three registers, this method is much faster than the traditional approach.
G.But sometimes, as on a Sunday afternoon, the system gets particularly busy.
2021-01-09更新 | 5259次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Earlier this year, my husband and I were presented with the chance to make our home in an urban “micro” space. As we initially considered it, it seemed crazy. Would we even make it a week without going mad? Living room, kitchen, office, dining room, all in one small four-walled space.

There were a number of other potential options. We could move out into the suburbs like most people do in our extraordinarily expensive city and have a small yard maybe even a basement. But there was something about this neat “tiny” home that aroused our interest, which challenged us. We like to live differently from the crowd, to avoid what everyone else is doing “just because” everyone else is.

“Let’s try it for six months. If it makes us crazy, we’ll move. We can do anything for 6 months,” my husband said. It was challenging squeezing into the space at first, but then something caught us by surprise. We started having a ton of fun with our tiny space.

In the past, sometimes we had quite different ideas about which art or decorating style we found appealing. But here, in this tiny space, we found ourselves having a ton of fun exploring possible options. There’s no room for clutter(凌乱的东西), either. This is a gift!

It’s been 8 months, and we’re staying. Perhaps forever. When a space is this small, you don’t need to spend much in furnishing it, and you can’t keep endlessly buying things. There’s nowhere to put them!

This leaves us more financial resources and more time to go out into the much bigger world and enjoy life. For us, living in a “tiny” home has filled us with a feeling of abundance. It’s so much better than feeling weighed down, paying for a big space and more and more things. I highly recommend it.

1. What can we learn from the words of the author’s husband?
A.He didn’t like to stay in the small space.
B.He made up his mind to stay in the small space.
C.He was uncertain about living in the small space.
D.He encouraged the author to live in the small space.
2. What do we know about the author’s experience from the text?
A.It was depressing but inspiring.
B.It was challenging but interesting.
C.It was disappointing but touching.
D.It was embarrassing but rewarding.
3. What’s the main advantage of living in the small room to the author?
A.She could enjoy life more.B.She could avoid the crowds.
C.She could clean the room easily.D.She could enjoy a feeling of freedom.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A new trend of livingB.The joy of living “tiny”
C.Save space, save moneyD.Make good use of space
2020-04-28更新 | 188次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Top Performers Never Let a Second Go to Waste

Every person on the planet is given the same 1440 minutes each day; it’s how we choose to use them that makes all the difference.     1     To help you make the most of the time, check out these simple yet effective tips.

Finish the most important tasks first

This is calling Eating That Frog!     2     When you do that, everything else will be simple. By sticking to this method, you can ensure that you are always doing the most important things first and using your time as wisely as possible.

Divide to make it manageable

If you have a major task to get done, try to divide it up into smaller ones. This collection of smaller tasks will seem much less unmanageable than viewed as the whole.

Take enough time to relax and revive

A little bit of relaxation is crucial for maintaining a positive, motivated mindset. If you work constantly without taking the time to rest and gather your thoughts, you’ll quickly burn out and be unable to efficiently accomplish your tasks no matter how hard you try. One recommendation for relaxation time is work-out.     3    

Reward yourself once in a while

Each time you complete a task (or a significant portion of a task), reward yourself.     4    You can step outside and stretch, get a cookie from the box, check your phone. So long as your rewards don’t start taking up too much of your time, they can be a powerful way for you to stay motivated.


Distractions contribute to procrastination (拖延症). Sometimes, the only way to completely defeat procrastination is to lock yourself in a room and avoid all distractions. Put your phone in another room, pull the shades, and get to work until the task is finished.

A.It just doesn’t have to be anything major.
B.Lock the door to stay focused and keep up.
C.Stop yourself from being lazy and take actions.
D.Start every day by tackling your largest, scariest task first.
E.Unfortunately, efficient time management can be challenging.
F.You can begin with the tasks you feel important and interesting.
G.Anyway, do whatever you find the most refreshing and peaceful.
2023-02-24更新 | 151次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般