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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:18889409

It sometimes feels difficult for some people to find out a proper way to express gratitude in daily life.     1     Christina Costa, a psychologist who has studied the positive effects of gratitude on the brain, offers advice about how to be thankful for the smallest of things—and how to be better at showing gratitude easily.

    2     Make it a habit to put down the things that you’re thankful for. “Set up a timer. I like writing in my journal in the morning because that sets my day up best. Or do it on your phone. Make it as easy as possible,” says Costa.

Write a letter. Think of someone in your life who you have not had the chance to thank, says Costa. “Why are you grateful for that person? Think of a specific example when they helped you. Then send them a letter, an email.     3    

If you’re having trouble finding someone to thank, think small. “The smaller you start, the more you will start seeing things you’re grateful for.” says Costa. Say “    4     You think, I’m going to write about this later in my gratitude journal. I’m so grateful to him.”

There’s a difference between saying “thanks to” and “thanks for.” “Make sure you are giving thanks to something and not for something.” says Moore.     5     Being grateful “to” something or someone indicates a direct relationship. It reminds you of your connection with and responsibility to that person or thing.

A.Start a gratitude journal.
B.Use your phone to record gratitude.
C.But experts say it doesn’t have to be so hard.
D.Or even better, deliver the letter in person and read it to them.
E.A bus driver stopped to make way for children to cross the road.
F.Being grateful “for” something can be a little vague (模糊的) or general.
G.A bus driver picks you up and he’s really nice or waits for a minute for you.
22-23高一下·山东临沂·期中 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Ways To Manage Stress Creatively

Stress is a huge problem for us all. Here’s what I’ve learned and applied to manage stress using my creativity.

1.     1    

Putting my creativity and my work first, I often neglected to eat, exercise, even stand up from my desk. I now realize that how I feel physically (and mentally) is more important than the work I create. Taking care of myself includes all natural remedies(疗法). I’m learning how to say no to social pressures, in favor of my own well being.

2. Don’t worry about what other people think of you.

This is easier said than done, but I promise it does come with age.    2    A lot of people do offer unsolicited(自发的) advice. It is human nature to want to help other people. But if that advice is coming from a place of control or judgment, RUN in the opposite direction.

3. Don’t compare.

    3    Most people are not as happy as they describe themselves to be. The best advice I ever heard was this:Don’t compare your inside to other people’s outside. Be open to new experiences, be kind to yourself and accepting of the journey which is life. Being present means not thinking into the future, or harping(唠叨) on the past. The coolest thing about being present is that CREATIVITY LIVES IN THE MOMENT.    4    

4. Your intentions matter.

    5    What was your intention? I remind myself to enjoy the process of my creative fun stuff, it’s for me. If others like it, great, but it’s the enjoyment of my creative intention, in the moment, that I treasure.

A.Stop judging
B.Each moment is UNIQUE
C.We have to work in order to live
D.Take care of yourself--Mind AND Body
E.Stress is often caused by comparison to others
F.It’s important to remember why you started doing something
G.No one cares about what you’re doing unless what you’re doing affects them
2018-03-07更新 | 122次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:文章是一篇记叙文。从小没有音乐天赋的Laurie Horam被自己的大儿子教会了口琴,让他丰富了自己的生活,扩大了自己的人生轨迹。

【推荐2】Laurie Horam never thought of himself as musical. At home, his dad never listened to music, while one of his boarding school teachers labelled him tone deaf. But last month he started to play the harmonica (口琴)on the streets of Bradford. People clapped, danced and threw coins into his case for the local food bank. Horam caught himself thinking. “How, at the age of 79, do I come to be playing music to people on the streets?”

The question preoccupied him, because, some years ago at a family gathering, Gavin, his eldest son, said: “You know what, Dad? It can’t be coincidental. We must have got our musical abilities from you.” Horam has three sons and they cover a range of instruments. He was surprised. “There can’t be music in me, because I can’t play! ”he said.

Eight years ago, Horam, a retired civil servant, was on his way back from a trip with his family. Gavin stopped at a music shop. He walked out and said: “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. It’s a harmonica. I’ll try to show you how to play a bit.”

They went to a session at their local pub. Gavin played the guitar and Horam sat in the corner with his harmonica, trying to make a sound that no one would hear. After six months, he was invited into the group. He discovered a talent for improvisation(即兴表演),responding to a note within a millisecond without batting an eyelid. “I don’t play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says: “My harmonica plays me-how I feel, what I am, what I’ve been.”

Music has enriched life with friendship and made Horam feel “part of something much bigger” than himself. “At a time when the circle of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.”

1. Why did Horam play the harmonica on the streets of Bradford?
A.To recall the good old days.
B.To beg food from passers-by.
C.To live his childhood dream.
D.To collect money for charity.
2. What is Gavin’s attitude to his father’s musical ability?
3. What does playing the harmonica allow Horam to do?
A.Enjoy the quiet.
B.Listen to his heart.
C.Express himself.
D.Sharpen his hearing.
4. What does music bring to Horam?
A.A lost soul.
B.A comfortable life.
C.A broader circle of life.
D.A new perception of family.
2022-02-17更新 | 668次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Who's in control of your life? Who's pulling your strings?     1     We learned this way of operating when we were very young, of course. We were brainwashed. We discovered that feeling important and feeling accepted was a nice experience and so we learned to do everything we could to make other people like us. As Oscar Wilde puts it, most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry(模仿), their passions a quotation.”

So when people tell us how wonderful we are, it makes us feel good. We long for this good feeling like a drug一we are addicted to it and seek it out wherever we can.     2     Just as drug addicts and alcoholics live worsened lives to keep getting their fix(成瘾物), we worsen our own existence to get our own constant fix of approval.

But just as with any drug, there is a price to pay. The price of the approval drug is freedom-the freedom to be ourselves. The truth is that we cannot control what other people think. People have their own schedule and they come with their own baggage and, in the end, they're more interested in themselves than in you.     3     Everyone has different way of thinking, and people change their opinions all the time. The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and probably pleasing no one in the process.

So how can we take back control?     4     We should guide ourselves by means of a set of values-not values imposed from the outside by others, but innate values which come from within. If we are driven by these values and not by the changing opinions and value systems of others, we will live a more authentic, effective, purposeful and happy life.

A.I's the inner self born in our mind that is keeping us under control.
B.Furthermore, if we try to live by the opinions of others, we will build our life on sinking sand.
C.As a matter of fact, people sometimes fail to understand who they are and where they are going.
D.For the most of us, it's other people-society, colleagues, friends, family or our community.
E.I think there's only one way-make a conscious decision to stop caring what other people think.
F.Therefore, we are so eager for the approval of others that we live unhappy and limited lives, failing to do the things we really want to.
2021-04-19更新 | 136次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般