组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:65 题号:18913155

Last Thursday, my husband Robin and I invited some of our friends for dinner.

Just before I left work, Robin called me and said that he had to stay late at work, which meant that I had to prepare everything for the night on my own. Realizng that I didn’t have too much time, I could feel my anger rising as I drove to pick up Jason and Michael from school. After they got into the car, I informed them that we would stop on the halfway to buy something, and that they needed to help me tidy the house when we got home.

Both of the boys started complaining. I warned them that I was not in the mood to listen. They crossed their arms and became angry. For the next hour, I dragged them from one place to the next. The more I needed them to hurry, the more distracted (分心的) and silly they became. My patience was wearing thin.

Just as we finished our last task, the boys reminded me that we needed to stop at the pet store to pick up crickets (蟋蟀) for their pet lizards (蜥蜴).“You promised that you would buy crickets for us, and you shouldn’t break your promise,” Jason said. “Fine! But we need to be fast,”I replied impatiently, and then we raced to the pet shop.

Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the car with some new passengers: one hundred live crickets in a plastic bag. I pulled the car into the driveway and there was only forty-five minutes left to unpack the car, clean the house, and set the table before my guests arrived. How would I make it?

After returning home, I started barking out orders, but the boys were pouring the crickets from the plastic bag into the box that they prepared and they obviously ignored my orders.

My anger swept over me, and I shouted at them to hurry up, but they didn’t listen.


The moment I turned round, I found crickets were jumping all over my kitchen.


Finally, I jumped off the chair and started catching crickets with my boys.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

The average present merely satisfies a temporary desire; the great one becomes more precious with time going by.

When I was a boy of fourteen, I needed to have 80 hours of community service per year and I used to take care of Mrs. Long’s garden, which was near the Presbyterian Church. As a junior high school student, I devoted myself to it, sweeping the fallen leaves and mowing the lawn (修剪草坪). There I learnt how to cut away dry branches and even helped to plant a sapling (小树苗). Tired as I was every time I finished my work, I did enjoy the time there for learning something new. I clearly remembered that Mrs Long, a nice and caring elder, always treated me to delicious meals and drinks. She also loved taking photos, always with an old camera in hand. It was said that the camera was passed down from her father and she cherished it a lot.

Several days before Christmas, she whispered to me, “When Christmas comes, I shall have a present for you.” I spent much time wondering what it would be. The boys I played with had baseball gloves, ice skates and bicycles, and I was so eager to acquire any one of these that I convinced myself that she intended to choose from among them. But at the same time, I had some doubts whether she would buy me such things because she was not that well-off.

The day before Christmas, I went there as before. With the work done, I was going to leave when she pulled me aside. “Kid, wait for a minute,” she said, leading me into her living room. She seated me on a chair, went to another room, and in a moment stood before me holding a small package that under no circumstances could hold a bicycle or a pair of skates or even a baseball glove. It weighed almost nothing.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:
I took the package with disappointment. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Opening the package, I was totally astonished. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2022-04-25更新 | 530次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

One summer, I went on a four-day desert trip with my family. On the train, I looked out of the window, expecting something surprising to happen on this desert trip. I was very excited all the way, talking about what would happen in the desert with my parents, standing up and looking around.

An hour later, all the visitors arrived at the destination, the endless desert, which extended as far as the eye could see. Everywhere was dull yellow with sand, there were no trees, and the vastness of the desert shocked each of us.

Before we started our journey, the guide explained the rules to us: We’d better put on sun-protective clothing and hold onto the hiking pole. We had to walk through the entire desert, 18 kilometers per day for four days. There were two routes that we could choose from. One was down the hill. There were rivers and vegetation(植被). The road was relatively flat, easy to walk on, and it was not so hot. The other route was to walk through the real desert, which was all sand without any water and dust storms often happened. We had to go step by step, and our feet could often get stuck in the sand. No matter which route we chose, we needed to arrive at the next destination before 6 pm. There would be a rest area every five kilometers, where we could drink water and eat some food. If we really couldn’t persist(坚持) , we could quit and take the car. Those who did persist to the end would have a big surprise.

Everyone was discussing with excitement after they heard the rules. Many people wanted to fight for the big surprise. Personally, I wanted to win the surprise as well. Most of the people took the first route, but two adults and one child took the other. Yes, that was my parents and me. I just wanted to break through and challenge myself.


Soon, we set off.


With their encouragement, I gathered my strength and moved on.

2023-09-23更新 | 155次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Moving In

My eighty-five-year-old mother offered that familiar tilt (歪头) of the head, the one that told me something was up. I tensed my shoulders and bit my lip, waiting for whatever was coming next.

I could handle it. She was predictable, though dramatic. I expected her to express her thoughts on the latest news or share the senior community news.

Instead, she calmly said, as though she were sharing her dinner menu, “I’m going to downsize and sell my house and nearly everything I own.” The breaking news was followed by a matter of fact stare.

“Do what?” I asked. “I’ll be a floater,” she said.

“I’ll stay with you, then with my brothers in Maine, and then with some of my friends. I’ll just float around and enjoy myself.” She laughed as though she’d just discovered the perfect lifestyle. “I’ll take my cat everywhere with me. I can’t bear to leave him behind or give him away. What do you think?”

“No one will want you to show up with your cat.” My answer seemed a shock to her. After only seconds, she added, “Well, I just won’t tell them he’s coming. We’ll just show up. What can they do?”

Shocked, I took a deep breath and forced myself to respond by explaining all the reasons why selling, moving in with me, and fearlessly dragging the cat across the country in secret were terrible ideas.

Unbothered, she simply said, “You’re so dramatic. It’ll be fine.”

I didn’t take her announcement seriously. A few days after her announcement,my brother and I enjoyed a few laughs over her idea. After all, our mother was too independent to be placed in a place long-term with any of her children. She had made this clear on many occasions when I’d begged to live next door to her. I’d wanted to be close enough to watch over her but not too close, but she’d always refused.

I enjoyed living alone, hearing the quiet, writing and reading. I hated noise. My mother loved radio, television, and phone calls, endless phone calls. We would not make good housemates.

I really panicked when she started having yard sales.
I took her to my home from the hospital happily, no longer bothered by her moving in.
2023-05-14更新 | 167次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般