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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:184 题号:18931162
Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

A Very Brief History of Greetings

Physical greetings may be part of human nature, but they also vary hugely from culture to culture. The oldest evidence of the handshake, for example, can be seen in an Assyrian (亚述人) relief from the 9th century BC, which shows King Shalmaneser’s     1    (seal) an alliance with a clasp of the hand. Handshaking can also be found in ancient Greek literature as a sign of hospitality.

Evidence of kissing is even older. The social kiss dates to at least the Roman Empire, where it     2    (see) as a greeting between equals. The emperor Tiberius, who reigned from AD 14 to 37, banned the practice at court receptions, since it was believed to spread a dangerous facial infection. The ban didn’t last for long; cheek-kissing     3     (remain) particularly popular across southern Europe so far.

Some cultures touch noses as a greeting. This is known as the hongi to New Zealand’s Maori population, to     4    the “sharing of breath” is considered to symbolize the unity between two people. It can also be found in some Inuit (因纽特人) cultures,    5    it isn’t as widespread as the cliche of the “Eskimo kiss” would suggest.

Many cultures prefer socially distanced greetings, such as bowing, to symbolize trust and cooperation, and these, too, are ancient. Bow greetings are still common in countries such as India, Japan, and Thailand. In Tibet, China, people will stick their tongues out of their mouth     6    (show) their friendly intentions.

These distanced greetings remain the safest option for anyone who wants to convey good wishes     7    getting too close and personal. However, some more recently     8    (invent) greetings might serve as alternatives. There is evidence     9    the fists bump, which emerged in the 1960s, lowers the risk of transmitting a disease compared with a more formal handshake. Along with the elbow bump, which seems     10    (originate) in the 1980s, it may become much more common now that the covid-19 pandemic has increased our awareness of the disease-transmitting potential of more intimate greetings.

【知识点】 历史知识


语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

A City Frozen in Time

The year 79 AD would have seemed just like any other year in the Roman city of Pompeii. Each day , the street     1    (fill) with the sounds of busy shops and customers enjoying the city’s many café. People bathed and chatted happily in     2     (they) beautifully built baths.

No one gave any     3    (think) to Mount Vesuvius, a volcano close to Pompeii. Vesuvius had been inactive for years. The soil in that area was good     4     agriculture. The people of Pompeii had no reason     5     (fear) the volcano. But one day, the sleeping mountain woke up out of the blue.

The eruption when it happened, was unlike anything witnessed before. A huge cloud of hot ash and rock rose into the air, covering the     6     (surround) area. Pompeii was left in total darkness.

A young man, watching from a distance, recorded how the thick dark cloud spread everywhere. He described how people were frighten by the sudden disaster. They took     7     they could as they tried to get away from the city.     8     many people were trapped by falling building.

Suddenly, there was a powerful flow of gas, ash and rock. It moved down Vesuvius at a speed of about 450 kilometres     9    hour. When it reached Pompeii, it     10    (immediate) killed anyone in its path. The city was covered by up to six metres of ash. Pompeii became a city frozen in time.

2023-11-09更新 | 77次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The knot button (盘扣), in Chinese, is a distinctive feature of traditional Chinese clothing Eyen today, it is still     1     (high) visible on garments like qi pao—cheongsam. Though normally     2     (associate) with tradition, the knot buttons are currently enjoying renewed popularity.

The history of knot buttons dates back to the prehistoric era, in     3     ropes were firs used as a primitive form of belts. In the 4th century BC, the knot button took     4     (it) present form and remained largely unchanged until the Qing Dynasty. In the second half of the 17th century, jackets and cheongsam of the Manchurian ruling class had     5     wider use of knot buttons.

Knot buttons come in wide     6    (variety) of forms, ranging from plain and simple straight knots to graceful flowery knots. However, generally speaking, the two major groups are distinguished     7     the basis of functions and decorations.

Recent years     8     (see) a comeback of knot buttons in contemporary clothing. Knot buttons of various shapes and sizes,     9     (represent) the creativity of their makers, are being used on different types of garments. The use of Chinese aesthetics(美学)and cultural heritage can attract both Chinese and foreigners who admire the beauty and     10     (unique).

2023-07-14更新 | 105次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

History of pizza

Pizza is probably the most globally recognizable food today. Originally a food for the poor    1    (become)a dish for everyone as a result of a transformation developed over the centuries.

The ancestor of pizza is the simple bread. It dominates history as one of the most used foods for the poor who    2    (force)to eat only cereals and the few products that nature was offering. They used their own imagination and fantasy to create    3    tasteful for their meals. Barley(大麦)was the commonest ingredient used to prepare bread and the first bread    4    (take)the form of pizza appeared around 3,000 years ago. Through the centuries pizza took its own course and developed    5    the dish that we know today. This dish has inspired many writers and artists in our history and it’s from their documents and notes    6    we know that pizza has truly old origins. The modern pizza was developed after the introduction of the tomato to Italy in the 16th century.

Pizza did not find its way into the United States    7    after the end of the Second World War. At that time, US soldiers returned home from Europe,    8    they had developed an appetite for pizza. Along with their return came the pizza enthusiasm. Pizza parlours began to spring up in more and more places as hungry people started to eat this one-dish food on a regular basis.

Today,     9    (depend)on where you live, you can usually find a pizza parlour near your home. Many parlours will even deliver their food right to your front door! Or, if you prefer, most grocery stores sell    10    (freeze)pizzas and pizza-making kit as well as the separate ingredients for making your own styles of pizza too!

2023-06-13更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般