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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:18953161

The Amazon rainforest contains about 2.8 million square miles of jungle. That’s 7.2 million square kilometers. Humans are transforming the Amazon. In fact, it has now become another climate change contributor. Normally, forests absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide(CO2) gas. By absorbing CO2 forests keep it out of the atmosphere. This is important, because CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning that it traps heat in the atmosphere.

In the past 30 years, humans have contributed to greenhouse gas pollution. This pollution comes from burning fuels such as coal and oil. Finally, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere lead to warmer global temperatures over time which contributes to climate change. Now, scientists in Brazil found that the Amazon is releasing(释放)more CO2 than it is absorbing, which has never happened before. In July 2021, the scientists published their findings.

For their study, the scientists looked at nearly 600 CO2 measurements. They took them from four sites in the Brazilian Amazon between 2010 to 2018. Using these measurements the scientists found that most of the CO2 that the Amazon releases is from wildfires, many of which are started by people. They create fires to clear land for farming and other work. But when trees burn, they release CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

The worst spot is the eastern Amazon. It has become hotter, drier and more likely to have fires. That’s because the eastern Amazon has seen greater amounts of deforestation. or removal of trees. The result is more greenhouse gas emissions (排放) from fires.

Luciana Gatti, a scientist at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research, said that fires in the Amazon make around three times more CO2 than the forest can absorb. She also explained that the Amazon releases much more CO2 in places with greater amounts of deforestation (毁林). Gatti’s team also found some better news. While the eastern Amazon has become a source for releasing carbon, the western Amazon has not. It is balanced This means it has healthy forests that can absorb the same amount of CO2 that fires release.

Gatti said that if we could stop fires in the Amazon, then the forest might even become a carbon sink. This is a place that absorbs more CO2 than it releases. She said that limiting deforestation and wildfires is key to turning this dangerous trend around.

1. What can we learn about the Amazon rainforest from Paragraph 1?
A.It is becoming hotter and drier.B.It can trap heat by absorbing CO2.
C.It matters in regulating the climate.D.It releases more CO2 into the atmosphere.
2. What has happened in the recent decades in the Amazon?
A.Natural wildfires release most of the CO2 .
B.Humans’ activities result in climate change.
C.Humans have dealt with greenhouse gas pollution.
D.The Amazon is absorbing more CO2 than it is releasing
3. Which statement does Luciana Gatti agree with?
A.Both the eastern and the western Amazon face the challenge.
B.The western Amazon has seen greater amounts of deforestation.
C.The key to approaching the present situation is to limit the wildfires.
D.The fires in the Amazon make about twice more CO2 than it can absorb.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.An alarming phenomenon.B.A disappearing forest.
C.An excellent scientist.D.A sad prediction.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In ancient seawall built by Neolithic people to protect their village from sea-level rise over 7,000 years ago has been discovered by scientists. The 330-fbot wall, off the Carmel coast of Israel, was built with boulders from a riverbed over a mile away to create a buffer (缓冲器) between the Mediterranean Sea and the settlement of Tel Hreiz, researchers say.

In a study published in PLOS One, researchers led by Ehud Galili, of the University of Haifa, Israel, say this represents the oldest known coastal defense system in the world and a feat of engineering with "extensive effort invested by the Neolithic villagers in its conception, organization and construction."

At the time the settlement existed, sea levels were rising as global temperatures warmed following the end of the last icc age. The Mediterranean was rising by up to seven millimeters (0. 27 inches) per year. Over a lifetime, this would have equaled around 20 centimeters.

"This rate of sea-level rise means the frequency of destructive storms damaging the village would have risen significantly," Galili said in a statement. "The environmental changes would have been noticeable to people, during the lifetime of a settlement across several centuries. Eventually the accumulating yearly sea-level necessitated (vt. 使……成为必要,需要)a human response involving the construction of a coastal protection wall similar to what we're seeing around the world now. "

The Tel Hreiz settlement was first uncovered in the 1960s but the seawall was only identified in 2010 after a severe storm exposed it. Galili and his team then set about analyzing the remains of the submerged (水下的)wall.

They found it was almost 10 feet tall and was built around the same time as the village. Over the course of decades, the seawall would have suffered from marine erosion, the researchers say. After the sand layer was removed, waves and storms may have eventually dislodged boulders and stones.

Despite this "display of resilience" in the face of sea-level rise, the people of Tel Hreiz eventually left the village and, over time, both the seawall and village were lost to sea. "The seawall may have worked for a period," the team wrote, "however, ultimately it proved futile (无用的)and the village was eventually abandoned. The Tel Hreiz seawall represents the earliest example of a coastal defense of this type known to date. "

The team points to parallels with sea-level rise mankind is facing today. While the rate at the moment is considerably lower than what these Neolithic people were facing, it is expected that many of the world's coastal towns and cities will be impacted in the next century.

"Given the size of coastal populations and modern urban settlements, the magnitude of predicted future population displacement differs considerably to the impacts on people during the Neolithic,” the study said. “However, many of the fundamental human questions and the decision making relating to human resilience, coastal defense, local adaptation, technological innovation and decisions to ultimately abandon long-standing settlements remain ominously relevant. ”

1. In the ancient seawalls built by people in the Neolithic age, it is right to say that________.
A.it’s the old coastal defense system to protect villagers
B.it's first discovered in the 1960s after a severe storm
C.it was built to protect its villages from the rise of sea level
D.the seawall finally protected the village from damage
2. What measure have people taken in the face of sea level rise firstly?
A.Building coastal protection wall.
B.Leaving the village to safe places.
C.Paying attention to the change of environment.
D.Researching technological innovation
3. In Paragraph 7, "display of resilience" probably refers to_______.
A.recovery from disastersB.positive Village
C.protective measuresD.the seawall
4. The writer's purpose in writing this article is to suggest that_______.
A.more seawall should be built to resist sea level rise
B.sea level rise will be a big problem for us
C.we should take more measures to prevent sea level rise
D.many people will be displaced in the future.
2020-11-06更新 | 187次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Benefits of Forest Bathing

Forest bathing means spending time in nature to promote physical and mental health. In recent years, forest bathing has gained popularity around the world. This practice encourages people to connect with nature by taking slow walks, engaging in activities such as yoga or meditation, and embracing the present moment.    1    .

Aid in reducing stress

Forest bathing can help reduce stress. Connecting with nature decreases cortisol(皮质醇) levels, the hormone responsible for feelings of stress.    2    ! Even before you physically enter the forest, just imagining staying there can positively affect your cortisol levels.

A natural mood enhancer

If you want to elevate your mood, take a trip to the forest. A forest bathing trip can ease your mood significantly.    3    . Forests are also associated with calming effects on the mind and body.


It’s no secret that nature plays a vital role in human life, and the two are strongly connected. In natural environments, plants and trees release some special oils, which can protect plants from germs. They also have many human health benefits. In addition to enhancing mood, these oils are also a natural immunity booster.

Inspire focus and concentration

    5    . It can provide an ideal atmosphere for creative thinking and problem-solving. It allows you to focus on creative solutions without interruption. Increased energy levels during the day are also achieved with regular visits to nature because natural beauty surroundings help reduce stress levels, leaving you feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.

A.Improve your intelligence
B.Help boost your immune system
C.It can help reduce your anxiety, depression, and tiredness
D.Forest bathing provides an opportunity to escape disturbance
E.Here are some ways you can benefit from going into the forest
F.So the more time you spend in nature, the more relaxed you will be
G.Here are the benefits of forest bathing that you can start gaining today
2023-04-22更新 | 198次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Spring lifts our spirits. It’s a time for Nature to bring us back to life after a cold season. I live not far from the Kairaku Park, which is one of the largest gardens in Japan, and famous for its near 10,000 plum trees. I am fortunate to have them all outside my backyard, and take advantage of the walking paths daily.

I see the same trees and swans every day, but that day was different. At the edge of the small lake, I saw some new-born black swans. They were pretty and cute. They stayed with their mom. While taking a few photos of the sunset, I was interrupted by a high sound going on for some time. So I turned around and saw one little swan was stuck by two stones. Its mother was trying to make it out but failed. I tried to get near but the mother was ever so angry! She wouldn’t allow me to get close, so I turned to an old man sitting on the bench and said, “Excuse me, the swan baby can’t move and I want to help it, but the mother is extremely angry! Could you please do me a favor?”

After hearing my words, the man smiled at me first and then agreed to help me. He drove the mother away with great efforts, and for several times, he was almost hurt by the mother. Thanks to him, I was able to get there and push the little swan out of the gap finally. Oh, I really hoped it wasn’t injured, but at least it was alive and swimming!

In spring, I become more physically active. Things around don’t make us, but Nature does, and it keeps us going. I am positive that all of us have a little piece of nature in our own neighborhoods. Somewhere we will be reminded why natural life is so important because we grow with it! Personally, I am happy that baby birds can put a smile on my face! I struggle for having a small number of “things” in life, and being filled with simple reality — at one with Nature.

1. What can we know about the author from Paragraph 1?
A.Her favorite season is spring.
B.She enjoys doing outdoor sports.
C.Her backyard is filled with plum trees.
D.She is satisfied with her living environment.
2. Why was that day special for the author?
A.She took a few photos of the sunset.
B.She made a little swan’s mother angry.
C.She met some swans and helped one of them.
D.She met an old man and made friends with him.
3. What kind of person is probably the old man?
4. What makes us more physically active according to the author?
A.Nature.B.The neighborhood.
C.The garden.D.The things around.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author ______.
A.is really a nature lover
B.is short of some life skills
C.calls on people to help the weak
D.transforms her plan into reality
2024-01-18更新 | 115次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般