组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:219 题号:18962969

My mother used to take me to my grandparents’ in Belgium during the school holidays. While I would play chess with my grandfather, he would tell me stories about growing up, falling in love, and travelling around the world.

I didn’t realize the importance of preserving memories until my grandfather passed away, which ultimately changed my outlook on remembering our loved ones and the stories we share. I thought about solutions to help other people record the precious memories for those they love—before it’s too late. So I began matching ghostwriters (代笔人) to clients to help them write a book as smoothly and beautifully as possible, and Story Terrace was born.

Since then, we have explored the power of stories and their ability to connect us with our past and make sense of the present. It has been documented that increased family connection is significantly linked to less loneliness. Learning more about one’s family history, however, has been linked to boosting emotional health, increasing compassion and providing a deeper sense of cultures and traditions.

What we have found through our own research is that so many of us have missed out on the opportunity to explore our origins. 56 percent of Brits agreed that much of their family history is lost because they are no longer able to speak with the person who knows the most about it. A further 51 percent expressed regret as they wished they could tell their younger self to document their family’s life story, feeling that most of it had been forgotten. But when it comes to telling these stories, many don’t know where to begin.

We have seen numerous times when people come to us with random journal entries and notes from over the years, and these can be developed into a wonderful work of art that can be passed down for generations to come.

Half of the projects we see at StoryTerrace are heritage stories, with family occupying a dominant theme for most stories. Alongside this, common themes we see are of course love, overcoming challenges, settling in new surroundings and so on. However, family is a thread that always ties these together.

1. What does Story Terrace do?
A.It boosts the mood of your family members.
B.It gives treatment to people with mental illness.
C.It links people from different cultures together.
D.It helps turn your beloved one’s stories into a book.
2. What does the author intend to show by listing the numbers in paragraph 4?
A.Why StoryTerrace matters.
B.How StoryTerrace functions.
C.What StoryTerrace focuses on.
D.Where StoryTerrace beings your story.
3. What can you infer about Story Terrace from the last paragraph?
A.It is part of the national heritage.
B.Its stories are mostly about family.
C.It dominates half of the market.
D.Its stories gain much popularity.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Family Stories Worth Telling
B.Create Your Own Story Books
C.Documents of Family History
D.Preserve Memories with StoryTerrace


阅读理解-阅读表达(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)
Six days a week, up and down the red hills of northeast Georgia, my grandfather brought the mail to the folks there. At age 68, he retired from the post office, but he never stopped serving the community.
On his 80th birthday, I sent him a letter, noting the things we all should be thankful for — good health, good friends and good outcomes. By most measurements he was a happy man. Then I suggested it was time for him to slow down. At long last, in a comfortable home, with a generous pension, he should learn to take things easy.
“Thank you for your nice words,” he wrote in his letter back, “and I know what you meant, but slowing down scares me. Life isn’t having it made; it’s getting it made.”
“The finest and happiest years of our lives were not when all the debts were paid, and all difficult experiences had passed, and we had settled into a comfortable home. No. I go back years ago, when we lived in a three-room house, when we got up before daylight and worked till after dark to make ends meet. I rarely had more than four hours of sleep. But what I still can’t figure out is why I never got tired, never felt better in my life. I guess the answer is, we were fighting for survival, protecting and providing for those we loved. What matters are not the great moments, but the partial victories, the waiting, and even the defeats. It’s the journey, not the arrival, that counts.”
The letter ended with a personal request: “Boy, on my next birthday, just tell me to wake up and get going, because I will have one less year to do things — and there are ten million things waiting to be done.”
Christina Rossetti, an English poet, once said: “Does the road wind uphill all the way? Yes, to the very end.” Today, at 96, my grandfather is still on that long road, climbing.
1. What was the author’s grandfather before he retired? (no more than 5 words)
2. What did the author advise his grandfather to do in his letter? (no more than 10 words)
3. What is the grandfather’s view on life according to his letter back? (no more than 10 words)
4. How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
5. Do you agree with the grandfather’s view on life? Give reasons in your own words, (no more than 20 words)
2016-11-26更新 | 1064次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It had been my first Christmas without Clyde. We had celebrated our forty-ninth wedding anniversary while he was ill. There were many beautiful memories. One was Clyde’s cards.

When we were first married, we had much to learn about expressing emotions, as neither of our families spoke about their feelings. Greeting cards were a great way to communicate with each other. Clyde got cards for all the special holidays like Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day. Sometimes, he gave me cards for no reason other than to say, “I love you.” It brightened my day when I awoke in the morning to find a card on my pillow or on the coffeemaker. Oh, how I missed those beautiful or funny cards. He always separated his name between the y and d. It made me sad to know I would never get another card signed Cly de.

One day, I went into a Goodwill Store just before closing time. I had just picked up a book titled Someone Cares when the voice on the loudspeaker blared out, “The store is closing for the day...” Having to rush to the checkout, I made a quick decision to purchase it.

Back home, I picked up my new book. A bunch of cards fell into my lap from inside the book. Surprised, I began to read them. Most of the cards seemed to be for a mother, but there were also some that appeared to be from friends. I enjoyed reading all of them.

The last one said, “To My Wife on Mother’s Day.” The words and pictures on the card were similar to those on cards Clyde had given me in the past. Looking down at the lower part of the card, I was shocked to see the signature. It read Cly de with a space in the middle between the y and d just like my husband always signed his name. At that moment, I knew Clyde’s love would always be with me. There wouldn’t be cards on my pillow or near the coffeemaker, but “Cly de” had found a way to send me one more card when I needed it most.

1. Why did Clyde send cards to his wife on every possible occasion?
A.He regarded it a good way to communicate.
B.He continued the common practice of his family.
C.He knew his wife would be heart-broken for his death.
D.He was an emotional man enjoying expressing feelings.
2. What do we know about the last special card the wife got?
A.It had a style different from the old ones.
B.It arrived as expected after Clyde died.
C.It was bought from a bookstore on Mother’s Day.
D.It was recognized from Clyde’s unique signature.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.Happy Memories.B.Love from Books.
C.Special Delivery.D.Strange Holiday Gifts.
2022-05-28更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Advice Gap

Advice My Parents Gave Me: Go to college and major in what you love.

Advice I Will Give My Kids: Go to college only if you’ll major in science, engineering, or money. It’s a depressing job market, and majoring in English literature or anything with the word English in it has been useless since 1910s.

My Parents: Never show up to a party empty-handed.

Me: Never show up to a party. Send a text to the host twenty minutes before the party starts to say that you’re “sooooooo sorry” to cancel but your stomach is feeling “weird”.

My Parents: To find a job, walk into the offices of ABC News’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” and ask for one.

Me: Apply to jobs via LinkedIn, Zip-Recruiter, or your connections. Write a cover letter and attach your résumé, then manually enter the same information through the company’s portal, which looks as though it were designed in Microsoft Paint. Do this twenty times a day for two years, and you’re bound to make it to a third round of phone interviews before getting ghosted.

My Parents: Learn the difference between a 401(k) (an employer-sponsored defined-contribution pension account) and a Roth I. R. A. (a special retirement account) so that you can start investing early.

Me: Learn the difference between a 401(k) and a Roth I. R. A. so that you can explain it to me.

My Parents: Never wait to do your taxes.

Me: If you wait long enough to do your taxes, there might be a global crisis that forces the federal government to extend the deadline: Then you can wait some more and do them right before the new deadline.

My Parents: Work hard so you can save for retirement.

Me: Retirement is something you’ll read about in your history books under the title “Abstract Ideas”.

My Parents: When we’re gone, look after your siblings and never fight with them over money!

Me: When I’m gone, clear my browser history. Don’t quarrel with your siblings over who gets my monthly ten-cent payments from Medium (an American online publishing platform).

1. Why do you think the author has written this passage?
A.To present a better guide for young people today.
B.To demonstrate the contemporary generation gap.
C.To exhibit his capability of living a worthy life.
D.To show his annoyance with his parents’ advice.
2. Which of the following suggestions is the author most LIKELY to agree with?
A.Siblings shouldn’t fight with each other over whether to protect their gone parents’ privacy.
B.Science majors shouldn’t be favored over those related to English in college.
C.Job seekers should try various means and prepare for depressing prospects.
D.You should check your stomach first before texting to the host of a party.
3. When it comes to finances, the author may hold the idea that         .
A.saving for retirement may be a thing of the past
B.the younger generation may inherit the legacy of their parents’ payment bills from Medium in the future
C.the knowledge about a 401(k) and a Roth I. R. A is so significant for early investment that children should have a good knowledge of it by themselves
D.doing taxes is absolutely urgent, even allowing for unpredictable economic conditions
2023-12-24更新 | 40次组卷
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