组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:18967101

I was grocery shopping recently in my hometown, N.Y., when I heard a young voice rise. “Mom, come here, you’ve gotten see this! There’s this lady here my size!”

The mother was mortified and rushed to a boy she called Mikey, who looked to be about seven; then she turned to me to apologize. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

I smiled and told her, “It’s okay.” Then I looked at her wide-eyed son and said, “Hi, Mikey, I’m Darryl Kramer. How are you?”

He studied me from head to toe, and asked, “Are you a little mommy?” “Yes, I have a son,” I answered.

“Why are you so little?” he asked.

“It’s the way I was made,” I said.

It takes only one glance to see my uniqueness. I stand three feet, nine inches tall. I am an achondroplasia dwarf (软骨发育不全的侏儒). Like most achondroplasia dwarfs, I have two average-height parents, as well as an average-height brother. When I was born, my mother was told in the hospital that I was a dwarf. Not knowing a lot about dwarfism, my mom’s main concern was my health. Our family doctor put her mind at ease when he told her he felt I would not have any major medical concerns. He was right.

When I was growing up, my parents encouraged me to do all the things the kids around me did. So when my neighbors got two-wheel bikes, I got a two-wheel bike. When they roller-skated, I roller-skated. I didn’t see anything different in my parents’ eyes about me. Why should I look   at myself differently? Therefore, I just tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life. I was determined to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. And when I accepted myself as I was, life wasn’t that difficult after all. Most people around me were friendly and protective.

I’m 47 now, and it’s the children’s questions that make my life special. “Why are you so short? How old are you? Are you a mommy?” When I talk with children, they leave content that their questions have been answered. My hope is that in taking time with them, I will encourage them to accept their peers, whatever size and shape they come in, to know that every human deserves due respect.

1. The underlined word mortified is closest in meaning to________.
2. What made the author accept her physical uniqueness?
A.That she almost died at birth.
B.That her parents loved her more than her ordinary-sized brother.
C.That her parents treated her as an ordinary person.
D.That all the people around her were protective and kind.
3. Why is the author patient with children’s questions?
A.Because she wants to tell them about the rare disease.
B.Because she notices that children are usually kinder than adults.
C.Because she also has a child and wants to be a loving mum.
D.Because she expects them to respect every human.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Everyone tries their best in life, and sometimes a few kind words of encouragement can help people realize that their efforts are not in vain (徒劳). I remember a time when I was in fifth grade, and I was a very shy girl.

There was a drawing competition at my school that day. As everyone started to use their creative ideas to draw, I was only trying to think of something creative that could express my thoughts and emotions. Lost in my own world, I was brought back to reality when my art teacher called my name from behind. She came to me and encouraged me, saying, “Don’t overthink it, just put whatever comes to your mind on the canvas (画布). Do your best, and you will do well.”

Taking her words of wisdom to heart, I started my painting. Time flew by, and soon the bell rang, signaling the end of the time limit. We all turned in our canvases for inspection (检查). The next day, the winners of the competition were announced in front of the whole school. To my surprise, I heard my name being called second prize. It was a bolt from the blue for me, as I had never dared to dream of winning any prize.

Later on, I expressed my gratitude to my art teacher for her words of encouragement and for believing in me. That day, I became aware of my talent and started painting more whenever I had free time. Sometimes, I think that if it weren’t for her words of encouragement, I may have never discovered the talent I have.

Overall, this experience taught me the importance of encouraging others and how a few kind words can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

1. What was the author doing when called by the art teacher?
A.Organizing a drawing competition.B.Trying to get some creative ideas.
C.Painting her work on her canvas.D.Trying to get help from others.
2. What did the author think of the competition?
3. What do the underlined words “bolt from the blue” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. What message does the text intend to convey?
A.The power of encouragement can be huge.
B.The importance of art competitions is easy to see.
C.Overcoming shyness through painting is worth trying.
D.Discovering your great natural ability is the key to success.
2024-01-12更新 | 155次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My Ph. D. adviser called me into his office. After 15 minutes of listing my positive things, he looked me in the eye, saying, “You are fired from the lab.”

I had moved to Israel from my native India the year before, excited to experience a new culture and study for a Ph. D. At first things went well in my new lab. Three months later, I made several mistakes in the lab that slowed my research, but I wasn’t aware that my adviser noticed them, and he never spoke to me about any concerns. I’m still not sure why he fired me, but I guess that because of those mistakes, he wasn’t confident that I could complete my research as scheduled.

The first few days after I was fired was especially difficult. I spent hours staring at my computer screen, unable to get anything done. One day all I could do was sit on a beach and cry. I tried to change his mind with promising results, but he stuck to his decision. I could not break the news to my family in India, as the fear of disappointing them would overwhelm (使不知所措) me. I soon got into a state of sadness and anxiety, lonely and hopeless.

Around that time, I watched Dasvidaniya, a Bollywood movie that’s about a man who has three months to live. One line from the movie stuck out to me — When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (柠檬汁). What kind of lemonade could I make out of my present situation? My desire to complete a Ph. D. was never in doubt. On reflection, I told myself that I needed to give it another try. With renewed confidence, I emailed other advisers and applied to other programs. Within two months, I landed an offer from a Ph. D. program in Italy. I accepted it and relocated to Europe, happy that my goal of completing a Ph. D. was alive once again.

I’m thankful that I didn’t give up my dream and that I found another professor willing to take me on.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The personality of the adviser.
B.The author’s problems in study.
C.The author’s bad experience of being fired.
D.The author’s difficulty in adapting to a new culture.
2. What kind of “lemonade” did the author make out of the difficult situation?
A.Persuading the adviser to let him stay.
B.Being responsible for different programs.
C.Holding the belief that he could get a Ph. D.
D.Getting accepted by another Ph. D. program.
3. What lesson can we learn from the story?
A.Direction is more important than effort.
B.Turn to movies for comfort when in trouble.
C.A Ph. D. is important for the future.
D.Difficulties in life can be turned into something positive.
2023-06-06更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I woke up with drool (口水) on my pillow this morning. I wouldn’t have minded except it wasn’t mine. The alarm clock rang, and I reached over to turn it off. As I laid my face back down on the pillow, I felt the wet drool on my pillow case. I opened my eyes and saw a smiling, furry face gazing down at me. I tried to get up, but she was too fast. My face was suddenly covered in kisses with one going straight up my nose and another right in my ear. I laughed, reached out and picked up the eight-pound love machine and held her away from my wet face. It was just another morning in a life with dogs.

Why do we welcome them into our homes and our hearts? We know that we are most likely going to outlive them and have our hearts broken when they age quickly and pass away after ten to fifteen years. We know that there will be vet (兽医) bills, flea baths and enough fur to make a vacuum(真空的) cleaner cry. We know that our ears will ring from the barking, that we will be picking up poop (大便) every single day and that we will never get to finish a full sandwich again.

Yet, when we are feeling down or blue, there will always be a soft head on our lap needing to be pet. When we get home after a long day’s work, there will be a happy face at the door waiting for us. Our lives will be full of balls to throw and love and loyalty that will warm our hearts and uplift our souls.

For thousands of years, dogs have been our best friends. They remain one of the greatest gifts life has ever given us. Even if they can’t love us for the rest of our lives, they will always love us for all of theirs.

1. How does the author probably feel about his dog every morning?
2. What figure of speech is used in the underlined part in Paragraph 2?
3. What is the function of Paragraph 2 ?
A.Exploring why we love dogs.
B.Showing how dogs can be a burden.
C.Giving examples of dogs’ bad behavior.
D.Describing how dogs can be charming.
4. Why did the writer write this article?
A.To give the good and bad points of raising dogs.
B.To share how much joy his dog has brought him.
C.To say that having a dog is worth all the trouble.
D.To tell the importance of a dog’s company.
2022-03-24更新 | 52次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般