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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:183 题号:19020669

Scientists have discovered the world’s largest known field of sea grass. They did it using videos shot by some sea animals. The work should help protect the sea grass, and also shows off a creative way to explore the ocean.

Sea grasses are flowering plants that normally grow in shallow waters near coasts. They grow in thick fields, known as meadows. Sea grass meadows help clean the ocean water, and provide food and home for many sea creatures. Importantly, sea grass meadows also help in the fight against the climate problems. That’s because they store a great deal of carbon — the harmful pollution that’s making global warming worse. Damaging (破坏) these sea grass meadows can release this pollution again, so it’s important to protect them.

However, the ocean is too huge for humans to study all by diving (潜水). A team of scientists decided to have tiger sharks help with the research because tiger sharks live underwater, swim fast and spend a lot of time in sea grass meadows.

The researchers attached cameras and other trackers to seven tiger sharks. After catching the sharks, the scientists worked quickly to attach the equipment, then let them go again. The cameras were designed to fall off after a few hours and float (漂浮) to the surface. Tracking signals helped the scientists find the floating cameras and collect the videos the sharks had taken over the sea floor. Putting all the data together, the scientists learned that the waters around the Bahamas are home to the largest sea grass meadow ever discovered.

The project is important for several reasons. Since sea grass is so valuable in fighting global warming, it’s important to know where it is. Oliver Shipley, a leading scientist, says, “If we don’t know where it is, we can’t protect it.” The program also shows how useful large sea animals can be in helping to learn more about life under the sea. Shipley says animals like tiger sharks “… are going to take us to new places that we didn’t know.”

1. What helped the scientists discover the largest ever field of sea grass?
A.Ships working underwater.B.Videos taken by tiger sharks.
C.Images shot from passing planes.D.Exploration of professional divers.
2. What does the underlined word “release” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Let out.B.Cut down.C.Clear away.D.Wind up.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The ways of following large sea animals.
B.The steps of fixing cameras to the tiger sharks.
C.The unique functions of the signal-tracking equipment.
D.The process of finding the world’s largest known sea grass meadow.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Sea grass is of high value in research and business.
B.Humans have benefited from pollution-free oceans.
C.Scientists have solved the climate problems effectively.
D.Ocean animals can help uncover more secrets of nature.
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Birds are becoming popular as pets, but unlike owners with more common pets, owners of birds are often not familiar with the behavioural patterns (行为模式) of the animal which allow them to recognise what the pet needs and wants. For example, most of us can recognise the behaviour a dog exhibits when he is hungry or wants attention, but how many of us know how birds go about showing the same feelings?

By learning about the behavioural patterns of the bird, his owner can forge a stronger relationship with the pet. Owners can learn how to read birds’ body language, including movements of the eyes, wings, tail and beak (喙). In addition, the sounds the bird makes can also show the mood, desires, and requirements of the pet.

A bird’s eyes are different from a human’s. While both birds and humans have pupils (瞳孔) and irises (虹膜), birds have the ability to control the size of their pupils by enlarging and reducing their irises quickly. This behaviour, flashing, is something birds may do when they are angry, interested, or frightened.

A bird also communicates through the use of his wings. A bird may lift or open his wings as a sign of happiness. But if the bird starts opening and closing his wings, it may signal anger or pain. If a bird fails to fold his wings against his body, and instead lets them hang by his sides, the bird may be ill. Healthy adult birds will typically tuck (折起) their wings against their bodies when they are at rest.

Birds often use their tail feathers to communicate, so an understanding of this behaviour will help the pet’s owner. A bird may move his tail from side to side, called wagging, to express happiness (similar to dogs in behaviour and meaning). Happiness is also the emotion expressed by other kinds of tail movements, such as moving up and down. However, if a bird fans his tail feathers out, it is usually a way to show anger or aggression.

1. What can we know about birds according to Paragraph 1 ?
A.They have little body language.
B.They are easy to escape from owners.
C.They aren’t familiar to their owners.
D.Their behaviour is hard to understand.
2. What does the underlined word “forge” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What is the author likely to write about after the last paragraph?
A.The sounds of birds.
B.The role of the bird’s beak in communication.
C.Tips on feeding a bird as a pet.
D.The birds,habit of singing.
4. Which of the following is the best title?
A.The Birds’ Body languageB.The Performance of a Bird
C.How to Communicate with PetsD.The Early Bird Catches the Worm
2023-05-31更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】To many people, honey bees symbolize development, sustainability (可持续性) and environmentalism. But as a honey bee researcher, I have to tell you that only the first item on that list is reasonable. Although they are important for agriculture, honey bees also damage natural ecosystems by competing with native bees — some of which are species at risk.

The rise in honey beekeeping, now a popular activity for hundreds of thousands of Americans, followed strong awareness campaigns to “save the bees.” But as a species, honey bees are least in need of saving. Media attention unfairly covers them over native bees, and vague messaging has led many citizens — myself once included — to believe they are doing a good thing for the environment by putting on a beekeeper’s veil. Unfortunately, they are probably doing more harm than good.

“Beekeeping is for people; it’s not a conservation practice,” says Sheila Colla, an assistant professor and conservation biologist at Toronto’s York University, Canada. “People mistakenly think keeping honey bees, or helping honey bees, is somehow helping the native bees, which are at risk of extinction.” She is frustrated the ones in more neon on saving honey bees when, from a conservationist’s point of view, native bees are the ones in more need of support.

For some reason, maybe because they are small, honey bees are not generally viewed as the massively distributed livestock animal that they are. There are millions of honey bee colonies in North America, 2.8 million of which are in the U.S. Approximating around 30,000 bees per colony (the size of a pollination unit), that’s roughly a billion honey bees in Canada and the U.S. alone — almost triple the number of people. High densities of honey bee colonies increase competition between native bees, putting even more pressure on the wild species that are already in decline.

I used to believe that honey bees were a gateway species, and that concern over their health and development would spill over onto native bees, benefitting them, too. While this may have happened in some cases, evidence is increasing that misguided enthusiasm for honey bees has likely been to the native bees’ damage. Beekeeping doesn’t make me feel good, anymore. In fact, quite the opposite.

1. What makes bee keeping gain great popularity among Americans?
A.Several campaigns have been launched to advocate bee saving.
B.Citizens believe native bees are no longer in need of protection.
C.Little importance are attached to protecting the environment.
D.Citizens hope to make a fortune from the bee keeping business.
2. What is the Colla’s possible attitude towards the beekeeping?
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author’s attitude towards the beekeeping has changed.
B.People’s enthusiasm for keeping honey bees is increasing.
C.In some cases evidence has proved honey bees are in danger.
D.Keeping native bees is of great benefit to people’s health.
2021-03-09更新 | 179次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A new international organization, ReShark, including partners from 15 countries and 44 aquariums, is challenging the shark statistics. According to National Geographic, ReShark’s goal is to release 500 endangered zebra sharks in Indonesian waters to increase a wild population that is on the edge of extinction. This is the first-ever attempt to reintroduce captive sharks into the wild.

Marine reintroductions present significant challenges due to the complexity and shortage of ocean life, as well as the difficulty in managing threats, according to National Geographic. Team ReShark understands that the reintroduction may go up in smoke. Unlike land animals that have been successfully reintroduced in the past, such as giant pandas in China, young sharks are more likely to suffer from diseases and be killed by other animals, and they struggle to find food on their own.

Sharks have a remarkable history as one of the oldest vertebrate species, surviving five mass extinctions over a period of 420 million years. They play an important role in marine ecosystems by influencing the ocean’s food chains. However, they are now facing the second-highest rate of disappearance. Research shows that more than 37 percent of the shark species are at risk of extinction due to overfishing, both legal and illegal. Sharks are hunted for their meat. Nearly 100 million sharks are killed by human hands each year, according to the organization Sentient Media.

Despite the alarming decline in shark populations globally, top shark scientists are hopeful that ReShark’s efforts will succeed. Given these challenges, Simon Fraser University ecologist Dulvy initially had some doubts about ReShark’s plans. However, after asking some questions, he was surprised by what the initiative could produce. “This initiative is different,” Dulvy explained. Similarly, Rima Jabado, Dulvy’s successor, recognized ReShark as a unique project that could provide a lifeline for endangered shark species. “It may provide an opportunity for species not to go extinct,” she said.

1. What’s the ReShark’s intention of releasing sharks?
A.To conduct shark data collection.
B.To study the living habits of sharks.
C.To save the endangered shark species.
D.To test new ways of keeping sharks.
2. What does the underlined part “go up in smoke” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. How does the Paragraph 3 develop?
A.By giving examples.B.By giving descriptions.
C.By making comparison.D.By making classifications.
4. What does Rima Jabado think of ReShark’s project?
A.Special and promising.B.Hopeful and effortless.
C.Risky and costly.D.Doubtful and immature.
2024-01-16更新 | 274次组卷
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