组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:179 题号:19028716

If Natalie Morales had to describe her mom in just one word, she would pick: survivor. That’s because her mom, Penelope Morales had a tough childhood. “Her mother wasn’t ready to be a mom and gave her up to her grandmother,” says Natalie, “I think she often felt in life like she wasn’t wanted and wasn’t loved.”

Penelope Morales put herself through college and it was there that she met Natalie’s dad, who was serving in the military. They fell in love and married, and her life as a military mom of three children became a great adventure. “She basically raised us moving from place to place. I was born in Taiwan, China, but we lived in Panama, Brazil and Spain. And my mom was the constant,” says Natalie, “She would always make sure that when we got home from school, we felt like we had our number-one fan, our champion right there, waiting for us.” Along the way, Natalie learned many things from her mother, which she carries on in her role as a mother of two sons.

As a Mother’s Day gift, Natalie treated her mom to a day of pampering (宠爱). “I want my mom to feel like a queen,” she says. And as part of the surprise, Natalie brought along an old photo of her mother, which she wanted to recreate. “I think it was taken in the mid-60s. So she was in her early to mid twenties. She’s just absolutely a beautiful woman. But she’s looking in the mirror. It’s like not knowing really her future, but knowing where she’s come from,” describes Natalie. “That picture just speaks so much to me. I want her to see what she created in that mirror, and that she gave us all something so great.”

“It’s just an amazing experience to take this picture and have Natalie do it. I could never imagine in my entire life,” says Penelope Morales, who adds that she’s very proud of her daughter, “All I want her is to be happy and to raise her children the same way,” she says.

1. What can be inferred about Natalie’s mother?
A.She survived an adventure fortunately.
B.Her mother gave her up because of poverty.
C.At college she met her husband, a schoolmate.
D.Her mother felt that she was nothing.
2. What did Natalie learn from her mother?
A.Giving children great love.
B.Moving house constantly.
C.Always picking up children from school.
D.Often taking children on adventures.
3. What did Natalie do on Mother’s Day?
A.She treated her mother to a big meal.
B.She took her mother to take pictures.
C.She pleased her mother by polishing an old photo.
D.She gave her mother a big surprise with her sons.
4. What can we say about the gift Natalie gave her mother?
A.It was expected.
B.It was a success.
C.It made her mother dependent on her.
D.It brought tears to her mother’s eyes.
5. What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passage?
A.Natalie loves and respects her mother very much.
B.Natalie’s mother has suffered too much all her life.
C.Natalie’s mother thinks highly of her daughter’s gift.
D.Natalie’s “survivor” mom deserves the special Mother’s Day gift.
2023·天津北辰·模拟预测 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Is there a magic cutoff period when children become responsible for their own actions? Is there a wonderful moment when parents can become spectators in the lives of their children and shrug, "It's their life, " and feel nothing?

When I was in my twenties, I stood in a hospital passage waiting for doctors to put a few stitches (缝线) in my son's head. I asked, "When do you stop worry?" The nurse said, "When they get out of the accident stage." My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.

When I was in my thirties, I sat on a little chair in a classroom and heard how one of my children talked continually and disrupted the class. As if to read my mind, a teacher said. "Don't worry, they all go through this stage and then you can sit back, relax and enjoy them" My mother just smiled faintly faintly and said nothing.

When I was in my forties, I spent a lifetime waiting for the phone to ring, the cars to come home, the front door to open. A friend said, "They're trying to find themselves. Don't worry, in a few years, you can stop worrying. They'll adults. "My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.

By the time I was 50, I was sick and tired of being weak. I was still worrying over my children, but there was a new wrinkle, there was nothing I could do about it. My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.

I continued to suffer from their failures, an be absorbed in their disappointments. My friends said that when my kids got married I could stop worrying and lead my own life. I wanted to believe that, but I was haunted (萦绕心头) by my mother's warm smile and her occasional "You look pale. Are you all right? Call me the minute you get home. Are you depressed about something?" Can it be that parents are sentenced to a lifetime of worry?

One of my children telephoned me last month, saying, "Where were you? I've been calling for three days, and no one answered. I was worried."

I smiled a warm smile.

1. The author intends to tell us in the passage that________.
A.parents long for a period when they no longer worry about their children
B.there is no time when parents have no worry about their children
C.it's parents' duty to worry about their children
D.parents don't have to worry their children
2. We can infer from the sentence "My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing" that________.
A.her mother shared the same idea as the nurse
B.her mother wouldn't express her opinion upon the matter
C.her mother felt much relieved to know there was nothing serious about her grandson
D.her mother didn't agree with the nurse
3. The author mentioned her ages of twenties, thirties, forties and fifty in order to show________.
A.the hard times she experience in her lifeB.the different stages of her children
C.she had been worrying about her children in her lifeD.the support she received from her mother
4. What can we infer from the last sentence "I smiled a warm smile"?
A.Finally the mother didn't have to worry about her children.
B.The mother was pleased that her child began to worry about her, too.
C.At last the mother could live her own life without worry.
D.The mother felt satisfied that she had succeeded in turning her children into adults.
2021-09-27更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】It’s not easy to grow up. Actually, it’s far from easy. Growing up can be a real “pain” for some of us. We are always doing things that someone else makes us do and aren’t allowed to do all the things we like. Sometimes we feel trapped, sometimes we are fearful, and sometimes we just don’t understand why we can’t stay young forever. When we look back on all the hardships in life with a positive attitude, we realize that all of our growing pains actually turn into growing gains!

As a young girl my parents forced my sisters and me to do so many things that I never liked.

They made me learn to play the violin and then the piano. At that time I hated music, just because it was what they wanted me to do. But looking back now, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music has enriched my life in so many ways. I realize that my parents and teachers were always pushing me along, not because they wanted me to suffer but because they wanted me to succeed in life. They’ve always wanted me to have a better life than they did themselves.

Every moment of our lives we are either living or dying, so live life to its fullest! We are all going to experience growing pains, but they are just small pains in life. They might seem so huge at the time but we must be strong. Think about how we would feel if we had no fear and live life like that.

The future is ours! A little hard work and sweat never hurt anyone! If we realize that these pains are just small bumps(凸块) on our road to success, we will realize that our growing pains are actually growing gains!

1. According to Paragraph 1, we learn that when we are young ________.
A.life is full of joy.B.we can’t do whatever we like.
C.we know we can stay young forever.D.life is easier.
2. When the author was young, what did her parents push her to do?
A.take music lessons.B.turn gains into pains.
C.look back on hardships.D.live a successful life by suffering a lot.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Growing pains are necessary for us to grow up.
B.We all have to experience growing pains.
C.A little hard work and sweat are harmful to us.
D.Life without fear is a better choice for us.
2022-09-29更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sometimes we get along.     1    But most of the time, we love our brothers and sisters. And research shows that the sibling (兄弟姐妹) bond is about more than family dinners. Growing up with a brother or sister may actually have an impact on our mental and physical health, not to mention it can shape who we become later in life. Here are some of the many benefits of siblings.

They make us happier. For many, that sibling bond means a lifetime of emotional support. That’s why a tight relationship with your siblings can bring happiness later in life.     2    So bonding with our brothers and sisters isn’t only important as we grow and mature, but may also bring major benefits later in life.

Siblings keep us physically fit.     3    Many people believe that friends and family have the largest impact on how healthy our lifestyle is. And staying fit together may help grow that sibling bond. Nearly one-third of people with healthy habits distance themselves from those with less healthy ones.

    4    Not only can siblings boost mental health and physical fitness, but strong social ties may help you live longer, according to research published in the journal PLOS Medicine. On average, those with poor social connections died about 7. 5 years earlier than those with solid bonds. This may be because caring about our friends and family inspires us to take better care of ourselves.     5    

No matter the reason, keeping that strong connection with our siblings could help us live a longer, happier and healthier life.

A.They could help you live longer.
B.Other times they drive us crazy.
C.Our siblings’ health is often similar to our own.
D.Research shows that older people with living siblings are more positive.
E.Siblings make perfect childhood friends, as they share the same environment.
F.Research shows that our siblings can help us stay active.
G.Or it may be because we turn to loved ones for support when we’re sick or stressed.
2023-07-30更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般