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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:240 题号:19065670

After their three children grew up and left home, Margaret Thompson and her husband, Kenneth, stretched their legs together on walking holidays in Switzerland. In Interlaken, year after year, they would head up the mountain and watch the paragliders (空中滑翔) launch themselves into the sky. Back in town, in a large park, they watched them return to earth. “Some day I’d love to do that,” Thompson told Kenneth.

But there was always so much to do in Interlaken. So she continued to watch the gliders take flight and land. Kenneth died in 2005. Eleven years later, and three decades after those walking holidays, Thompson finally took to the skies herself, in a paraglider with an instructor. Thompson was 80.

Recently, Thompson heard from an instructor that grown men, when airborne, sometimes cry and beg to be brought down. But what she remembers is “feeling free. You feel weightless. It’s quite windy. It blows you around. You sail along and look around you, and see all the toy houses down below. You feel like you are up in heaven somewhere there, watching everyone down below.”

Thirty years seems a long time to hold on to a dream. “It was,” she says. Why did it take so long? “I wanted to do it, but I felt somebody should benefit from it.” She did not think of just enjoying the experience? “I don’t think so. There had to be a cause at the end of it all,” she says. With her first paraglide, she raised £1,500 for Moorfields eye hospital in London, most of it with the aid of social clubs run by the Presbyterian church she regularly attends.

Is she scared of getting older? “Fear? No. People say: ‘Isn’t getting old awful?’ I say: ‘No. You are free to do more things that you want to do.”

Thompson felt no fear paragliding. “I mean, you sort of say to yourself: Well, if anything happens to me now, I’m OK. People might worry about falling, it being the end of them. But that didn’t bother me at all. When it’s your time, it’s your time. No matter where you are.”

1. Why didn’t Thompson take up paragliding after her children left home?
A.She was engaged.B.She preferred walking.
C.She was afraid of heights.D.She had to tend her husband.
2. How did Thompson feel when airborne?
A.She lost his direction.B.She was scared to death.
C.She regretted paragliding.D.She had a sense of freedom.
3. Why could Thompson hold on to her dream for three decades?
A.She got support from social clubs.B.She wanted to make it meaningful.
C.She hoped to contribute to the church.D.She had a good cause to experience fun.
4. What’s Thompson’s attitude towards falling?
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)


Alice: Yesterday, at the beginning of the chemistry exam, I spent more time on a difficult question than I intended. When I saw the others turning to the next page, I became so nervous that I couldn’t even work out simple questions. I really want to know how to control myself in exams. Could you give me some advice?

Rob: I’m trying to review for my exams, but it’s hard to concentrate for long. I sit on the bed with my books, but then I lie down and fall asleep. And my parents ask me to do things or my friends call, so I give up studying. I’m starting to panic. What should I do?

Lara: I get good marks at school, so my friends all want to copy my homework. But I spend a lot of time working while they’re having fun. It’s not fair, and I’m getting fed up with this situation. But how do I tell them they can’t copy my work—I don’t want to lose my friends. Help!


Concentrate on the exam. Don’t daydream or be distracted by the other test takers. Some students do exams quickly, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they get all the questions right. Just stick to your own pace, and learn to budget your time sensibly.

It’s quite normal to be nervous but you should calm down! It’s helpful to have a regular routine—try to study at the same time every day. And you’d better tell your friends and family not to interrupt you! Sit down to work at a desk or table, and take a break every half hour to get up and do something different for five minutes. Good luck!

Your friends ought to know that they shouldn’t copy your work. It’s cheating. The next time they ask, say no nicely but firmly. Tell them that they have to do the work themselves or they won’t learn anything. If they don’t understand, they aren’t real friends.

1. Which of the following piece of advice might be helpful to Alice?
A.Do exams quickly.B.Work at your own pace.
C.Have a regular routine.D.Avoid cheating in the exam.
2. Why is Lara very angry with her friends?
A.Because they want to copy her homework.
B.Because they often have fun without her.
C.Because they take her homework back home.
D.Because they distract her during the exam.
3. How often should we do something different while doing the review?
A.Every five minutes.B.Every twenty minutes.
C.Every thirty minutes.D.Every two hours.
4. Where are the texts most probably taken from?
A.An English dictionary.B.A science magazine.
C.A business newspaper.D.A student magazine.
2018-07-02更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Last year, my Singapore-based sister insisted my mother and I join her for the Christmas. My mum, a fearless woman, would get strangely nervous on flights. Perhaps the only thing that convinced her to overcome her fears was the chance to piece together our declining bond.

Growing up, moments with Mum were painfully short-lived because I spent most time at the boarding school, reuniting only during the holidays. Every year, she would eagerly await my return, which would always lead to constant loving scenes. Those cherished moments were gradually vanishing as I moved away for university. Soon, our relationship became tense. She seemed unable to comprehend me and her stubborn and old-fashioned advice forced me to shut myself. But the more I pulled away, the more I felt a longing for the bond that had grown so dim. Perhaps Singapore would give us a chance to breathe it back to life.

I assumed the immersive exhibits at Art Science Museum would refresh my mother, who was an art student. However, I was surprised when she just turned her nose up at the Bruges Whale, a sculpture using plastic waste to raise awareness about ocean pollution. “It’s art, Mum! Be more appreciative.” I defended.

Disheartened by the distance between us, I led her to the kid’s zone. We signed up for a joint sketching activity, hoping that would help us connect. As our creative juices flowed, our faded relationship began to take on the hues and shades of something sincere and beautiful.

“Look!” she excitedly pointed towards a digital screen that displayed our creations. “That one’s ours.” Mum went up and reached out, touching the fish as it moved its tail back and forth in the virtual tank.

Looking around, I saw children sharing moments with their parents, and my own childhood flashed back. That rare instance where she let slip an inner innocence and delight at a new experience revealed the little girl in her, who was like me, had lost a vital connection to responsibilities of motherhood.

“Our time together was like that of friends. You were my mother, and I’m a child following you around.” My mum said to me with a smile.

1. What made Mum accept the visit to Singapore?
A.The resolve to overcome the nervousness on flight.
B.The desire to restore relationship with her children.
C.The sincere invitation of my Singapore-based sister.
D.The expectation for Art Science Museum as an artist.
2. What is the attitude of Mum towards the Bruges Whale?
A.She felt it a huge waste to make it from plastic.
B.She showed a great interest in this work of art.
C.She didn’t think it good enough to be exhibited.
D.She considered it beneficial to ocean protection.
3. What can we learn from the sketching activity?
A.It revealed Mum’s inner ignorance like a girl.
B.It explored causes for faded bond between families.
C.It let Mum totally lose responsibilities of motherhood.
D.It provided an opportunity to share moments with families.
4. What do Mum’s words imply in the last paragraph?
A.A good medicine tastes bitter.B.Life has indeed come full circle.
C.Actions speak louder than words.D.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
2023-09-17更新 | 166次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tom Brady, a Californian, was an excellent quarterback (四分卫) at Junipero Serra High School. But when he arrived at the University of Michigan, he didn’t see much playing time during his first three years on campus. He considered going back to a college in California, but he decided to stick it out. He didn’t become a starter until the second half of his senior year. After becoming a National Football League (NFL) player, he was not allowed to play as a starter. However, he kept improving his skills and preparing each week like he was the starter.

In 2001, his second season, he only got in on the act because the starter was injured. Fans thought Tom would be just a fill-in. But Tom led his team New England Patriots to a victory in his first start, then they won four of five, and then finished the year with six victories. Each week he seemed to get a little better, and people began to recognize him as a dark horse. New England Patriots got into the Super Bowl, fighting against the defending (卫冕的) champions St. Louis Rams. Tom led a final-minute game-winning drive. He was no longer a nobody.

Today, Brady is considered perhaps the greatest quarterback ever. He’d become a superstar. Yet he had never lost that fire, that drive, and that sense that the world didn’t believe in him. At 37, he said that he would play until fifty if his body allowed him to do so. And he even told his teammates that he wanted to play forever if possible.

His teammates had dreamed of being him. Hogan was thirteen in February of 2002 when Brady and New England Patriots beat St. Louis Rams. Lengel was eleven at the time, watching with his grandfather in Kentucky. White was ten in Florida. Mitchell was nine in Georgia. These teammates were Tom’s big fans who since childhood had viewed from TV how he did the impossible. “He gave us the encouragement,” Hogan said.

He kept telling his teammates to keep going when the game wasn’t over. He isn’t the biggest, the fastest, and the strongest football player in the world. But he may be the most strong-minded.

1. When did Brady start to become known?
A.After he took the place of an NFL player as a starter.
B.When he entered a team of a college in California.
C.After he played for the University of Michigan.
D.When he became an NFL player.
2. What can we say about Brady after he achieved fame?
A.He cares less about winning or losing.
B.He has kept his strong liking for football.
C.He spends more time improving his team.
D.He has changed his style of playing football.
3. Why were Brady’s teammates mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A.To show his friendliness to others.
B.To show he has a very strong will.
C.To show he has the best teammates.
D.To show his big influence on others.
4. What can we learn from Brady’s experiences?
A.Never judge a book by its cover.
B.The secret of success is to stick it out.
C.Every bean has its black.
D.In time of danger, one’s mind works fast.
2023-10-13更新 | 44次组卷
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