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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:19081711

The company SpaceX has already launched hundreds of its Starlink satellites, with plans to put as many as 42,000 of them into the Earth’s orbit. Its goal is to provide the high-speed Internet for billions of people. Moving toward that kind of access is important, but it comes at a cost. Glittering with reflected sunlight, these first orbiters, sent up in the past year, are brighter than 99 percent of the 5,000 or so other satellites now circling Earth, and obviously there are going to be a lot more.

This sudden increase is bad for astronomy: The probability of a Starlink satellite crossing a telescope’s field of view and ruining an observation will be quite high near sunset. For that reason, my fellow astronomers have signed a petition (请愿书) calling for governments to protect the night sky from this invasion.

In response to protests, SpaceX has promised to address the visibility problem by, for example, applying experimental coatings — essentially painting the satellites black — but the company’s aggressive launch schedule remains unchanged. And the satellites’ illuminated (被照亮的) surfaces are mostly their solar panels — exactly the part that cannot be painted over.

Unfortunately, at present no regulations govern how bright a single satellite can be, let alone thousands of them together. Even if there were such regulations, one nation’s laws could not hinder (阻碍) another country’s launches. Space literally has no borders, and the sky will need to be protected at an international level. As a consequence, we hope that the United Nations will find a way to think outside of the box to save the sky for everyone.

When I was growing up in Montana, it was a game to be the first to find a moving satellite among a host of stars in the night sky. Soon it could be a game to recognize the constellations (星座) behind a swarm of moving points of light.

1. Why have the astronomers signed the petition?
A.SpaceX plans to send more Starlink satellites into space.
B.They intend to call for government to protect the orbiters.
C.The Starlink satellites can provide the high-speed Internet.
D.The Starlink satellites may ruin an observation near sunset.
2. What does SpaceX do in response to the protest?
A.It actually has done nothing useful.B.It has painted the satellites all over.
C.It has changed its original plan.D.It ignores the visibility problem.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.SpaceX will still carry out its plan despite the protest.
B.SpaceX is unlikely to launch more satellites into space.
C.Regulations will soon be made to stop satellite launches.
D.The United Nations will stop SpaceX from launching.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.Launch Starlink SatellitesB.Protest Against SpaceX
C.Save the Night SkyD.Observe Moving Satellites


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How would you like it if you are able to go to your local park and pick some tomatoes, potatoes or even bananas for dinner. Sounds too good to be true, right? For residents of Andernach, a German city, it’s not just a Utopian dream — it’s the reality. In 2010, Andernach began its “edible city” project, planting 101 varieties of tomatoes in public green spaces around the city centre. Its 30,000 residents are free to help themselves to whatever grows, as are any other visitors. Every year a new type of plant is introduced. In 2021, 100 types of beans were planted, while 2022 saw the introduction of 20 onion varieties. The town’s motto (座右铭) is, “Picking is encouraged — help yourself!”

It’s a community effort, as local citizens are encouraged to help plant and maintain the gardens. This offers an opportunity to socialize as well as to learn about planting, cultivating and harvesting food. “I often drop by to pick some herbs that I’m missing at home. Everything is easily accessible. There aren’t any fences. You just take what you need. The only thing is you have to be quick once the fruits are ripe or they’ll all be gone!” said a local historian.

Andernach may be the first, but it isn’t the only edible city. It’s part of the Edible Cities Network, an EU-funded project connecting green urban food initiatives around the world. Other edible cities include Carthage in Tunisia, Havana in Cuba and Šempeter-Vrtojba in Slovenia. In February 2022, the first Edible Cities Network Conference took place. Dr. Ina Säumel, director of the Edible Cities Network, called it “a unique opportunity to invite researchers and people involved of Edible City Solutions to the same table and unite theory with practice”.

Ultimately, the Edible Cities Network aims to create “greener, more edible and, above all, more livable cities”. It is a response to the pressures of climate change, and a cause for hope.

1. What is paragraph I mainly about?
A.The development of a German city.
B.The popularity of Andernach’s city design.
C.Approaches of planting vegetables.
D.The green food project in Andernach.
2. How did the local historian feel about the project?
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.Edible cities hold meetings on a regular basis.
B.German rural areas will also follow the steps.
C.Asia will join the Edible Cities Network soon.
D.Green urban food is in the upward trend.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Start a green food campaign nowB.Gain easy access to German food
C.Make your cities edible as wellD.Respond quickly to climate change
2024-03-02更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Global fast-food giant McDonald's announced it would be phasing out (逐步淘汰) plastic straws in China. From June 30, nearly 1,000 stores in Beijing. Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen began to phase out plastic straws for both dine-in and take-out, expanding to all stores in China by the end of 2020. Diners would drink cold beverages directly through the new cup cover. The move is expected to reduce plastic waste by about 400 tons a year.

Zhang Jiayin, CEO of McDonald’s China, expressed that McDonald's is devoted to building a “beautiful China”. “We believe that taking advantage of McDonald's influence worldwide. reducing straws can be a huge step for sustainable development. In the past decade or so, we have continued to carry out the green packaging action.” Zhang said, “This movement is playing a positive role in the protection of the ecological environment.”

The move is in keeping with China’s national plan to phase out single-use plastics which came into effect in January of this year, in an effort to combat its growing trash problem.

Among other things, the government carries out a nationwide ban on plastic straws and disposable cutlery (一次性餐具) by the end of 2020, as well as a ban on plastic bags in major cities by the end of 2020, and nationwide by 2022.

Plastic has increasingly played a role in global solid waste, and has choked oceans and rivers as well as landfills. Both companies and volunteers in the past few years have taken it upon themselves to respond to this plastic problem in their own ways.

1. What happened to McDonald’s in 2020?
A.It started to gradually get rid of using plastic straws in China.
B.It banned using plastic package in all stores.
C.It became the first company to ban plastic straws in China.
D.It successfully dealt with China’s trash problem.
2. What does the underlined word “combat” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can we know about plastic?
A.It is a kind of poisonous material.B.It has been solved completely so far.
C.It results in a growing waste problemD.It should be banned in all fields.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.McDonald’s green packaging actionB.Plastic a controversial material in daily use
C.How to control environmental pollution?D.Devotion to building a beautiful China
2021-03-18更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In the wake of President Trump's decision to remove America from the Paris Climate Agreement, you’d be forgiven for feeling a little pessimistic about the future of the planet.

With reports of huge cracks appearing in the Antarctic ice and the rising of some coastal areas, fears that preventing the two degree heating of the planet might be a pipe dream - our planet is increasingly getting worse. Everything looks and sounds grim.

Fortunately though, there are some good news stories on the horizon; with many of them coming from China. The country has been leading the way when it comes to ‘green living’ in recent years, with the government announcing it had completed the construction of the world's largest floating solar farm.

Now, in an attempt to restrain the production of toxic(有毒的) gasses, the country is continuing to pave the way with the construction of one of the world's first ‘forest cities’. Designed by Stefano Boeri, who you might remember also designed two vertical skyscraper 'Forests', the city is at present under construction in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province.

Once it is completed, the new city will reportedly host 30,000 people and - thanks to the abundance of trees and plants - will absorb almost 10,000 tons of CO2, 57 tons of pollutants per year and produce about 900 tons of oxygen annually.

The city will achieve these rather impressive figures thanks to roughly a million plants from over100 species, as well as 40,000 trees being planted in facades over almost every surface imaginable.

1. What is the main course of the phenomena mentioned in paragraph1?
A.The decision of the President Trump.B.The big cracks in Antarctic ice.
C.The rising of the global temperature.D.The nightmare of our planet.
2. What can we infer about the ‘forest cities’ according to the text?
A.It shows the talent of the designer - Stefano Boeri.
B.It is designed to control the emission (排放) of harmful gases.
C.It can absolutely lead to a better skyscraper.
D.It means that people will have a toxic place to live in.
3. What do the statistics(数据) suggest in the last two paragraphs?
A.The benefits of the construction of the city.B.The good life experience of the locals.
C.The green surface of our planet.D.The pollutants caused by the CO2.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Anew trend of living in China.
B.Different lifestyles in different places of China.
C.Conflicts between people and the environment.
D.The efforts made by China to change the climate change.
2022-02-15更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般