组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 人际交往 > 友谊
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:19109873

A few years ago someone gave us a robot cleaner as a gift. We already had a lady who cleaned our house regularly and I didn’t really see us using this new machine, so it just sat in its box for quite some time.

One family in our neighborhood were moving away the next week to a new house and I thought of asking the mother whether this robot cleaner might be something she could use. And it turned out that she eagerly replied YES! Her new place had hardwood floors and her daughter was asking if they could get a robot cleaner but she said they would have to wait and see…and now they didn’t have to buy one!

I couldn’t tell you how overjoyed I was to see the daughter’s cheerful looks when she came over to get it. And she was even more excited about the flower seeds I gave her from our backyard. I hoped they would plant the seeds in their new home so that they would always have a piece of our circle with them. She was really touched. She also told me how moved they were when they saw a big pink heart on the front wall of our house while they were having their going-away party. I told her I wouldn’t wash it off even after they moved. I liked being reminded of how our hearts were connected to everyone.

The nice thing was that the daughter would still be working in our town, and I told her that if she ever needed to stay over instead of driving 45 minutes to the new house, our home would be always here for her. Soon after, a snowstorm hit our area and blocked all the roads.

I felt worried about the daughter.
The next spring, the family invited me to their new house.
【知识点】 友谊


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Theo stood at the microphone. Silence settled over the hall. "Your word is onomatopoeia," said Mr Ramirez, the announcer. I got this! Theo thought. Spelling was sort of his superpower. He wasn't a math or science guy, but he had a gift for spelling.

Theo's brain fast-forwarded to the spelling bees ahead: first the county championship, then the state championship, and finally the national spelling bee. "Your answer, please, Theo?" He glanced back at Alexa, another fourth-grader, sitting on the edge of her chair. She wanted another chance at winning. If he missed his word, she'd be back in the game. But that wasn't going to happen. Theo got the right spelling.

Theo's sister, Deandra, who had also competed but missed her word, applauded with the rest of the crowd. Mr. Ramirez presented the trophy(奖杯)to Theo. He lifted both arms into the air. "I'm the alpha-best." Then he raced toward his sister. "Ha!" Theo said, making the trophy dance in front of Deandra's nose.

She rolled her eyes. "You're a terrible winner."

"What's wrong with celebrating my victory?"

Deandra crossed her arms and made a sour face. "You know, it wasn't cool the way you ignored Alexa onstage. She tried to shake your hand."

Theo shrugged. "I didn't notice. Anyway, county bee, here I come!"

"You might want to crack open the dictionary before counties. In two weeks, you'll be facing the best of the best."

"And they'll be up against me,the alpha-beast."

Deandra shook her head. "Well, good luck. I think you're going to need it."

Two weeks passed in a blink. At the county bee, students from different schools gathered around onstage, some looking more worried than others. Finally, it was time for the contestants(选手)to take their seats.

After six rounds, the group of more than 100 students decreased to just seven. This was no regular spelling bee. Theo had barely made it through the last round with a lucky guess on conscience. And if he'd had to spell aerospace or conical, he'd be out already. His sister's advice suddenly made sense.

Paragraph 1:

When it was his turn again, Theo stood frozen for the longest moment.

Paragraph 2:

The following Monday at school, Theo found Alexa in the lunchroom.

2020-09-27更新 | 457次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

A new student was transferred (转学) to Jackson’s class yesterday. Jackson sat at his school desk and looked over at the new kid, whose name was Billy. He just moved here from Florida. It was his second day in class and, so far, Jackson had not talked to him. Today, Jackson was going to try to make a new friend at recess (课间休息).

When the bell rang for recess, Jackson hurried out of his seat and followed Billy outside.

“Hi Billy,” Jackson said as they walked outside. “Do you want to play basketball?”

“No. I’m not very good at basketball.”

“Do you want to play kickball?” Jackson asked.

“No. I’m not good at that either,” Billy said. Billy walked away from Jackson and sat on a big flat rock in the grassy part of the schoolyard.

Jackson stood there and wondered what to do next. He asked Billy to do two things but both times Billy said no. Maybe he didn’t like Jackson. Maybe he didn’t want to make friends. Jackson thought about playing basketball with some other kids. He looked over at Billy sitting on the rock all by himself. “It must be hard to move to a new school,” Jackson thought. So he decided to give it one more try.

Jackson remembered the cars in his pocket. “Do you like cars?” Jackson asked Billy as he walked up to him. “Sure!” Billy said with a smile. Jackson finally knew what the kid was interested in. He reached into his pocket and took out two cars. “My brother gave me these. He has tons of cars and always gives me his old ones.” He handed one of the cars to Billy. It was a Mustang, Jackson’s favorite car, and he always took it with him.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:

“Awesome ! I love Mustangs! ” said Billy as he rolled the car over the rock.

Paragraph 2:

“It’s so kind of you to invite me to your house,” Billy added.

2023-01-11更新 | 94次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

On my fortieth birthday, I moved into my new home. In doing so, I also moved into a new neighborhood. Over the last years, I've made friends with everybody in my last neighborhood. However, I had difficulty getting on with my new next-door neighbor.

On most days, we had a friendly relationship and sometimes we were able to give each other a hand. The conflicts (冲突) came around the hunting season. I kept cows on my land and my neighbor lived by hunting. One day, my neighbor came knocking at my door, saying that he had injured a deer that then ran onto my land and asking if he could follow and finish it, and I refused. Later, I searched for the deer for several hours but found no signs of any deer.

Certainly, it caused poor relations between us. When my neighbor did kill a deer, he hung it behind his house within a few feet of my house. For days as I drove in and out, there was that deer. I knew they needed the meat; it was part of their income (收入), but the hanging deer really annoyed me. In the neighborhood I was one of the few who didn't back hunting.

For more profit, my neighbor also cut wood. He sold some for money, and used some to heat his home. One cold winter day, I asked him the price of his firewood and ordered some. The next day it was delivered. Although it looked big, it did not last as long as I expected, so I ordered some more. I was worried this could get expensive.

One day, as I drove down my path, he waved to me and said he had just cut some wood, but it was of poor quality and he needed some space. He said he would give it to me for free. I happily accepted this gift. Over time, he must have discovered that our need was great, for every time he had extra wood, we would have it. I came to appreciate his helpfulness, trust and kindness.


Then one day I got an idea.


In the daily exchange with my neighbor, we became close.

2023-08-16更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般