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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:19133991

The story of 11-year-old piano talent Jude Kofie warmed hearts on Twitter after a complete stranger gifted the boy a $15,000 grand piano.

“He’s beyond special. He’s Mozart level. It’s coming from somewhere beyond,” piano tuner(调音师) Bill Magnusson said of young Kofie’s musical talent. Magnusson, using the money he received from his father, gifted a $15, 000 grand piano to Kofie after he saw the piano talent on local news.

Kofie cheered in excitement as the grand piano was wheeled into his Colorado home for the first time in a video that was shared on CBS News show “Sunday Morning”.

CBS “Sunday Morning” later summed up Kofie’s story in a tweet that went viral with over 10,000 likes. “Eleven-year-old Jude Kofie, of Aurora, Colorado, demonstrated a remarkable talent no one anticipated when he discovered an old keyboard and, without any lessons, began playing.”

Twitter users reacted to the emotional story, with one reporter calling Jude Kofie and his family “amazing people”. Magnusson was moved to help Kofie after he saw the boy playing the piano in a local news story. However, Magnusson was concerned that Kofie was not able to afford the piano lessons from professional teachers that he needed to grow as a piano player. “What resources are left over to help this special little soul?” Magnusson asked.

Magnusson also promised Kofie’s family that he would tune the piano once a month for the rest of his life. “We’re family now.” he said.

Jude Kofie’s father, Isaiah Kofie, was shocked at Magnusson’s generosity. “All for free.” he said. “Who does that?” Jude’s father asked, becoming visibly emotional. Isaiah Kofie told the news station that there was no way he could afford a grand piano and that he would never have imagined he would have one in his living room.

When asked how to explain his once-in-a-generation talent for playing the piano, Jude Kofie said that it was “a miracle”, “That’s what I prefer,” he added.

1. What can we learn about Bill Magnusson?
A.He is a well-known pianist
B.He has met Jude Kofie before.
C.He knew about Kofie from the media.
D.He was familiar with Jude Kofie’s father.
2. What did the tweet by CBS “Sunday Morning” mainly stress?
A.Jude Kofie’s brilliant talent.B.Jude Kofie’s family background.
C.Jude Kofie’s hard practice.D.Jude Kofie’s requesting help.
3. What still worried Bill Magnusson about Jude Kofie?
A.He would lack formal training.B.He would likely give up halfway.
C.He wouldn’t work hard enough.D.He wouldn’t become successful.
4. How did Jude Kofie’s father feel according to the text?
A.Doubtful and worried.B.Surprised and excited.
C.Confused and curious.D.Proud and confident.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】At 18, I competed in my first marathon in Dublin, Ireland. At that time, I was an excellent 400-meter runner at high school, but got it into my head that I should try the longer distance to prove that I was really good at running — and what better than the marathon.

Back then, the running craze hadn’t quite heated up to the point it has today and running a marathon was unknown to most people. Besides, I never knew anyone who had actually run a marathon.

On the way from England to Dublin, I was wondering what I was getting myself in two days later when the race would begin. I tried to get some sleep to ease my nerves, but I found it hard.

The race day was somewhat cloudy, but the warmth of the people forced away the clouds. My limited memories from that first race remain: the feeling of running through a tunnel (隧道) of people as the crowds lined beside the streets; the cheers from the crowds as the news came that an Irishman had won the race; what’s important, the unbelievable kindness of the crowds cheering me on as I hit the wall and tried to struggle through. Eventually, I didn’t get the prize, but I never gave up and regarded it as a success because I challenged myself.

After my first marathon, I started a website based on my love for running. Whether you’re an experienced marathoner or just an interested passer-by, I invite you to participate in the website and make it your home. Runners and particularly marathoners seem to share common ideals. They’re part of a global team and a global community.

1. Why did the author take part in his first marathon?
A.To show his talent for running.
B.To win a prize in a longer distance race.
C.To attract the public’s attention to running.
D.To express his preference for 400-meter running.
2. What impressed the author deeply during his first marathon?
A.He hit the wall and tried to struggle through.
B.He ran through a tunnel with other racers.
C.He nearly got lost due to the cloudy weather.
D.He received lots of encouragement from the crowds.
3. What can we know about the author’s website?
A.It aims to help unite running lovers.
B.It has attracted large numbers of participants.
C.It attaches great importance to community spirit.
D.It was set up mainly for experienced marathoners.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.A Good Marathon RunnerB.My Unforgettable First Marathon
C.Starting a Website for RunnersD.Being Brave to Challenge Ourselves
2023-02-03更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I enjoyed this trip for the opportunity to witness the Cranes (鹤) returning from Wood Buffalo National Park, some with their young of the year. I wondered, at the changing skies of Saskatchewan, often the vivid oranges and pinks of a sunset made me pause, but it was the clouds of feathers as ducks, geese, and cranes lifted off fields and lakes in numbers so numerous, they blocked out the sky at times, that blew my mind.

The desire to travel and explore is strong within the human condition. We might think we must journey “away” to enjoy a holiday, and sometimes we do. But other times, a simpler exploration, digging deeply into landscapes and cultures that we think we know, reveals the best sights.

I grew up in Saskachewan when cranes were fighting back from extinction, and I wasn’t a birdwatcher. But, returning with Eagle-Eye Tours as a bird-loving RCGS Travel Ambassador, I wondered at the conservation successes that allowed us to find these rare birds reliably.

My favourite memory from the trip is of an old farmer driving a large truck who slowed down for our group, standing in the middle of a road, excitedly watching a flock of cranes. Rather than scolding us for blocking traffic, he invited us into his backyard for a better view! He explained how he’s been providing quiet reserves for many years as the birds stop to rest and feed before flying south to Texas. It’s moments like this that make the travel special, and companies like Eagle-Eye Tours craft itineraries (行程) that allow these unexpected discoveries.

I enjoyed sharing these experiences with other nature lovers on the Royal Canadian Geographical Society branded trip and look forward to doing it again in October 2024.

1. What do the changing skies indicate?
A.The worsening environment.B.The coming change of the weather.
C.The imbalance of nature.D.The success of protecting cranes.
2. What kind of trip did the writer make?
A.A trip of relaxation.B.A trip of exploration.
C.A trip of friendship.D.A trip of protection.
3. Why does the writer mention the farmer?
A.To explain why the protection goes well.
B.To describe how local people live their life.
C.To show that farmers are friendly to tourists.
D.To prove that everyone is a true bird lover.
2024-04-15更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese? So on a cold January evening last year, the two friends ventured (冒险) onto the frozen pond near their homes in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First, they threw a rock onto the ice to test it, Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago. “Then we stepped on it.” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, but then he fell through the seemingly frozen surface.

Cruz rushed to help his panicked friend. However, the pond swallowed him, too. Cruz managed to lift himself out of the extremely cold water and onto a more solid section. He then gingerly worked his way toward Anthony. But the ice didn’t hold, and he fell in again. This ime, he couldn’t get out.

The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling. Any chance of their freeing themselves was slipping away. Cruz was sure that he was going to die.

Anthony’s older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming, wishing someone to save them.

John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he grabbed (抓住) a nearby buoy (救生圈), kicked off his shoes, and ran into the cold water, struggling his way through the ice. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and pulled them back to land.

The boys were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five- minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees. Fortunately, they have fully recovered, though they are still a little amazed by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Cruz, “if he hadn’t been there, I could have died.”

1. Why did the boys venture onto the frozen pond?
A.To have a better look at the frozen pond.
B.To catch the birds in the pond with rocks.
C.To find out what the birds on the ice were.
D.To test the thickness of the ice in the pond.
2. What does the underlined word “gingerly” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What drew John Lavin’s attention to the boys?
A.Anthony’s older sister’s cry for help.B.Cruz’s loud and frightening scream.
C.Their shoes along the nearby pond.D.Their neighbors’ pulling them back.
4. Which of the following words can best describe John Lavin?
A.Hard-working and helpful.B.Warm-hearted and courageous.
C.Curious and selfless.D.Active and generous.
2020-03-17更新 | 143次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般