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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:19134015

As the world’s longest man-made canal, the Grand Canal is a vast waterway system in the north-eastern and central-eastern plains of China,     1     runs from Beijing in the north to Zhejiang Province in the south.

The Grand Canal (大运河) is one of the greatest hydraulic (与水利系统有关的) projects in human history,     2     (stretch) 1,794 kilometers. Constructed in sections from the 5th century AD onwards, it was built as a unified means of communication for the empire for the first time in the Sui Dynasty. By the 13th century it consisted of more than 2,000 km of artificial waterways, linking five of China’s main river     3     (basin). The canal was     4     important factor for the economy, social     5     (stable) and government functions in ancient China. It also helped the evolution of Chinese culture by enhancing communication     6     the south and the north.

It is widely acknowledged     7     the Grand Canal is precious heritage passed down to us by our ancestors and is flowable culture that should     8     (preserve). China will continue to carry out     9     (integrate) regional development strategies for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and draw up a new national policy for environmental protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. The purpose is     10     (seek) greater cooperation of opening-up among different parts of the country.


语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

Nowadays,people often get     1     (stick) in traffic jams. In the last ten years, the number of cars on the roads in Britain     2     (rise) by 30% . Some types of cancer are related to traffic pollution and traffic is one of the major     3     (cause) of global warming and climate change. The average global temperature is about 0. 5 degrees centigrade     4     (high) than it was 100 years ago. We know that cars are bad for us, but we carry on     5     (use) our cars so much because we are addicted     6     them. Jenny Trowe of Greenpeace gives us some advice. First, use our legs. Regular exercise cuts the risk of heart disease by 50%! Second, use public transport. On average, about forty people travel in one bus,    7     the same number occupy thirty-three cars. Third, sharing cars     8     (be) much cheaper and kinder to the environment. In     9     word, we can do whichever of these things     10     suit us. Don’t just sit around and complain!

2019-06-29更新 | 81次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

China speed is amazing the world. While other countries are struggling to make high-speed railway a reality, the China Railway Corporation       1     (busy) itself in laying down over 25,000 km of high-speed tracks over the past ten years - accounting for roughly two       2     (three) of the world's total length of high-speed rail lines.

Up to now , China has built the largest high-speed rail network worldwide. The     3     (impact) go well beyond the railway sector. It also includes changed patterns of urban development, increases in tourism, and growth of regional economy.     4     (boost) regional integration and economic growth, plans for high-speed maglev (磁悬浮) lines with trains traveling       5    a speed of 600 kph or more are taking shape in more Chinese cities.

“China started operating its first maglev railway more than a decade ago. Nevertheless, for lack of critical technologies at that time, we only concentrated on conventional high-speed rail, said Sun Zhang,     6    is a leading railway specialist. But the research team       7     (lead) by him, tried their best to learn advanced technologies from foreign countries and eventually developed our own innovations, greatly       8     (transform) our way of life.

There is no denying that all of these achievements make our travel convenient and       9     (rely) , especially during “Chunyun”,     10    annual test on the China's transportation system. Thanks to “China speed", people can go back home for reunions with families and friends in time.

2021-03-17更新 | 407次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

People build bridges for a     1    (vary) of reasons. There are bridges built for cars to cross over rivers. There are also bridges for trains to use. In Washington State, there is a very     2    (usual) bridge ─ a bridge for squirrels.

Longview has a very busy street with many cars     3    (pass) it every day. Before the bridge was built, many squirrels     4    (run) over by cars when they tried to cross the street. A local builder, Amos Peters, wanted to protect these small and lovely animals. So in 1963, after getting    5    (permit) by the local government, he built a bridge for the squirrels, one     6     would let them pass above the traffic.

The bridge     7    (be) a symbol of the town since then. And every Christmas, the local people add a small Christmas tree     8     the center of the bridge.     9    , they raised more money to build two more bridges for those lovely animals. Thanks to the bridges, the squirrels are able to cross     10    (safe) from one side of the street to the other.

2023-10-18更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般