组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:19151794

On the first day of the summer holiday, David and Roy were talking in front of his yard, waiting for their friends. “Do you all agree, then?” asked David. “We will go for a long cycle ride during the holidays. I expect the other three will agree. We can ask them when they come.”

“But what about Sammy?” said Roy. “He hasn’t got a bicycle. His father can’t afford to buy him one.”

“Oh, we hadn’t thought of that,” said David thoughtfully. “I wonder if we can borrow one for him.” At that moment Robert, Henry and Sammy arrived.

“You three are late,” said Roy. “What happened to you?”

“We had to come round the long way,” said Robert “The old bridge over the stream has fallen apart.”

“And that means we had to walk an extra quarter of a mile and use the other bridge,” added Henry. “The stream must be nearly five feet deep after all this rain.”

“Don’t worry,” said David. “The Village Council(委员会) will soon build another one.”

“Oh no,” replied Henry quickly. “My father has already asked about that. There isn’t enough money this year.” The boys were silent for a moment.

“I wonder who built that old bridge,” Robert said. “It was only a few tree trunks(树干) held together with some nails.” Then an ideas truck him. “Do you think we could rebuild it?”

“How wide is the gap?” asked David.

“About ten yards, I think,” replied Robert.

“You know…” David paused. “I think we could do it,if we planned it properly and could borrow the tools.”

“And if we could get the timber(原木),” added Roy. “And if I could persuade my father to help. He is a carpenter(木匠), after all.”

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The boys started to consider the idea seriously.


The next Wednesday, everything was ready and many villagers also came to help.



书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Ida Nelson and her sister were enjoying themselves watching TV in the soft comfortable bed when she heard the rumble(隆隆声)of a small airplane circling the nearby airport.

It was 11: 30 at night in the Alaskan village of Igiugig whose population was only 70. “Any time a plane flies over the village that late, something must be wrong. ” Nelson thought to herself.

Nelson and her sister leaped out of the bed, ran to the window, and saw the problem: The airport’s runway lights were out and the darkness made it difficult for the airplane to land safely at the airport.

Nelson threw on some clothes, jumped into her ATV(全地形车), and floored it to the airport, where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the runway lights manually(手工地).

Normally, if you push the button 10 or 15 times, the runway lights will just light up. This time, however, it didn’t work. In the meantime, she and the local pilot learned of the circling plane’s urgent mission: It was a medical helicopter and it was intended to transport a local girl who was seriously ill to the nearest hospital, 280 miles away in Anchorage.

“How to settle the urgent problem? ” Nelson thought hard. Then Nelson had a plan. Driving her ATV to the end of the runway, she shone her headlights on the tarmac(柏油碎石路面)for the plane to follow. A great idea, but it wasn’t enough. Far more light was needed. Luckily, just at that moment, a neighbor got to the airport too. Having figured out the pressing situation, the neighbor acted at once: He called                                        nearly every home in the village—32 of them.

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Within 20 minutes, 20 vehicles arrived at the airport.


The medical helicopter made its final approach and, guided by the headlights, landed safely.

2021-12-05更新 | 58次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Once upon a time, there was a village where lived a wealthy man named Rama. He was always ready to help the poor and needy. His act of kindness made him so popular that villagers thought of him as the head of the village. And he was overjoyed at villagers’ love for him.

Rama was a well-known businessman who dealt in the export of agricultural products. One year, there was no rain so the whole village was under drought conditions. There was a lack of food and water everywhere. Villagers were dying of hunger. Therefore, they reached out to Rama for help.

Rama, in spite of having a huge loss in business, chose to help the villagers out generously. He started giving out food for free. Every day he would give a part of his wealth and grains to the needy. Soon, Rama ran out of money and food as he gave all his wealth to the needy villagers. Rama tried hard to manage his business, but he failed. Finally, he was left with nothing.

Rama had to live in a rented house. He looked for a job but no one was ready to offer him one because they were in fear of losing their wealth because of his kind nature. After a few days, he left with no money, so he had to leave his rented house. Rama was now homeless. He and his wife decided to leave the village.

Rama and his wife set off for another village. After walking for a while, both were tired so they decided to take a rest under a tree, and after that, they would move further. They ate whatever they had with them and slept under the tree. They were so tired that they slept the whole day and when they woke up it was dark. They started seeking shelter. Soon they saw a luxury mansion(公馆)and went there for help.

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They knocked and a man opened the door.
When he heard his words of gratitude, Rama’s eyes were filled with tears.
2022-09-28更新 | 250次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I tried not to be biased(有偏见的),but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie because I had never had a mentally challenged employee. He was short, a little fat with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s Syndrome(唐氏综合征).

I shouldn’t have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around his fat little finger, and within a month my regular truck customers had adopted him as their official truck stop mascot(吉祥物). He was eager to laugh and to please, but fierce in his attention to his duties. Every salt and pepper shaker was exactly in its place, not a coffee spill was visible when Stevie got done with the table. Our only problem was persuading him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished.

Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home.

One morning last August, Stevie missed work for the first time in three years. He was at a clinic getting a heart surgery. People with Down’s Syndrome often have heart problems at an early age so this wasn’t unexpected.

Later that morning, Frannie, the head waitress, did a little dance when she heard the good news that Stevie had come through the surgery in good shape and would be back at work in a few months. Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, stared at her and asked, “Frannie, what was that all about?”

Frannie quickly told Belle Ringer and the other two drivers about Stevie’s surgery and the trouble his mother had handling all the bills. Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully.

After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins(餐巾纸)in her hand.

“What’s up?”I asked.

“I cleared off that table where Belle Ringer and his friends were sitting, and I found this was folded and put under a coffee cup.”

She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it. On the outside, in big, bold letters, was printed “Something For Stevie.”

That was three months ago. Then came Thanksgiving, the first day Stevie was supposed to be back, and I had arranged to have his mother bring him to work. Leading them toward a large corner booth(包间),I could feel and hear the rest of the staff following behind.


We stopped in front of the big table covered with coffee cups, all sitting on dozens of folded paper napkins.


I turned to Stevie and his mother, saying ”Happy Thanksgiving!“

2022-12-15更新 | 210次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般