组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:102 题号:19151884

Geo-tracking apps such as Find My Kids and Google Family Link are fast growing in popularity, handing parents powers to monitor their children. But how are the latter experiencing what previous generations might have la-belled as an invasion of their privacy? Could these devices even hurt youths’ sense of independence?

We set out to answer these questions in our research, which involved a series of one-on-one interviews with parents who geo-tracked their children, and teenagers who were geo-tracked.

Overall, the parents who took part in our survey claimed they were driven to use these apps not by nosiness(多管闲事),but a sense of care in the face of what they perceived as dangerous or uncertain environments. Knowing a child’s geographical position cannot guarantee their safety when faced with an incident in real time, but checking where they are can help ease parental fears. Other parents surveyed admitted to monitoring their children only in the case of unanswered phone calls or unfulfilled requests. Rather than a systematic method of monitoring, geo-tracking acted as a “lastresort” option after parents failed to reach their children.

While some teenagers were sympathetic to their parents’ anxieties, most of them perceived the use of geo-tracking apps as an invasion of their privacy. When seen as a tool to contact, geo-tracking appeared to be quite well accepted by them in our survey. However, most teenagers in our sample were worried about their parents’ use of monitoring apps.

Geo-tracking is not without its ill effect on family relationships. Xavier, for instance, said that discovering he was being tracked has profoundly weakened the trust between him and his father. Furthermore, tensions among parents and children may also arise, thus widening the gap between them. Geographical monitoring also directly challenges young people’s need to go into the world independently, both holding back teenage autonomy and generating tensions in parent-child relationships.

1. Why are the two questions raised for Geo-tracking apps in paragraph 1?
A.To display their function.
B.To indicate their intelligence.
C.To show the worry about privacy.
D.To describe parents’ magic power.
2. What makes parents adopt Geo-tracking apps to monitor their kids?
A.Their desire to monitor their kids.B.Their concern for their kids’ safety.
C.Their eagerness to reach their kids.D.Their curiosity about their kids’ life.
3. What is most teenagers’ attitude towards the monitoring from apps?
4. What is the impact of Geo-tracking on family ties?
A.It can make children more dependent.
B.It may badly influence family relationship.
C.It may relieve the tension within the family.
D.It can increase children’s trust in their parents.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Dear son,

Take a seat, my dear. Daddy wants to share something with you. I would like us to have a heart-to-heart-even though, over the years, you have slowly broken mine. Oh shut up; you so have! If you go out and ask any mother or father out there, I guarantee they’ll say the same thing. It’s just what children always do. In fact, it’s what Daddy’s own mother continues to remind him still, to this very day, every time they speak on the phone.

When you were a little baby, you vomited (呕吐), pooped and peed all over me. In your teen years, you came home from parties and vomited red wine all over my already-dirty carpets. There was a time you even had a go at drugs and all those things I hate. Where does such heartbreak end?

However, I still want you to know you are loved, because various parenting magazines keep telling me that’s my responsibility: to make you feel special and valued and so on. And of course Daddy loves you! Don’t you see? And Daddy values you. Very much so. How could he not value you, when you, as a test-tube baby, cost so much to come into this world?

Now it’s time for you to hear the truth about parenting since you’re old enough. And it’s this: all kids annoy their parents. Like you, I started off adorable. Then I went through my weird-body-shape-and-acne (粉刺) years, lost all my cuteness, developed an attitude and never once did I apologize to my parents for stealing the best years of their lives.

When you become a parent yourself, here are some parenting skills you might want to try that have been passed down from countless generations of angry Asians before me. Passive aggression is always welcome. Regular scream “I wish you had never been born” will help keep your own kid’s self-respect in check. But whatever happens, ensure you earn enough money in your adult life. Then give it to me, so I can go on expensive international tours. If you do this I promise I’ll stop com-plaining and leave you alone, because we both know that’s what we really want.

Love you lots, my cutie pie.


1. The letter is probably aimed at ________.
A.a grandparentB.a teenagerC.a parentD.a young adult
2. From the passage we can infer that ________.
A.the author is so annoyed by his sonl’s heartbreaking behavior
B.the author has to value his kid since as a test-tube baby, his son has cost his parents so much
C.the author will agree that it’s a universal phenomenon for kids to break their parents’ hearts
D.the author wants his child to earn much money and give it to him to cover the travel expenses
3. According to the letter, the author ________.
A.used to take drugsB.broke his parents’ hearts
C.regrets getting marriedD.was born as a test-tube baby
4. Why does the author write the letter?
A.To ask his child to earn more money.
B.To show his regret about having such a child.
C.To communicate to his child love and hope.
D.To stop his child from being a troublemaker.
2023-03-01更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In a piece of video shared on TikTok last Monday, a woman named Anna explained that her dad, Beck Hanks, a beekeeper, died of lung cancer about nine years ago. But, before passing away, he wrote a note that he hoped one of his children would find one day, and finally after so long, her little brother John, who is now 16 years old, found it in his father’s beekeeping clothes.

The note said, “I hope one of my children is curious about beekeeping. Beekeeping is actually pretty easy and you can learn everything online if you have any trouble. So don’t be afraid. Have courage. Good luck. Love from Dad.”

Anna explained that her father bought a farm when he was in his 40s, and it was then that he took up beekeeping and other hobbies like raising cattle and horses. She added, “When he was diagnosed (诊断) with stage 4 lung cancer, the doctors told him that he had 18 months to live. However, he didn’t give himself up and struggled to live as usual. He was a fighter. He lived 5 years and a week after his diagnosis.”

This piece of video received over 50, 800 likes, 5, 333 comments, and 749, 100 re-shares in less than 24 hours, and in the comments, Anna added that while she doesn’t do beekeeping herself, two of her brothers are interested in it.

One user commented, “I lost my dad in 2020. This video makes me cry.” And another user said, “My dad is in the last few weeks of his life battling cancer. I’ll come back to see it if necessary.”And one also shared the story of her personal loss, writing, “I lost my husband half a year ago. He used to leave little notes all over the house. I can’t bring myself to move anything.”

1. What did Beck Hanks want to express in the note?
A.His children could make big money.
B.One of his children could raise cattle and horses.
C.One of his children could be interested in keeping bees.
D.His children could make great contributions to honey production.
2. Which words can describe Anna’s father Beck Hanks?
A.Optimistic and brave.B.Easy-going and tough.
C.Generous and courageous.D.Strong-willed and healthy.
3. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Lung cancer is a serious illness.
B.Beekeeping is important for many families.
C.Some users made comments on a father’s death.
D.A father’s note posted online attracted attention.
2023-06-30更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As parents, we walk a fine line between caring for our children and teaching them how to care for themselves. When they're little, they need our help with everything. Over time, kids usually take the lead on things like feeding and dressing themselves, but it can be difficult to know when it's time for them to start doing some basic things, such as packing their own lunches for school or solving problems with teachers without a parent's help.

Blogger Amy Carney recently shared a post about the things parents should stop doing for their teens. In it, Carney shared the basic skills that she expects her kids to master by the time they hit 13, such as waking themselves up in the morning, making their own breakfast and lunch, and finishing their own homework.

Barb Harvey, a childhood behavior expert, gave me her answer: The age at which children learn to master certain skills will be different depending upon the maturity (成熟) and interest level of the child.

I asked the same question among my friends. They gave all kinds of answers, which can explain Harvey's opinion.

Therefore, there's only one expert who can determine when your kids have the ability to deal with certain skills, and that's you. If your kids aren't ready to pack their own lunches — don't sweat it. Help them learn the skills they're ready to deal with and keep working towards the end goal of raising responsible and able adults. Because if there's one thing that we can all agree on as parents, it's that time moves quickly when you're raising kids. One day you will wish they could just do things without you and the next day, you will feel upset that they do.

1. What is Amy Carney's expectation when her children are 13?
A.To be a skillful cook.B.To follow Harvey's opinion.
C.To be an expert.D.To have basic skills.
2. Who can decide when the children will learn to care for themselves?
A.Amy Carney.B.Barb Harvey.
C.The children.D.The parents.
3. Why will parents feel upset when their children grow up?
A.Their kids can do nothing.
B.They feel less important.
C.Their children become able adults.
D.Their kids disagree on anything.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Walking a fine line.
B.Blogger Amy Carney.
C.Parents and their children's growth.
D.A childhood behavior expert.
2021-08-24更新 | 113次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般