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你校英文报“Life Style”版块正在征集题为“The good habits in my family”的文章。请你写一篇文章给校英文报投稿,内容包括:

The good habits in my family

22-23高二上·广西贵港·期中 查看更多[2]


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Karen Helps Out

Karen sat at the kitchen table. She finished her last bite of cereal as she watched Dad fill a bucket with tools “What are you working on today?”she asked.

“Last week I fixed the porch railing,” Dad said. “That means today it’s ready to paint.” “Can I help?”asked Karen.Dad usually said no, because his tools were sharp and too heavy for Karen to pick up. Karen usually just watched Dad work

“Yes,” said Dad. “Painting is a safe job for you to try. Go put on some old clothes and meet me out front.”

Karen found play clothes from last summer that were a little small. Next year they wouldn’t fit at all. It would be okay if she dripped paint on them by mistake. Karen was planning to be very careful.

“Ready!” called Karen. She sat down on the top porch step.

Dad dipped his paint brush into a cart of white paint.Karen watched as he carefully wiped the edge of the brush on the side of the can. “That’s what you do to get rid of extra paint. See? No drips.”Then Dad made one long smooth line of paint along the porch railing.“Remember to paint in just one direction so things stay neat.” said Dad.

Karen was very excited to try painting herself. She dipped her brush in the paint and wiped the edge, just like Dad. Then she tried to paint a stripe on the railing. Her paint line started out nicely, but she soon ran out of paint.

“That’s a good start.” said Dad. “Now dip your brush again and continue your line.”Karen tried again. Soon her paint line was almost as long as Das. She watched as Dad went over her line one more time. He smoothed it out and connected it to his line. “Painting is fun!” said Karen. She and Dad kept working together.          

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Soon the whole railing was painted white.


Seeing her mother come back, Karen threw herself into Mum’s arms.

2022-05-05更新 | 125次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Birthdays are typically the occasions for delight and feasting. Family and friends get together on the occasion and convey their regards with the beautiful presents they bring with themselves. I am personally a big fan of birthdays and wait for my birthday approximately a month prior to the day.

This year, my birthday came off on last Monday. I didn’t know that my parents had arranged a special party for me. At eight o'clock in the evening of my lucky birthday, I was alone at home complaining and frowning, and pitying myself for my misfortune. I thought it was going to be a special day filled with presents and fun, but all I received was a “Happy Birthday”.

All of a sudden, the electricity was cut off and there was a complete darkness in the house. I couldn’t do anything. Therefore, I decided to go to sleep and end this unlucky day.

Out of the blue in that quiet night, I heard a sudden noise coming from downstairs. Startled and terribly shocked, I suspected that someone broke into the house. Immediately, I tried to phone my parents, but no one answered.

After a couple of minutes of fear, I started to calm down. Although in the meantime I heard more noises of people talking, I summoned up some courage and started heading for the basement. As I slowly drew closer to the basement, I guessed there were more than one person, but I found it hard to believe. There couldn’t be a lot of people in our basement!

Courageously, I opened the door of the basement. There was a complete darkness. There wasn’t a single noise. However, as I approached, I heard some laughter and confirmed that there were people. Suddenly, the lights were on and there stood my parents and friends cheering at me with the beautiful presents they had carefully prepared for me. It was a surprise party! The room was beautifully decorated with colorful balloons. Tables and chairs were laid and covered with white and contrasting red sheets. A gigantic birthday cake was positioned on the innermost table.

Paragraph 1:

Now everything was ready and the party was set in motion.

Paragraph 2:

The partly was over and the guests began to head off.

2022-04-11更新 | 375次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

“Where’s the rest of my paper?” thundered an angry Papa Bear, storming into the living room. It didn’t take him long to find Brother Bear and the sports section.

“I just borrowed it.” said Brother. Papa snatched it up and plumped down in his easy chair. Brother wandered into the kitchen looking for sympathy from Mama Bear. “Gee,” he said, “what’s eating him?” “Your father looks forward to his evening paper,” Mama said, “and he has a perfect right to be annoyed when half of it is missing — and furthermore, thank you not to refer to your father as him!”

She stomped out of the kitchen.

“Why not? He’s a him, isn’t he? Gosh,” said Brother, “what’s eating her?”

What was “eating” Mama was Sister Bear. Sister had been on the phone with Lizy Bruin for almost an hour.

“But Mama!” she protested when she was told to say good-bye.

“Don’t But Mama’ me!“ said Mama Bear. “This is not your private phone. You’ve had all day to talk to Lizy at school, and you’ll have all day to talk to her tomorrow. So hang up that phone now!”

Sister did as she was told.

“Phew!” breathed Brother as he fell into the seat beside Cousin Fred on the school bus.

“Tough morning?” asked Fred.

“You better believe it!” said Sister, taking the seat Lizzy had saved for her.

The four compared notes on the way to school. The children agreed that while there was no doubt that their parents loved them, they were a little difficult to get along with sometimes. They nagged (唠叨); they said no a lot; and they never wanted kids to have any fun.

“Hey,” said Brother as they got off the bus, “what are we going to do for the Parents Night Talent Show?” “Don’t know,” said Lizzy. “Let’s think about it”

When the four searched their brains, Brother snapped his fingers and said, “I’ve got it! Remember what we were talking about just now?” “Sure,” said Fred. “We were saying how grownups can be a big pain.”

Paragraph one:

“Well,” said Brother, “let’s put on a play about that, and call it...”

Paragraph two:

Despite the difficulties in the preparation, especially costumes, their big day came finally.

2023-02-09更新 | 300次组卷
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