组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 学校生活 > 学校人员
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:36 题号:19199602

Well today it happened. A day we never want to happen, but continually prepare for throughout the school year. We had a tornado (龙卷风) touch down near the school, and as expected, went into our emergency tornado procedures. I wasn’t even in the classroom when it happened. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help gather items for a project. When the alarm went off, I immediately took my student’s hand and ran as fast as I could back to the classroom.

Never did I imagine needing to put our tornado drills (演习) to use. I never imagined actually needing to line my students up on the wall, have them crouch (蹲) down with their knees and heads touching the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hearts beat so fast that they couldn’t catch their breath, or the fear filled eyes looking up at me as they asked if their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and friends were going to be okay. Never did I imagine the terrible silence that would come over the whole school, with hundreds of students lining up against the walls of one building. Never did I imagine the way I would feel, and other teachers along with me, as we tried our best to comfort our students, assure them of their safety, and promise them everything would be alright when we truly didn’t know what the outcome would be.

Today has taken a negative influence on me, as I am sure it has on the hundreds and thousands of teachers in the local areas and surrounding areas. But at the same time, I am beyond proud, surprised, and excited at how my students handled themselves today.

In the very scary, emotional and dangerous situation, my students handled themselves with the attitude and mindset of children much older than them. Never in my life have I seen my students follow directions so quickly, exactly, and without hesitation. Even though some tears were flowing, and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave. They had such great trust in my assistant and me that they were able to be 100%calm.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;

The children looked at me with fear and hope.


Finally, when the tornado struck, each of us safely went through that terrible period of time.

【知识点】 学校人员 校园安全


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

An Honest Mistake

Mary double-checked the words on her spelling test. If she got 100 percent today, she’d win her class’s First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand-new dictionary that came with videos and other cool things.

Three more words to go. N-i-c-e-l-y. Q-u-i-c-k-l-y. H-o-n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She’d spelled honesty, not honestly! She erased the t-y and wrote l-y before handing in her paper.

After a break, Ms. Green announced the result, “Congratulations, Mary! You did it!” The whole class erupted! Ms. Green presented Mary with her prize. Mary smiled as she read the label on the box: To Mary Carter, for her perfect first-quarter score in spelling.

“Mom, everything’s PERFECT!” Mary shouted, showing her spelling test and prize when she got home.

Mom hugged her. “Put the test on the fridge so Dad and Kevin can see it when they get home.”

“And our cat, Kitty, too. Can you spell nicely, Kitty? And quickly and honesly, and...” Mary’s stomach tumbled (暴跌) to the floor. Honesly? H-O-N-E-S-L-Y!

“Mary, what’s the matter?” said Mom.

“I don’t feel so good,” Mary said, putting Kitty down and putting the test paper into her backpack quickly.

Mom prepared some tea for Mary. After drinking a few sips, Mary walked slowly to her room and fell onto her bed. How could she tell the class she hadn’t earned the prize after all?

Soon Mary heard her dad and Kevin come in. The smell of pizza floated in the air.

Mary thought back to the last time they’d picked up pizza, after Kevin’s school play. They had almost reached home when Mom realized the shop owner had given them too much change. On finding this, Mom turned back without hesitation.

The whole time they were driving back to the pizzeria, Kevin kept saying, “It’s not our fault. The shop owner should have been more careful.”

Had Kevin been right?

Mary went into the kitchen. Dad laughed and asked her where she had put the test. After all, there need some proof if they were having the pizza to celebrate.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Mary went to her room and pulled out the test paper.


Ms. Green was unlocking the classroom door when Mary got to school the next morning.

2022-12-09更新 | 94次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I have been in the teaching profession more than thirty years, and one of the best teachers I have ever known was Mr Rowe. I was lucky enough to co-teach fourth grade with him. Mr Rowe had infinite patience and understanding and I learned so much from him. He could perform miracles, like the one he performed with Steven, one of the unhappiest kids I had ever seen. Steven couldn't stand school. He didn't like the kids who raised their hands and knew all the answers, and most importantly, he didn't like himself.

The first day he walked into Mr Rowe's classroom, he ignored the other students, looking angry and annoyed, and slid into his chair, knocking a couple of textbooks onto the floor. Mr Rowe walked over to him and touched Steven's shoulder, but Steven pulled away. Nevertheless, Mr Rowe welcomed him, “Hi, Steven. I'm happy you are in my class. We are gonna have a great year.” Steven looked around the room as if Mr Rowe must be mistaken. No teacher in his right mind would want Steven to be part of his classroom. So, while Mr Rowe seemed cheerful and relaxed that day of school, it seemed that Steven was angry and confused.

That day after class, Mr Rowe chose Steven to pitch the kickball at recess. “Hey, Steven,” Mr Rowe commented, “You are good at pitching things. Let me show you my secret trick.” Mr Rowe taught Steven one of the tricks that not a single kid could perform. Steven learned fast and did quite well! Everyone cheered for him.

After the kickball, Steven sat as close to Mr Rowe in class as he could. When a question was asked, Steven lit up; he knew the answer! He raised his hands. When he answered the question, his voice shook. However, he got the right answer! He said, with Mr Rowe, his days of fourth grade promised wonderful.

That is not to say that every day went smoothly, but it was evident that Steven grew to love Mr Rowe more and more with each passing day.

Paragraph 1:

Time passed quickly that year, and before we all knew it, it was the last day of school.

Paragraph 2:

Many years later, Mr Rowe and I were surprised

2021-07-06更新 | 666次组卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】某英文报纸正在举办一场主题为A Person I Admire Most的征文活动,你有意参加。请你用英语写一篇短文并投稿,内容包括:
注意:1. 80词左右;2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

A Person I Admire Most

2022-12-07更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般