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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:110 题号:19294321

Dreams of world peace are as old as wars. But as the women of Wales were recovering from World War I, they demanded peace in droves.

Still sorrowing the husbands, sons, and loved ones who fought in the war, in 1923 the Welsh League of Nations United (WLNU) drafted a petition (请愿书) at Aberystwyth University calling for a warless world.

The petition was signed by roughly three quarters of all the women in Wales and was said to be seven miles long. The document was then packed in a large oak chest and sent across the Atlantic.

It was the WLNU’s hope that America would join in their mission for peace, and so they toured with the petition across the country before President Calvin Coolidge gave it to the Smithsonian for preservation.

As the centennial anniversary of World War I approached, a plaque was found in the archives at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff mentioning the petition, but nobody knew what it was, says Mererid Hopwood, chair of the Women’s Peace Petition Partnership.

So in 2017, an email was sent to the Smithsonian inquiring about the status and location of the chest and its petition.

Having arrived at the National Library of Wales on March 29 this year, Hopwood received it along with other members of the Peace Petition Partnership and described opening the chest and finally getting to see its contents (内容) as an emotional moment.

Hopwood is hoping more Welsh citizens will have similar experiences now that the petition has returned to its original home. The petition will be digitized, along with all signatures and addresses, so the public can view it online and see if their grandmothers or previous tenants of their homes signed 100 years ago.

Clearly the world has not yet achieved the petition’s great goals, but Hopwood said the signatures gave her hope.

1. What was the petition meant for?
A.A thirst for peace.B.An end to WWI.
C.A fight for Wales.D.A call for apology.
2. What can we infer about the petition from Paragraph 3?
A.Most Welsh signed on the petition.B.Welsh asked for Americans’ help.
C.Welsh women wished for peace.D.Welsh women honored the war.
3. How did Hopwood like the reappearance of the petition?
A.She could lead the petition.B.Her hope for peace is on fire.
C.Welsh could be free of wars.D.It would cause a big storm.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To memorise World War I.B.To remind to value peace.
C.To prove Welsh bravery.D.To inform reappearance of a petition.


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Hand gestures are a very useful communication tool because they are easy to learn and simple to perform     1     . Many hand gestures have been around for a very long time, though their meanings may have changed over the years. Here are the histories of three of our most commonly used hand signs.


Is there a more well-known sign of approval than the thumbs-up?     2    . When one gladiator (角斗士) beat another, he would look to the crowd for their opinion: Should the loser be allowed to live? The crowd would respond by turning their thumbs up if they wanted the man to be saved or down if they wanted him to be killed —at least, that’s what people used to think.     3     What would an ancient Roman think if he saw the number of thumbs-up we give each other today?

V Sign

    4    . Captured English archers (弓箭手) would have their first two fingers cut off so they could no longer fight. Uncaptured archers would therefore raise these two fingers to the enemy to show them that they could— and would— still draw their bows. Centuries later, the sign was employed by those who were fighting against the Nazis to represent “V for Victory,” and later to mean “peace” by American activists in the 1960s. During this time, people in Japan also started using the V sign in photos.

High Five

On October 2, 1977, after Dusty Baker hit a home run, L.A Dodgers baseball player Glenn Burke raised his hand to greet his teammate.     5     From then on, they would often give high fives during their games, and the gesture caught on.

A.Not all hand gestures are about communication.
B.Without thinking, Baker struck Burke’s hand hard
C.In the 1400s, there was a war between Britain and France.
D.They allow us to express strong emotions without the need for words.
E.However, new studies have shown that a thumbs-up meant that the loser should die!
F.In French, V stands for victoire, “victory,” and in Dutch, it stands for vrijheid, “freedom.”
G.The origins of this popular gesture actually go back to the bloody games of ancient Rome
2023-05-28更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Forks trace their origins back to the ancient Greeks. Forks at that time were fairly large with two tines that aided in the carving of meat in the kitchen. The tines prevented meat from twisting or moving during carving and allowed food to slide off more easily than it would with a knife.

By the 7th century A.D., royal courts of the Middle East began to use forks at the table for dining. From the 10th through the 13th centuries, forks were fairly common among the wealthy in Byzantium. In the 11th century, a Byzantine wife brought forks to Italy; however, they were not widely adopted there until the 16th century. Then in 1533, forks were brought from Italy to France. The French were also slow to accept forks, for using them was thought to be awkward.

In 1608, forks were brought to England by Thomas Coryate, who saw them during his travels in Italy. The English first ridiculed forks as being unnecessary. “Why should a person need a fork when God had given him hands?” they asked. Slowly, however, forks came to be adopted by the wealthy as a symbol of their social status. They were prized possessions made of expensive materials intended to impress guests. By the mid-1600s, eating with forks was considered fashionable among the wealthy British.

Early table forks were modeled after kitchen forks, but small pieces of food often fell through the two tines or slipped off easily. In late 17th century France, larger forks with four curved tines were developed. The additional tines made diners less likely to drop food, and the curved tines served as a scoop so people did not have to constantly switch to a spoon while eating. By the early 19th century, four-tined forks had also been developed in Germany and England and slowly began to spread to America.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The different designs of forks.
B.The spread of fork-aided cooking.
C.The history of using forks for dining.
D.The development of fork-related table manners.
2. By which route did the use of forks spread?
A.Middle EastGreeceEnglandItalyFrance
B.GreeceMiddle EastItalyFranceEngland
C.GreeceMiddle EastFranceItalyGermany
D.Middle EastFranceEnglandItalyGermany
3. How did forks become popular in England?
A.Wealthy British were impressed by the design of forks.
B.Wealthy British thought it awkward to use their hands to eat.
C.Wealthy British gave special forks to the nobles as luxurious gifts.
D.Wealthy British considered dining with forks a sign of social status.
4. Why were forks made into a curved shape?
A.They could be used to scoop food as well.
B.They looked more fashionable in this way.
C.They were designed in this way for export to the US.
D.They ensured the meat would not twist while being cut.
2022-01-18更新 | 152次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】On Sunday, November 3, 2019, most North Americans will mark the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST) by moving their clocks back an hour. This simple action will not only add an extra 60 minutes to their weekend, but also shift (变换,变动) daylight back into the morning hours, making it a little less painful to wake up for school and work during the shorter winter days.

Operating the clocks was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. He mentioned the idea in a letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris and advised it should be a way to save candles, but it was not taken seriously. George Hudson from New Zealand also recommended moving the clocks back two hours in 1895 to get extra daylight time to study insects. Unfortunately, neither he nor British people William Willett, who suggested it in 1907 as a way to save electricity costs, got their wish.

It was the German Empire that began the clock shifting tradition on April 30, 1916, to save fuel needed to produce weapons and bombs for World War I. Though a few others, including the US and Britain, adopted the tradition shortly after, all the countries returned to Standard Time once the war ended, only to start DST again during World War II. Once the battle ended in 1945, the US government ended DST nationally but allowed states and districts to continue the tradition and even allowed them to establish their own start and stop dates.

However, though there have been many attempts to persuade lawmakers to end DST, both in the US and Europe, they have not been successful. Therefore, unless you live in places like Hawaii and Arizona, you have little choice but to “Fall Back” and enjoy the extra hour this weekend! Health experts suggest the best way to adjust is going to bed at your regular time, even if the day is an hour longer.

1. Who first suggested operating the clocks?
A.William Willett in 1907.B.Benjamin Franklin in 1784.
C.George Hudson in 1895.D.The German Empire in 1916.
2. Why was the “DST” used by the German Empire?
A.To end the World War II earlier.
B.To give the states and districts freedom.
C.To meet the needs of the US and British people.
D.To save fuel needed to produce weapons and bombs.
3. Before the start of DST, when it is 7:30 a.m. in Beijing, it is 7:30 p.m. in Boston. If it is 11:30 a.m. in Beijing, what time will it be in Boston after using DST?
A.10:30 p.m.B.11:30 p.m.
C.12:30 p.m.D.9:30 p.m.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Attempts to end DSTB.The Shorter Winter Days
C.End of DST this yearD.Sunday’s Extra Time
2020-01-11更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般