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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:75 题号:19318307

Tang poetry is considered one of the most significant cultural     1     (achievement) of China. It is a form of poetry that flourished during the Tang dynasty, which lasted from 618 to 907 AD. This period is often referred to     2     the “Golden Age” of Chinese poetry, as it saw the emergence of some of     3     most celebrated poets in Chinese history. Tang poetry is characterized by its elegance, simplicity, and profound philosophical insights. It is also known for its use of vivid imagery, which often draws on nature and the natural world.

The Tang dynasty was a time of great cultural and artistic flourishing in China. During this period, the country experienced a period of relative stability and prosperity,     4     allowed for the development of the arts. Poetry was     5     ( particular) popular, and many of the most famous poets of the Tang dynasty were members of the imperial court. These poets were often highly     6     (educate) and well-versed (通晓的) in classical Chinese literature, which they drew upon in their own work.

Tang poetry     7    (cover) a wide range of themes, from love and romance to politics and social commentary (评论). Many of the poems are deeply personal,     8     (reflect) the poet’s own experiences and emotions. Others are more philosophical, exploring the nature of     9     (exist) and the human condition. Despite the diversity of themes, however, all Tang poetry is characterized by its beauty and elegance, making     10     one of the most enduring and beloved forms of poetry in Chinese culture.

【知识点】 历史知识 诗歌


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

Xi'an is always a popular destination for tourists. For a foreign tourist, Xi'an is     1     must-go place in China.     2     ( stand) at the crossing of the East, West, South, and North avenues in city proper, the Bell Tower has been a symbol of Xi'an. The Bell Tower first lay in the center of Xi'an City     3     built in 1384. In 1582, the city went through an expansion so the     4     (locate) of the Bell Tower changed.

People then pulled down the    5     ( origin) bell tower and rebuilt a bell tower in the center of the expanded city. The tower base is square and it     6     ( cover) an area of 1377 square meters. It is 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide and built     7     (complete) with green bricks.

As to the Bell Tower, there is a magical folk legend. In the Ming Dynasty, several earthquakes     8     (strike) Guanzhong area, and thousands of people were dead or injured. It is said that a dragon in the river    9     flowed across the center of Xi'an City was so active that the earthquakes happened. An official of Xi'an government asked 5 000 craftsmen     10     ( repair) the Bell Tower day and night in order to use the tower to lock the dragon. After establishing the Bell Tower, earthquake did not occur in Xi'an again.

2021-03-27更新 | 132次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文为一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了布达拉宫的历史和特点, 包括其命名由来、建造过程、建筑特色以及其在西藏与王朝交流中的重要地位。

Potala Palace (布达拉宫) is the highest ancient palace in the world. The palace,     1     (name) after a holy hill, is said to be used for greeting a Han princess. Legend has it that in the 7th century,     2     (greet) his bride Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, Songtsen Gampo built a palace with a thousand rooms up on the Red Hill and named it Potala. The palace was     3    (main) made of stones and woods, and decorated     4     special local tree branches. Later, the ancient palace     5     (destroy) in wars.     6     we see at present is the architecture of the Qing Dynasty and the continuous expanding work outcome since the 17th century.

The Palace has two parts, the Red Palace as the center and the White Palace as two wings. The Red Palace is the highest part in the center that is completely devoted to     7     (religion) study. It was painted red to represent power. It consists of different halls and     8    (library)on many levels with winding passages. The White Palace,     9     once served as the office building of local government makes up the living quarters, and     10     (it) wall was painted white to convey peace and calmness.

2023-12-27更新 | 133次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Written in bone

You may never write words on an oracle bone(甲骨)     1     a tortoise(龟) shell, but you might see them in a museum. The earliest confirmed evidence shows that more than 3,000 years ago, people in     2     Shang Dynasty started to write characters on pieces of bones and turtle shells. They are     3     we call “the oracle bone scripts”.

The scripts are pictograms(象形文字), with     4     (record) of divinations(占卜) and prayers to the gods from people in that era. They come from pictures of the objects they refer to and simplify over time, retaining(保留)the shapes but are easier     5     (write). “The oracle bone scripts, as an earliest     6     (know) and mature form of Chinese characters, present the beauty and uniqueness of a language that has been passed down     7     (consistent),” said Chen Nan, a professor of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Art and Design.

The society that produced the oracle bone scripts shared many of the characteristics that     8     (recognize) today as typically Chinese. These valuable inscriptions from China demonstrate that the memory recorded in the documentary heritage     9     (be) an irreplaceable way of transmitting tradition, culture and historical awareness. The scripts are the     10     (evident) of ancient Chinese culture but also have an “important influence” on modern Chinese values.

2022-10-17更新 | 184次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般