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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:19330466

How to get kids to respect wildlife

Children who respect wildlife as something worthy of care and protection usually grow up kinder and more considerate and often generate the same positive feelings in those around them.     1     .

Respect their wildness

    2    . And this isn’t always the best thing for the animals — or kids as well. Show kids that animals in their natural habitats are living their best life — and should respect their own qualities.

Respect all the animals

It’s easy for kids to respect those cute and adorable mammals.     3     . Habitats need all sorts of animals to stay healthy, so show kids why every insect is important. (For instance, worms keep soil healthy by digging through the dirt.) Kids can learn about those not-so-cute animals by browsing online galleries or photos of insects and bugs.


Out of curiosity, young kids want to chase after a squirrel, or pet a wild rabbit. But human interactions with wildlife can negatively affect animals by changing their natural behavior. Teach children to leave animals alone and observe them from a distance.

Respect their homes

You have taught your child to leave those cute animals alone, but other choices can still harm wildlife. Try to keep kids from taking ‘souvenirs’ that actually are some animals’ home (like shells, nests, or logs).     5    . That trash includes our leftover food, which can be harmful to some animals. Instead, teach kids about proper animal food by helping them make feeders.

A.Throw trash away, since animals can mistake it for food
B.Let’s bring out kindness in your kids with these simple and positive ideas
C.Respect endangered animals
D.Children tend to project human qualities on animals
E.Keeping art in kids’ lives also helps them understand different animals
F.Respect their privacy
G.But what about all those “scary-looking” ones, such as bees, worms and snakes?
【知识点】 方法/策略 人与动植物


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Having a growth mindset means believing that your intelligence, creative ability, and character are more than just what you’re born with. With it, you can increase your intelligence and self-awareness, continually growing as a person. Luckily, there are ways that can help you develop a growth mindset.

Figure out what your gifts are. Your gifts will help you succeed, but they can only do so if you know what they are. Start by thinking about the areas in which you excel.     1     In which subjects did you always do well in school? What are you good at in your job?

Know your challenges. Listen when you receive feedback from others, as that tells you where you can grow. For example, if a friend says, “    2     What happened to the last one? ” you may realize that you aren’t following through on your projects.

    3     Letting mistakes determine your sense of self tends to push you towards a fixed mindset. Mistakes are something you do. But they are not who you are as a person. Separate the two, and you’ll start to learn from your mistakes.

Be willing to try new things. Part of developing a growth mindset is always working to challenge yourself. That means you must try new things. However, when you try new things, you’re bound to make mistakes, which keeps many people from even trying.     4     Focus on hard work, not your natural abilities. Those who think natural intelligence is the only way to succeed are likely to fail. Most people who have major successes work extremely hard to get there, even if they do have some natural talent.     5    

A.What comes easiest to you?
B.You’re starting another new project?
C.Avoiding silly mistakes is a top priority.
D.Remember mistakes don’t define who you are.
E.The best solution is to keep trying and challenging yourself.
F.In this way, you’ll become a successful person just like them.
G.You should think and act like them to continually progress and master your skills.
2024-05-26更新 | 51次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Time management skills are important for all areas of our lives. But improving time management skills can be challenging.     1     You can run a training course to teach time management, considering ways to help participants learn strategies to organize their lives.

For many people, goal planning is an important part of time management. In a training course, help participants learn how to assess their work and personal needs and set goals for the long and short term. Then, work together to divide each goal into small ones.     2     Talk through ways that each person can use an hour or so each day to prepare for coming projects, thus making their lives more manageable.

A common phenomenon in effective time management is delay. Teach participants to keep a journal that will help them recognize when they tend to delay.     3     Is that because of fear, confusion, or even laziness? Brainstorm ideas to help them out of trouble through teamwork.     4    

    5     Work with them to figure out organization systems that might work for their individual situations. Busy managers might have better luck with a digital organizer than they would with a paper planner. With systems in place to organize communication, files, financial data and personal information, your trainees will be better able to locate the things they need for a new task.

A.How do you avoid?
B.Where do you start?
C.Then, work together to figure out why.
D.They check their emails once every two hours.
E.Hence participants might learn to set deadlines.
F.In this way, you can make them feel less anxious.
G.Disorganized people may not make the most of their time.
2022-05-12更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Tips for Running in the Morning

There are so many great reasons to run in the morning. It's a great way to wake up and watch the world awaken with you. This is not to suggest that getting into the habit is easy, especially if you're not a morning person. But there are ways to ease you into the routine and in ways you may even enjoy.

◆Teach Yourself Good Sleep Habits

Building a morning running habit starts with a good night's sleep. According to the American Sleep Association, you can train yourself to sleep at an earlier hour if you:

·Plan to go to sleep at the same time every night.

·Avoid TV, reading, or electronic devices an hour before bedtime.

·Avoid coffee or alcohol three hours before bedtime.

·Have a nightly routine, such as a warm bath, meditation (冥想), or listening to calming music.

◆Sleep in Your Running Clothes

It's hard to blow off a run when you're already dressed for it. If you really want to get a jump start and find motivation as soon as you open your eyes, simply wear your running clothes to bed.

◆Put Your Alarm Clock out of Reach

When your alarm clock goes off early in the morning, you may want to get a couple of more minutes' sleep. If you're struggling to get up, place the alarm clock across the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. The more steps you put between you and the bed, the less likely you are to fall back asleep.

◆Eat Smart

It is never good to run on an empty stomach. After a long night's sleep, you have little to draw upon in the way of energy. If you head out the door having eaten nothing at all, you will likely experience tiredness, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and weakness. Worst yet, you may convince yourself that you're “not made for morning runs,” when, in fact, you're not feeding yourself properly.

1. According to the writer, which is right for building a morning running habit?
A.When to go to bed is not so important.
B.Doing some reading just before bed.
C.Drinking some coffee or tea to calm.
D.Just sitting there thinking nothing at all.
2. What does the underlined phrase “blow off” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.To be taken away by wind.
B.To be removed by explosion.
C.To quit something.
D.To get out of something.
3. What is the real purpose to put the alarm clock away?
A.In order not to be disturbed.
B.To get a few more minutes' sleep.
C.In order to protect the alarm clock.
D.To get up as soon as possible.
4. What is the worst result of not eating anything before morning running?
A.Feeling unfit for running.
B.Feeling out of breath.
C.Feeling very hungry.
D.Feeling extremely tired.
2021-12-01更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般