组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:19392249

Sometimes life puts us in places where we are supposed to be. Whether we were headed that way or not, we just need to make the best of it. Here let’s read three stories.

In 2016, Wanda Dench sent a text to her college-aged grandson inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner. But she got the number wrong and reached Jamal Hinton. When Hinton asked who had sent the message, Wanda sent a picture of herself. “You’re not my grandma,” Jamal texted back, “Can I still get a plate, though?” Wanda replied. “Of course, That’s what grandmas do — feed everyone!” And for six years, Jamal has celebrated Thanksgiving with the Dench family.

In another community, Robert’s wife asked him to drop some books off at a local elementary school after a book drive. When he carried the books to the classroom on his lunch hour, the teacher mistook him for one of the volunteer tutors. “Thank you for coming,” the teacher said, “Isabella is struggling with comprehension and is a grade level behind. Here is a book and her worksheets.” Robert thought, “I have time. I’ll just sit down and help.” Robert, an artist, drew the pictures of words and illustrated their meanings. Isabella was delighted. “I think that’s when the light went on for her,” Robert says, For a full year, Robert tutored Isabella during his lunch hours. Her reading comprehension quickly caught up and then shot past grade level. “Seeing her learn so fast made my day,” Robert says.

Twenty years ago, Gladys Hankerson in Florida dialed up her sister in Maryland for a chat. But she misdialed the area code and reached Mike Moffit in Rhode Island, Mike said Gladys was a bit shy but very sweet. Gladys loves her sister and tried to call again a few days later — and made the same mistake on the area code. Mike answered again and recognized Gladys’ voice. They had a nice chat and laughed about it. Since then their friendship has deepened — and it has carried on for 20 years.

1. What did Jamal Hinton do with Wanda’s invitation?
A.He accepted it willingly.B.He refused it politely.
C.He played a joke on it.D.He sent a gift for it.
2. What is special about Robert in tutoring Isabella?
A.He taught her to draw pictures.
B.He tutored her while eating lunch.
C.He explained words in an artistic way.
D.He used books with pictures.
3. What did Mike say about Gladys?
A.She was carcless.B.She was attractive.
C.She was anxious.D.She was curious.
4. What message does the author convey in the text?
A.Head for where we should go.
B.Learn much from mistakes in life.
C.Meet whoever thinks alike.
D.Make the best of life’s arrangements.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】"Am I beautiful now, Mama? "

My heart quickly fell to my stomach.

"What do you mean, now? "

"Now that my hair is all done, I'm beautiful, right? "

I had just put the brush down by my side when my stomach immediately somersaulted (翻滚) in guilt and fear and my mind was instantly puzzled with confusion. Why was she questioning this? Didn't she already know? I told her how beautiful she was every morning when she rose for the new day and every night as she drifted off to sleep. I wanted to yell that this world attached too many attempts to "make pretty" and commercialized the use of product after product.

I tried to control my heart and explained to her, “Baby girl, you are beautiful every day because you are kind and smart, creative and brave. You use good manners and stand up for yourself." I put my hand on her heart and pulled her in close. "But styling your hair doesn't make you beautiful. And wearing certain colors or styles can't do it either. What makes you beautiful is the person you are. Do you know where beauty really comes from? "

She thought for a minute. I gently tapped my fingers that were still resting on her heart. "From inside here. And your heart shines so brightly that it makes you incredibly beautiful. "I could feel her heart start to beat a little stronger and a smile appeared across her face.

I squeezed her tight and added, "You are so beautiful, baby girl, and I hope you never stop believing it. And I hope you never let anyone tell you differently. "

She stood up and brushed her freshly braided hair off her shoulder.

"I know, Mama. I'm beautiful because I'm ME. "

The somersaults stopped. The guilt and fear were washed away. The confusion was clarified.

"Hey Mama," she said as she started to walk away. "You are beautiful, too."

1. What was the mother's reaction to the girl's questions?
2. What can we infer about the author's daughter?
A.She wasn't confident in herself.B.She wasn't pretty and smart at all.
C.She was brave to face all challenges.D.She was particular about appearance.
3. What does the author intend to teach her daughter?
A.Everyone is beautiful.B.Beauty comes from inside.
C.Love is the most important.D.Smile is the key to happiness.
4. What did the daughter think of her mother at last?
A.Her mother was kind and thoughtful.B.Her mother looked as beautiful as her.
C.Her mother demanded too much of her.D.Her mother was an understanding person.
2021-09-10更新 | 146次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Four months into my second faculty job, I was shocked that I had to record the hours I’d worked. At first, I was annoyed that I had to waste my time on such a boring task. But the practice of writing down my work hours is surprisingly inspiring, sending me down a path to better work-life balance.

In my study, I always believed I could perform better with extra effort. My research never felt finished, and I had no idea how many hours I was supposed to work. That made it easy to go down rabbit holes and work more hours than necessary. When I started my first faculty position, my contract stated that I work anywhere from 36 to 48 hours per week. But my teaching and administrative workloads were so high that I regularly reached the 48-hour mark. There was a long time during my first faculty job when my children didn’t see me enough.

In my second faculty position, I expected that my work hours would again be my business. So when I was told to track them, I was surprised. But anyway I decided to keep careful track of my hours, even noting breaks.

I’m glad I did, because the data have completely changed my view of work-life balance. With my tracking, I’ve found that I generally accumulate one week of overtime every two to three months. So now, every time I reach that milestone, I take a few days or even a whole week off. I spend that time at home with my family, or use the days to take a longer vacation. The breaks have improved my happiness and job satisfaction.

The data also help ease any guilt that I may have otherwise felt if taking time off. I still have deadlines, position requirements, and the pressure to publish papers. And I still work a lot, sometimes even on weekends. But I now know how much I work-and that I deserve the time off.

1. How did the author first react to recording working time?
A.She disliked it.B.She followed it readily.
C.She thought it rewarding.D.She wanted to improve it.
2. What can be known about the author’s first faculty job?
A.It increased her confidence.B.Its working hours were fixed.
C.It occupied her too much time.D.It changed her view on teaching.
3. What benefit does the author get from the tracking?
A.A promotion.B.More personal time.
C.No extra work on weekends.D.Greater academic success.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Rabbit holesB.Work-life balance
C.Clocking your workD.Taking time off work
2022-06-10更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I played the piano in disappointment, trying to fight the tears in my eyes. After practicing for more than two hours, I still couldn’t get the rhythm(韵律) quite right on a Mozart piece which I wanted to show to my piano teacher the following day. To me, the piece had at first seemed fairly easy, and had a pretty simple melody. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to play it well.

I decided to have a rest to think about if there was a good way to deal with it. In fact, I could usually learn some songs quickly and played them well---however, I didn’t want to play that kind of pieces, which might have appeared simple but was difficult. It always made me doubt myself as a pianist, although I was still confident.

After dinner, I decided to come back to the piano. Placing my fingers tentatively on the keys, I chose to play the piece slowly and carefully, focusing on hitting the correct notes instead of trying to play the piece quickly. Using this new method of practicing, I exercised a great deal of patience. Instead of focusing on how hard the rhythm was, I focused on how I could slowly see myself getting better.

I didn’t even get the rhythm right until a week later. My teacher was satisfied with me. But I learned an important lesson ---sometimes, baby steps are the best way to reach a goal. Sometimes I couldn’t improve myself until I slowed down, believed in myself, and took it one step at a time. Then what about you? If you are like me, please change yourself and you will succeed in the future.

1. Why was the writer sad?
A.Because his teacher was strict with him.
B.Because he couldn’t play the piece correctly.
C.Because he was asked to practice for more than two hours.
D.Because he had to show a Mozart piece to his piano teacher the next day.
2. What does the word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A Mozart piece.
B.That kind of songs which is simple.
C.That kind of songs which seems very difficult.
D.That kind of songs which the writer can’t play well easily.
3. What was the writer’s biggest problem in practicing the piano?
A.He couldn’t find the correct songs.
B.He had no confidence to practice the piano well.
C.He had no patience when he was practicing the piano.
D.He felt bored and sad when he was practicing the piano.
4. Which one is WRONG?
A.The writer was a pianist.
B.The writer wanted to play the piano well.
C.The writer thought the piece was difficult to practice.
D.The writer showed the Mozart piece to his teacher the following day.
5. What might be the best title for the passage?
A.A beautiful song.B.Confidence is helpful.
C.Patience is important.D.A good way to sing a song.
2022-06-03更新 | 50次组卷
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