组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 人际交往 > 友谊
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:159 题号:19395552

Joey was so excited he could hardly wait to get to the store. He walked so fast that his sister Beth had to run. “Do you have to hurry like that?” she puffed. On his way from school he had seen that baseball cap in Rogers’ store window. Only a dollar, and this was the last cap! Joey had looked at the cap a long time. He wanted it more than anything. Every boy at school had one.

Joey thought of his piggy bank, into which he put every coin for running errands (差使) for his family and neighbors.

Joey raced home, not stopping for anything. He held the fat iron pig, opened it carefully, and poured out the coins. Ten...twenty...thirty...ninety cents. If only he had one more dime (一角硬币)!

Lost in thought, Joey stared out the window. “What’s wrong, Joey?” asked Mother. Joey told about the money and the cap. “If you give me what you have, I’ll add a dime,” Mother said, handing him a dollar bill. “I’ll have some errands for you tomorrow.”

Joey jumped up. “Oh, thanks, Mom. That’s great!” And away went Joey and Beth to the store with the dollar bill in Joey’s pocket.

They turned the last corner. Ahead was a group of boys and girls, talking heatedly and looking down at the sidewalk.

One of the children was Ronny, a new boy who had been in this town only a short time. Ronny’s father had been sick, so there wasn’t much money for extras - like baseball cap.

“What’s the matter?” Beth asked, anxiously.

“It’s Ronny,” answered Susan. “He’s been working and finally saved up a whole dollar, and now it’s lost!”

Joey went over to Ronny.

“We’ll all help look. We’ll find it!”

“Ronny was going to get that last cap in Rogers’ window,” put in Billy.

“I wanted it a lot. I want to join them.” Ronny said slowly.

Suddenly Joey remembered how Ronny had watched the fellows playing baseball, his eyes lighting up eagerly as they shouted and ran.

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Joey stared at the ground, thinking hard.


Forcing a smile, Joey showed Beth the empty pocket.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on how you look at it. If we always ignore our own intention, we will obviously feel unhappy. Thus, take all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret doing it later in life.

The following story happened in a battlefield during the World War I. The soldiers from two sides were fighting against each other fiercely and there was no sign for the war to stop. All of a sudden terror attacked the heart of Peter, one of the French soldiers, as he saw his friend—Tom, who was born in the same village as him and had played with him happily and joined the army at the same time falling in the battle. Caught in the trenches (战壕) with continuous gunfire whizzing (嗖嗖地移动) over his head, Peter was lost in thought. He couldn’t decide whether he should lend a hand to Tom. Eventually he gathered all his courage and asked his officer if he could be allowed to go out into the“No Man’s Land” between the trenches to bring his helpless partner back because he thought there might be some chances of saving him.

“You can certainly go,“ said the officer, who couldn’t understand why Peter had made such a crazy request,“but I don’t think it will be worth it. As you know, your friend is probably dead and if you rush out of the trenches you may possibly throw your own life away.”

Considering the situations of the war, what the officer said really made sense because he didn’t want Peter to risk doing so. However, the officer’s words didn’t matter to Peter, and he had obviously made up his mind and he went anyway bravely.

Paragraph 1:

Much to the officers surprise, Peter managed to reach his friend.

Paragraph 2:

I told you it wouldnt be worth it,“ the officer said.

2023-08-20更新 | 78次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

During my school years, I had only close friend. We spent years together, and we were inseparable, in or out of school. But the Greg moved away, and I never thought it would take more than 40 years to bring us together again.

As children, Greg and I dove into everything with passion. At that time, we were pure (纯真的) and kind, full of curiosity and expectation for life. We raced our bikes and illustrated (给书加插图) our own comic books. We even became attracted to the same girl from around the corner, a sixth -grader named Joanne who barely (几乎不) knew we existed.

The last times a Greg was sometime in 1966. It was so short a meeting that I couldn’t recall saying goodbye before he moved. Since then, we lost touch.

But then, a few summers ago, I saw a familiar woman. “Excuse me. Would your name happen to be Joanne?”

“Uh, yes...” She didn’t recognise me until I explained who I was. We hadn’t exchanged more than a few dozen words in our entire lifetime. “Have you stayed in touch with Greg?” she asked. I was surprised she even knew of our friendship.

“No. I haven’t,” I admitted. “I wish I had.”

Back at the office I checked my messages. I received one email, and then read it from start to finish. The email was from Greg.

Greg had tracked me down through social media. He was now married, had two children and had become a musician and entrepreneur (企业家) . We exchanged several emails before connecting by phone. A month later, my wife and I drove to meet Greg and his family in person.

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Standing in front of his house, I began to get nervous.


Seeing the photo, Greg handed me a small, old card.

2023-11-05更新 | 60次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

I live in an old two-story home in Newark. My neighbors are mostly retired people with perfect yards.One of the retirees,Joe Perez,lives on the corner.Because of our time together last summer, he and I have built a special relationship.

At the start of the summer,Joe and I didn't hit it off too well.He was very picky about his yard. Every morning he was doing something to make the lawn look better. If we played around and stepped on the grass, Joe would yell at us from his front porch (门廊)。

Through mid-July his yard was perfect, but then I noticed some changes. I didn't see Joe outside as much. His grass was getting brown and untidy, and some weeds were growing in his flower beds. It wasn't like Joe to let things go. I didn't think much about it, but when I walked by his place,I wondered why he wasn't taking care of his yard.

One day I was sitting on the curb waiting for one of my friends to show up when Joe came out on the porch. I expected him to yell at me for sitting on his grass. Instead, he swayed back and forth.Then he fell down! I ran to my house and dialed 911. “My neighbor,Mr Perez,just passed out! He lives on the corner of Garden and Mills," I blurted. Then I hurried back to the porch to see what I could do. Joe was awake, but he was as white as a ghost.He started blankly at me.

“W-What happened to me?"he mumbled.

“You passed out, Mr Perez,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “But help is on its way," The paramedics came and took Joe to the emergency room. It turned out that Joe had been forgetting to take his blood pressure medication. A doctor gave Joe some medicine and examined him carefully.

Paragraph 1:

Then Joe was allowed to go home.

Paragraph 2:

Joe found lots of things I could do.

2021-02-15更新 | 138次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般