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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:139 题号:19496212

Biologists who study evolution (进化) have always been interested in animals that developed on islands. In some situations, animals on islands changed over time and came to look very different from the same species that lived on the mainland.

The experts point to animals such as the dwarf elephant that once lived on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The animal is now extinct. When it lived, however, it was only the size of a small horse. Elephants that live today in Africa and Asia are much larger than that. In the West Indies, researchers found a giant rodent (啮齿动物) that looked like a rat. However, it was about the same size as an American black bear. Rats are, of course, many times smaller than bears.

Evolutionary experts came to call this phenomenon “island effect”. They used this term to describe the fact that animals who normally have small bodies “upsize” on an island, while the opposite is true for animals who usually have large bodies.

The “island effect” produces strange-sized animals because large animals require more food than small animals. On an island, there is a limited amount of food. As a result, larger animals become smaller over generations in order to survive with lower food intake. For small animals, there is not as much risk from predators on an island, so they often grow larger.

Recently, researchers released their findings about 1,231 existing animals and 350 extinct ones that represent 23 million years of life. They found that animals on islands were more at risk of extinction compared to their relatives on the mainland. The arrival of human settlers increased the extinction risk for these strange animals.

Roberto Rozzi, a paleoecologist at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany said that the extinction line has become even sharper in recent decades.

The researchers call the islands “biodiversity hotspots”. Even though they only make up 7 percent of the Earth’s land mass, they account for 20 percent of the land species.

1. Why are the animals introduced in paragraph 2?
A.To compare the two species.B.To lead in the “island effect”.
C.To show two kinds of rare animals.D.To stress the change of surroundings.
2. What does “the opposite” refer to in paragraph 3?
A.Animals of normal small bodies “upsize” on an island.
B.Animals of normal small bodies “downsize” on an island.
C.Animals of normal large size have small bodies on an island.
D.Animals of normal large size have larger bodies on an island.
3. Which of the following does the “island effect” agree with?
A.Some things never change.B.The gain outweighs the loss.
C.Humans live in harmony with nature.D.The fittest animals survive in natural selection.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The History of Unique Island AnimalsB.The Benefits of Saving Island Animals
C.Unique Island Animals at Greater ChangesD.Biological Diversity Threatened by Humans
【知识点】 动物 说明文 自然科学


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The narwhal is a mysterious resident of the remote Arctic. The species, a relatively small whale is known for growing a spiral tusk (螺旋长牙)that resembles the historical description of a unicorn's horn.

Experts have long speculated why narwhals have this strange long tooth. Some think that the tusk is a tool for survival, as they could possibly use it to break up ice or spear fish for meals. However, the vast majority of female narwhals don't have tusks, and females tend to live longer than males. Most scientists now think the tusk provides no advantage for survival, but rather acts as a sex characteristic and determines the social rank. But the tusk may also have another purpose. A 2014 study found the narwhal's tusk is full of sensitive nerve endings that allow the whale to detect changes in the environment, such as changes in temperature and salinity. The finding suggests that the tusk might also be a sensory organ.

Narwhals are an important subsistence resource (生存资源)for high Arctic communities. They provide the humans with high-calorie fat, protein and nutrients, vital and hard to come by in the harsh northern winters. Narwhal tusks were carved into artworks and sold to support families with few job opportunities.

Narwhal tusk is protected now. But similar to all other Arctic wildlife, narwhals are likely to struggle in the face of climate change. Warm temperatures in the Arctic have caused sea ice to disappear at an alarming rate. New shipping channels have become accessible, threatening narwhals and other marine mammals. Researches suggest that narwhals are the most vulnerable (易受伤害的)marine mammals to human activities in the Arctic because these isolated creatures are highly sensitive to ship activities. Their response to changing conditions near the pole could provide insight into larger changes in Earth's future.

1. What does the underlined word "speculated" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What did the 2014 study find about the narwhal's tusk?
A.It is an indicator of gender.
B.It reveals narwhals' social rank.
C.It can sense changes in the water.
D.It can be used to dig fish for meals.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The conservation of narwhals is a must.
B.The situation of climate change is under control.
C.Some human activities affect mammals slightly.
D.Narwhals are under the threat of being hunted.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Research on Narwhals' Tusk
B.Insight into Climate Changes
C.Narwhals : Feature and Behavior
D.Narwhals : Mysterious Sea Unicorns
2022-01-20更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In San Francisco, a large group of sea lions move themselves out of the bay waters and hang out on PIER 39, which is a popular tourist destination. According to dock (码头) officials, this is the most sea lions seen in the region in 15 years.

“Over 1,000 sea lions have been counted this week,” PIER 39 harbormaster Sheila Chandor told many different media. “The surge in sea lions is usually a good sign of their strong population and healthy living environment,” said Adam Ratner, Director of Conservation Engagement at the Marine Mammal (海洋哺乳动物) Center in Sausalito, California.

“California sea lions are sentinels (哨兵) of the ocean,” Ratner said. Their population to some extent reflects the health of the ocean. Therefore, seeing a large number of California sea lions is clearly a good thing.

For nearly 35 years, the slippery (滑的) residents have been a star attraction for tourists. That autumn in 1989, PIER 39 had just been repaired, but the ships had not yet been moved back. At that moment, the sea lions unexpected arrival not only attracted fans but also created enemies. According to a website, some dock residents and workers were scared away by the strong and very unpleasant smell and noise of their new neighbors, while others saw these animals as a bright spot after the destructive Loma Prieta earthquake.

The officials sought help from the Marine Mammal Center to find a way to deal with sea lions. Ratner said that the final decision is to let the sea lions stay and coexist with humans. “The fact proves that this is really a good thing,” he said. “This is just a proof of how we can truly work together and think about how we can share our coasts with marine mammals and other wildlife in a way that benefits all the parties involved.”

1. How does the author start the text?
A.By describing a situation.
B.By answering a question.
C.By holding a conversation.
D.By comparing different opinions.
2. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Sharp increase.B.Tight control.
C.Slow development.D.Sudden movement.
3. What is Ratner’s attitude to the final decision?
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Sea lions are pretty cool animals.
B.Animals and humans can live in harmony.
C.Watching sea lions might not be a proper action.
D.Sea lions should be driven out of PIER 39.
2024-06-14更新 | 154次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are many fascinating aspects of ant life, but none may be a more practical lesson for us than their gift for avoiding traffic jams.

A new research paper published in the journal eLife reveals how ants keep traffic flowing by changing their behavior to meet changing conditions. For their experiments, researchers from the University of Toulouse and the University of Arizona focused on Argentine ants that frequently move from one colony to another depending on the proximity (临近) of food sources.

Exploring the Argentine ants’ gift for fast commutes, the researchers built bridges connecting their colonies. The bridges varied in width from a fifth to three-quarters of an inch. The colonies, too, were of different sizes, ranging from 400 to more than 25,000 ants. Essentially, researchers built a new infrastructure (基础设施) system for the ants, connecting their biggest cities to the smallest villages. Then they sat back and monitored the traffic.

To their surprise, even when those narrower bridges reached near capacity, there were no 20-ant pile-ups. Indeed, there was never a hold-up. Traffic remained steady regardless of how overburdened the infrastructure was because ants were able to adjust to the change of road conditions. At some point, when the bridges got really busy, ants moved not so much as individuals but rather like water flowing in an ever-constant stream.

“When density on the trail increased, ants seemed to be able to assess crowding locally and adjusted their speed accordingly to avoid any interruption of traffic flow,” the authors note in a news release. “Moreover, ants kept themselves from entering a crowded path and ensured that the capacity of the bridge was never exceeded.” Argentine ants are extremely effective in getting to where they need to be in a hurry.

The lesson for humans? The traffic problem may lie in our inability to adjust our driving habits for the good of the whole. “Traffic jams are everywhere in human society where individuals are pursuing their own personal objectives,” the authors write. “In contrast, ants share a common goal: the survival of the colony, and thus they are expected to act cooperatively to optimize (优化) food return.”

1. How do the ants keep traffic flowing?
A.By monitoring the traffic flow.B.By adjusting to the road conditions.
C.By communicating with each other.D.By building their own paths.
2. What did ants do when the bridges got very crowded?
A.They scrambled to pass automatically.
B.They flowed in the stream constantly.
C.They moved on individually in a hurry.
D.They changed their speed accordingly.
3. What does the author expect humans to do in the last paragraph?
A.To raise traffic safety awareness.B.To give up individuals’ ambitions.
C.To act for the good of the whole society.D.To find solutions to present problems.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How Argentine Ants Move on the Roads
B.Interesting Exploration of Ants’ Gifts
C.A New Research Paper on Ants
D.Ants Teach Us How to Avoid Traffic Jams
2023-11-25更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般