组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 故事 > 生活故事
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:78 题号:19499356

Bella was only five and it was her first camping trip with Mum and Dad. She was excited but was a little nervous too. “What if the tent falls over and squashes us? What if the wind blows it away? What if a wolf comes into the tent and eats us? …” she kept asking Mum.

This made Mum laugh. Bella had read too many fairy stories with big bad wolves in them. Mum comforted Bella that there aren’t any wolves in the city or even in the whole country, except in zoos. “Well, what if one escaped from a zoo?” asked Bella. Mum laughed, “Zoos were careful enough not to let their animals escape.” Then Bella soon forgot about wolves as they started planning for the camping trip.

Bella helped Dad load up the car. They put in the tent, a big one for the whole family. Then the sleeping bags, blankets and more. "It’s cold at night when you’re sleeping in a tent," added Dad. When everything was packed, the car was full to bursting. Dad started the car, and soon they were leaving the city behind them.

“Look at the hills!” shouted Mum excitedly, “Look at the cows on the grass!” They drove up a winding road until they reached the campsite, which belonged to a farm and was in a big field. Once the tent was up, Bella went to explore. There were trees to climb and a stream for paddling. Bella sat there watching the cows eating the grass. The day flew by and it was getting dark.

As they were ready for sleep, strange rustling (沙沙声) noises came from the fence next to their tent in the darkness. “What’s that noise? Is it a wolf approaching?” Bella worried and moved closer to Mum. “Maybe it’s just the wind,” Mum gently patted Bella. Bella didn’t say anything more. They were all tired after a day outdoors, and crawled into their sleeping bags. Soon Mum and Dad were asleep.


Bella was too nervous to fall asleep when she heard that noise again.

【知识点】 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

As Christmas decorations appeared in town, our parents called my two younger brothers and me together. At first, I thought someone had died, because I had never seen my parents look so sad. My brothers and I stood waiting for the awful news.

Mom hugged me as she murmured, “Christmas is going to be different this year. We won’t be having a tree or presents. We can barely afford food.” Dad, resting on the couch, beckoned(招手示意)the boys into his arms. “Things will change when I get back to work.”

My family was poorer than dirt. Dad, the only bread-earner in our family, worked in a coal mine. However, soon after returning to work at the end of a long strike, Dad was hurt in a rock fall that broke bones in his foot. Lying on the couch with the swollen foot high on pillows, he didn’t talk or smile much. There was little to smile about. No work, no income.

At nine years old, I mothered my younger brothers: Rodney, aged six, and Stevie, three. We shared a small bedroom. That night, after our parents’ announcement, we talked.

Rodney began. “Em, did you see how sad Mommy and Daddy looked? I thought Mommy was gonna cry.”

“Me, too. Daddy’s foot’s … this big” whispered Stevie, holding out his arms.

“Yeah ... We’re in hard times,” I said. “It makes Mommy and Daddy sad.”

“But we don’t have to be sad,” I added, hoping to brighten the mood.

“Since there are still several weeks to go, maybe we can do something to cheer them up,” I said with overdone enthusiasm. The boys proposed, “We can take the money from our piggy bank ... earn some more … and surprise them with gifts!”

“I can run errands(跑腿)for Aunt … em … and neighbors to earn money,” I offered.

“Yeah,” Rodney added, “Stevie and I can return bottles and save the deposit money ... instead of buying candy!” He pushed Stevie gently with his elbow.

“Yeah!” Stevie clutched his hands together.

We had a plan!

Until they nodded off, I coached my little brothers (especially Stevie) in ways to guard our secret. “Don’t talk about it during the day.”

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Paragraph 1:

We awoke in the morning, transforming from sad children to the secret agents on an important mission!

Paragraph 2:

On Christmas morning, we hurried into the living room and handed the gifts to Mommy and Daddy.

2023-01-11更新 | 229次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

The words every parent is afraid of hearing were spoken to me at my son’s bedside in our local hospital early last year. “Ma’am, your son is very sick.”

What began as stomach pains had turned into a loss of blood that landed him in the emergency room the night before. After testing, it was confirmed that my previously healthy and energetic son now had a colon (结肠) that was attacking itself. It would have to be removed.

Of course, money wasn’t the first thing on our minds. His survival was front and center. But over the next few days, as we waited out the lengthy process to get him transferred to a university hospital for surgery, it suddenly began to dawn on me: How would we pay for this? We had insurance, but it was the bare minimum that we could afford. This was happening at the beginning of the year, so our first and most terrifying crisis was meeting the shocking $7,500 deductible (免赔额).

To some families, this might not seem like much. But we are just an average-income family and coming up with that amount of money at once was next to impossible.

I tried to put it out of my mind and keep all my focus on my son and his health. We had a long road ahead of us and stressing over something beyond my control was not going to help the situation at hand.

But, still, it was there.

On one of those endless hospital nights waiting for his transfer, I was texting my good friend Vanessa and let that figure slip: $7,500. I knew there would be many bills to come, but that first seemingly unattainable number kept floating around in my mind. She sympathized and let me get out my fear and frustrations like the great friend she is. Then we said good night, and I tried to get some sleep.

The next morning, everything would change.
I could not believe the flood of love and support that came from such unexpected places.
2023-11-19更新 | 26次组卷
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I was ten the summer my dad helped me buy my first ten-speed bicycle from a second-hand store. I put up $60 of my grass cutting and snow shoveling (铲) money, and my dad put up the other half. I would pay him back in installments (分期付款) over the next six months. Although it was a bit out of style, it was my ticket to the adult world.

I spent that summer and autumn riding. I was able to ride to every corner of town. However, my sister Liz, a prisoner of her five-speed bicycle, never had a chance to keep up. Just before the Christmas deadline to pay my dad back, we were hit with several snowstorms. This allowed me to shovel enough driveways to pay off my debt. I was now officially a bike owner; it was a feeling unlike any other.

While my mom and dad were fantastic parents, they always passed off gloves, sneakers, and shirts as “presents”. Then came that fateful Christmas morning, my father gave me a used portable record player. I was excited. However, my excitement was short-lived after my dad took my sister to the garage. There, on the steps, stood a brand new ten-speed bicycle. I didn’t hear her screams of joy-all I could hear was the noisy engine of the lawnmower, the endless scraping (刮擦声) of the metal snow shovel on concrete. I’d gone through far too many hours of hard work for my used bike while Liz got her shinny new machine less than a week later.

“Let’s go for a ride, Rob!” Liz sang, my dad holding the bike upright as she got on the shining leather seat.

“Too snowy to ride,” I refused, pushing the record player farther away from me.

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I seethed (生闷气) for the rest of the day.


Reflecting on my dad’s words, I figured out what he meant.

2022-05-30更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般