组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:23 题号:19587092
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


Orang-utans live deep in the jungle of South-East Asia. For years, they were a complete mystery to humans. Hunters sometimes saw these shy animals from     1    distance, but rarely got a good look at them. No one was certain     2    they were a race of humans or a kind of monkey. Indeed, the name “Orang-utan” means “man of the forest”. Finally, about 150 years ago, scientists confirmed that orang-utans were a species of ape. Since then, people     3    (be)able to come into increased contact with orang-utans. Consequently, we have learnt     4    about them.

While the advance of civilization has brought us more knowledge about orang-utan, it has cause the orang-utan many problems, and now these wonderful creatures are threatened with extinction. In 1900, there were several hundred thousand orang-utans     5    (live)in the wild. Now there are fewer than 24,000     6    (leave)in the world. Some experts even believe that orang-utans will become extinct by the year 2023.

Humans are largely     7    (blame)for this decline. Altogether, 80% of the orang-utan’s natural habitat has been destroyed by companies cutting down trees for financial gain.     8    problem is the trade in orang-utan babies. Every year, thousands of these babies are smuggled to other countries,    9    they serve as zoo animals or as pets. Unfortunately, to capture an orang-utan baby, its mother must be killed as well.

In order to save the orang-utan, many conservation centres have been set up to preserve their natural habitats. Governments and volunteers are also working to rescue pet orang-utans and return them to the wild. However, this     10    be too little, too late. The extinction of orang-utans is at a critical stage. People must take dramatic action if orang-utans are to survive in the future.

【知识点】 动物 人与动植物


语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

Polar bears are undergoing hunger in a world     1     (warm) than ever before.

Polar bears live in the environment too cold for most animals. For most of the year, they live and hunt on Arctic sea ice. Nature has prepared     2     (they) for the cold conditions. But nothing has prepared the bears for the danger     3     threatens their only home.

Polar bears’ world is melting. Studies show that polar ice     4     (reduce) by 9.8% every 10 years since 1978. Now about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears depend     5     sea ice for their     6     (survive). “Sea ice is more than just the platform that the bears walk over,” says Andrew Derocher,     7     scientist who studies North American polar bear populations. “Without it, they can’t exist.”

    8     (melt) and refreezing of polar ice is natural. But in a warmer world, the cycle speeds up, and polar bears have less time     9     (hunt). Normally, they have three months in the spring when they gain more weight. The extra fat will be used, when the bears are not     10     (active) hunting.

2022-08-17更新 | 443次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

There was a time, not long     1    , when peace between the Pokot and the Ilchamus seemed impossible. The two communities in Kenya had spent years fighting war over cattle, land, and water —turning one of the     2     (country) most biodiversity regions into a battlefield.

In 2006 Pokot and Ilchamus elders reached an agreement.They agreed that     3     (build) unity and trust, the former enemies would work together to bring back the wildlife that their conflict helped drive out, starting    4     the Rothschild’s giraffe.

The Rothschild’s giraffe went extinct after decades of conflict and poaching. Eager to see these giraffes return to their homeland, the community members got to work     5     (active). Within a year, they had established a 44,000-acre community reserve     6     both the Pokot and IIchamus work. “It wasn’t easy, ” says Rebby Sebei, manager of the reserve.” But both sides were keen for change.”

In 2011 the reserve received its very     7     (one) group of Rothschild’s giraffes: eight animals relocated from other areas in hopes that they’d multiply and repopulate the area. The giraffes     8     (place) on a peninsula in Lake Baringo. The species’ return to Lake Baringo attracted tourists, giving the local economy    9    much-needed boost. The relocated animals, and their babies     10     (bear) on the peninsula, became” a symbol of peace, unity, and a source of community wealth,” Sebei says.

2024-02-22更新 | 210次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

In downtown Xiamen, Fujian Province, a 6-meter-high mound(土堆) that stretches for 60 to 70 meters stands in contrast to the high-rise     1    (construction) all around. It is a vital place for the blue-tailed bee-eaters. Now they are under second-level state     2     (protect).

The blue-tailed bee-eater, or Merops philippinus, is known for its colorful plumage and on the Chinese mainland it     3     (find) in coastal provinces, such as Fujian and Hainan.

    4    (establish) in 2011 as Xiamen’s inaugural city-level nature reserve in an urban area, the Wuyuanwan Nature Reserve provides     5     crucial habitat for the species.

In recent years, with improved environmental conditions in Xiamen and the city government’s commitment    6     nature conservation, the blue-tailed bee-eaters have become regular visitors.

In 2015, the center     7     (observe) some 70 to 80 birds in the area while in 2023, over 200 of the birds were watched at the nesting site.

The birds,     8     are sensitive to smell, build a new nest every year. Therefore, the mound must be cleared and refilled after the blue-tailed bee-eaters fly south.

    9     (safeguard) their habitat better, the city government issued a notice in 2017, setting up a protective zone around the nesting site, where noise and pollution-producing industries are prohibited     10     (strict).

The 13-year experience of preserving blue-tailed bee-eaters has given the center a grasp of their habits and made the Wuyuanwan Nature Reserve a stable home for them.

2024-04-11更新 | 200次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般