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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:169 题号:19639918

Traveling to watch their team play at the World Cup took a little longer than usual for two French fans. Mehdi Balamissa and Gabriel Martin decided the best way to travel from France to Qatar was on two wheels. The friends spent three months traveling 7,000 kilometers by bicycle to reach Qatar 2022 and watch their beloved France defend its title.

“It was a crazy idea, but we’re the kind of people that have big ideas and don’t want to have any regrets,” Balamissa said, as both spoke to CNN Sport a day after arriving in the country. “So, since we are both self-employed, we decided to block off three months of our time and come to Qatar.”

The pair started their mammoth (庞大的) journey at the Stade de France in Paris, home of the French national team, and finished at the stunning Lusail Stadium, the venue that will host the final at Qatar 2022. They would travel on average 115 kilometers per day, taking appropriate rest days when needed. They battled through the heat of the desert in Saudi Arabia as well as flooded woodland areas in Hungary as they made their winding way to Qatar, stopping off at campsites, lodges (乡间小舍) and hotels to sleep.

The idea came about after cycling from France to Italy to watch their country play in the UEFA Nations League last year and they wanted to test themselves with a much longer trip. They hoped their trip would promote the benefits of eco-friendly travel and said they plan to offer cycling workshops to children from disadvantaged backgrounds when they eventually arrive home.

The two cyclists encountered many problems along the way, including dozens of flat tires, but relied on their infectiously positive attitude to get them through. The pair laugh as they recall the time they had to travel 15 hours to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in order to find a bike repair shop before traveling 15 hours back to the exact point where they had stopped.

“We had many troubles, but we fixed them as we went,” Martin told CNN.

1. Why did Balamissa and Martin go to Qatar?
A.To watch their country defending its champion.
B.To do cycling training.
C.To close off three months for no regrets.
D.To set them apart from the other fans.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the two fans?
A.They started the journey in Paris.
B.They traveled on a new route.
C.They experienced severe challenges in the journey.
D.They enjoyed fantastic scenery along the journey.
3. What’s the purpose of the two fans’ cycling trip?
A.To benefit more from the cycling workshops.
B.To raise awareness of green tourism.
C.To explore the secrets and laws of nature.
D.To be involved in the UEFA Nations League.
4. What can best describe Balamissa and Martin?
A.Energetic and determined.B.Cautious and smart.
C.Hard-working and kind.D.Ambitious and considerate.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s 9:30 A.M. in Los Angeles. Jamiah Hargins pulls a few short, green-leafed plants out of the ground in his West Adams backyard, revealing the peanuts (花生). He opens one and gives it a taste.

Hargins started growing food at home because he wanted more nutritious options for his family. He soon found that he grew more than they could eat, so he turned to social media to start a “crop swap (交换)” with neighbors who were dealing with a similar situation. Launched in 2018, Crop Swap LA has since moved towards a more expansive yard-sharing model.

Hargins’ attempt at urban farming was also driven by bigger concerns. A 2016 Deloitte study identified a shift in the priorities shoppers said helped determine their choices, with social impact values including local sourcing and sustainability (可持续性) now ranking alongside traditional drivers like “taste” and “price”.

Crop Swap LA has branched into farmer’s markets, workshops for kids, and other community-focused offerings. It encourages homeowners to “share” their yards with the Crop Swap LA team, which will plant crops. When the crops are harvested, they’ll be sold primarily in low-income areas. Ten percent will be donated back to the neighborhood where they were grown and then an additional percentage will be sold in higher-income areas. Some funds made are given back to the landowner, which Hargins expects will amount to about $5,000 annually.

This summer, Crop Swap LA received $50,000 from the LA 2050 Grant Challenge, which was used to change their first seven gardens, One homeowner, Mychal Creer, is a Los Angeles native who said he has always wanted to grow food but never real got the ball rolling. He’s excited to watch his land transform. And he’s excited to meet more neighbors.

“I’m glad that we are creating a community using crops as the means of connection,” Creer said.

1. Why did Hargins start growing food in his backyard?
A.He followed the example of his neighbors.
B.He hoped to make a profit by selling the food.
C.He wanted to provide healthy food for his family.
D.He learned about the benefits of home-grown food on social media.
2. What is an extra consideration about the produce when people go shopping now?
A.Whether it is grown through modern farming method.
B.Whether it is popular among local consumer.
C.Whether it is grown by professional farmer.
D.Whether it is friendly to the environment.
3. What can we learn about Crop Swap LA’s yard-sharing program?
A.It brings food and profit to the landowner.
B.It mainly attracts people from low-income areas.
C.It will help the growers make up to $5,000 every year.
D.It donates ten percent of the food to low-income families.
4. How does Creer benefit from Crop Swap LA’s program?
A.He feels a stronger sense of connection.
B.He has made $50,000 from the lands so far.
C.His garden has become more beautiful than before.
D.He enjoys greater popularity among his neighbors.
2023-07-30更新 | 58次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Each year on Halloween,children look forward to trick-or-treating(不请客就捣乱)for candies. But for some kids, eating Halloween candies can be dangerous.

That's because one out of every 13 kids in the Us have a food allergy(过敏症). They are allergic to ingredients(成分) in many Halloween candies, such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, and beans. If they eat these foods, they will get sick or even die.

“I had to throw away all my candies with tears,” eight-year-old Conlen said. Conlen is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and dairy.Twelve-year-old Kylie is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. She has been trick-or-treating only twice. “I brought my candies home and gave them to the neighbors," Kylie said. "It felt terrible."

But this year, Conlen, Kylie and other kids with food allergies will have a chance for a happy Halloween .That's because nearly100,000 households across the US have promised to take part in the Teal Pumpkin Project (TPP), which was started last year by Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE). FARE is an organization that works to improve the lives of people with food allergies. Through the project, the households agree to have nonfood items for trick-or-treaters,including trinkets(小饰品) and toys.

To take part in the project, people buy a teal (蓝绿色) pumpkin or paint a pumpkin teal and place it in front of their house. The painted pumpkins let trick-or-treaters know that nonfood items are available there. The households also add their home addresses to an online map, making it easier for trick-or-treaters to find them.

Kylie loves the idea.“The TPP makes Halloween fun and safe,”she said.“It makes me feel like a normal kid, and it makes everyone feel included.”

1. To Conlen and Kylie, the past Halloween were________________.
A.upsetting and dangerous
B.interesting and special
C.sick and terrible
D.important and exciting
2. According to the passage, we know that FARE_____________.
A.helps people with food allergies recover
B.helps the households take part in the TPP
C.takes action to change kids’ bad eating habits
D.helps kids with food allergies have a happy Halloween
3. The households help kids with food allergies by____________.
A.giving them teal pumpkins as gifts
B.offering them all kinds of food except candies
C.providing them with trinkets and toys as treats
D.asking them for home addresses and sending them gifts
4. Where is the passage most probably taken from?
A.A magazine about the history of festivals.
B.A news report on cultures and customs.
C.An advertisement for an organization.
D.A research paper on kid’s health.
2018-11-28更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】China announced a long-awaited plan to integrate(融合) the southern Pearl River Delta Area(PRDA) as an attempt to create a powerhouse to rival(相匹敌) the US Silicon Valley that is home to such well-known companies as Google, Facebook and Apple. The possibilities and challenges of the effort are both equally promising and challenging.

The plan is a natural result of the economic and technological development in the area. China’s opening up to the world more than four decades ago began in the south and PRDA has long been home to many of the country’s leading technological companies. includin, Huawei and Tencent.

“The plan is promising,” said Adam Xu, an analyst at OC & C Strategy Consultants. “If you really look at history in China, a lot of top-down plans always have very strong bottom-up support. And a lot of economic activities have already happened there. Now they have a big plan to officially recognize, promote and further accelerate.”

The key challenge will be execution(执行). The plan has to integrate three different legal systems among Mainland China, Hongkong and Macau. That makes PRDA unique compared to the other two major areas in China—the Beijing, Hebei, Tianjin Area and the Yangtze River Delta Area near Shanghai.

“We don’t know how effectively the top-down plan will guide the many independent growing forces at the local level,” Xu admitted. “This part will be quite an important challenge.”

China has already taken major steps to overcome some of the physical barriers such as linking Hongkong with Guangzhou and Shenzhen by high-speed railways and its recent opening of the 55-kilometer Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge. But other barriers, such as the flow of people, information and money, may prove to be a bigger challenge.

Xu said, “The biggest challenge and the biggest beauty—if they eventually succeed—will be linking all of these together.”

1. What are paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The favorable conditions in PRDA.
B.The benefits of top-down plans in China.
C.PRDA’s advantages over the Silicon Valley.
D.The flow of people. information and money.
2. Which challenge is unique in the Pearl River Delta Area?
A.The physical barriers.B.The cultural differences.
C.The government control.D.The different legal systems.
3. Which of the following cities are connected by the 55-kilometer bridge?
A.Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Macau.B.Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau.
C.Zhuhai, Macau, Hongkong.D.Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Different Legal Systems in Hongkong and Macau
B.The Possibilities and Challenges of Integrating PRDA
C.The Problems Facing China’s Newly Announced Plans
D.The Fast Development in the Pearl River Delta Area
2023-02-09更新 | 185次组卷
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